7 Feb 2014

Tips To Create Your Resume.

Resume Templates
Using resume templates can be very helpful as you start with an outline, as opposed to starting from nothing.  Most resume templates provide the basic layout and categories.  From there, all you need to do is to tailor the template to your liking and fill in the missing information.

RESUME TEMPLATE - PART 1: Name & Contact Information 

At the top of your resume, make sure to mention the following:
  • Your name. [In bigger font.]
  • Your address. [If you have two addresses, you can choose to mention both, but that might take up valuable space or unnecessarily distract the reader's attention.  Instead, you can mention only your current address.  If a recruiter is interested in your application, that person will probably contact you by phone or e-mail.  Accordingly, as long as that information is accurate and up-to-date, that's the main concern.  One circumstance under which you may want to mention two addresses is if you are studying abroad or in another state or province and want to let the employer know that you are originally from a particular area.  You may also want to mention two addresses if you intend to move in the near future and want to provide the employer with a permanent address.]
  • Your telephone number. [Only mention your home number and your cell number.  Avoid mentioning your work number as you do not want to be contacted at work.  You should also think twice before giving out your cell number because you do not want to answer the phone while distracted or in transit: (1) you want to avoid interferences, which are common when talking on a cell phone and (2) you want to sound professional when you answer the phone (e.g. you don't want to answer the phone while you are walking or rushing somewhere).  On a last note, make sure to have a voicemail and to record a professional message.]
  • Your e-mail address. [Choose a professional address.  E.g. john.doe@gmail.com instead of bluepirate@hotmail.com.

Write the title of the position you are applying for and draw focus to that title (i.e. put the title at the top of the page - center and bold).
Relevant articles on resume objectives:
RESUME TEMPLATE - PART 3: Summary of Qualifications
Summarize your qualifications in a few sentences highlighting your strengths in a way that is most relevant to the position you are seeking.  You can start that section with a short paragraph followed by bulleted points.  Remember, you want to make an "impact" in your Summary of Qualifications.
Relevant articles on summary of qualifications:
RESUME TEMPLATE - PART 4: Work Experience
State your professional experience in a way that will highlight what you can bring to prospective employers based on your past accomplishments.  Show how your past employment record will make you a valuable contributor to the new position.
Make sure to mention for each work experience that you have:
  • the name of the employer;
  • where the employer is located;
  • a short description of the employer's line of business (if necessary);
  • the time period during which you were employed;
  • your main responsibilities;
  • how you helped make a difference; and
  • your accomplishments.
Relevant articles on how to formulate your work experience:
RESUME TEMPLATE - PART 5: Education & Professional Designations
Mention your educational background, including:
  • the university, college, or school that you attended;
  • the location of the institution that you attended;
  • the degree that you obtained;
  • the time period during which you attended that institution;
  • extra-curricular activities or projects that you were involved in; and
  • your GPA if you feel it will advance your application (i.e. if you have a high GPA).
In terms of your professional designations, mention the name of the institution from which that designation comes from and the year you obtained that designation.

RESUME TEMPLATE - PART 6: Computer Skills, Languages, Etc.
In a work environment that is more and more computerized, it is important to mention your level of proficiency with computer systems.  Enumerate the computer programs with which you are familiar and characterize your level of familiarity with those programs.  Same thing with your language skills.  If you can speak more than one language, mention the additional language(s) with which you are familiar and your level of proficiency.
If there is anything else that you would like to add, here is the place.  If you believe that it can help show that you are qualified or differentiate you from other candidates, go ahead.