8 Feb 2014

ELECTRICAL SYSTEM- Paper 2, part-1


1. Suppose you suddenly come across a colleague who is stuck to live bus-bars in a sub-station. Your first action
would be to: (Ref. BL Theraja)

*a. switch off the supply b. put him away from the bus-bars
c. immediately call for medical assistance d. start artificial breathing straightaway

2. The centripetal force necessary to keep electrons rotating the elliptical orbits round the nucleus is supplied by the
force of attraction between their charges are given by (Ref. BL Theraja)
*a. coulomb‟s laws b. faraday‟s laws
c. Fleming‟s law d. none of the above

3. The purpose of carbon contact in attracted-core, heavy duty relay: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 108)
a. to limit the current in relay coil
*b. to absorb initial heavy current and thereby reduce arcing to a minimum before positive connection with
 main contacts is made
c. to compensate for loss of spring
d. all the above are correct

4. The RMS value of alternating current is: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 33)
a. sum of square of individual component of currents
b. sum of square of individual components of currents divided by no. of individual components
*c. during a half cycle, squaring the value and taking their mean value and then taking the square root
d. none of the above
5. A tumbler switch is also called: (Ref. AC 65 – 9A) 
a. micro switch* b. toggle switch 
c. push switch d. none of the above 
6. The performance of rectifier depend on: (Ref. Grob., 812) 
a. maximum temperature of plate *b. maximum reverse voltage 
c. minimum voltage d. both a & c are correct 
7. Which switch is not having moving parts: (Ref. TK Eismin, 259) 
a. mercury b. thermal 

*                                                                                                                                                 c.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  * proximity d. rotary 
8. Which is not thermally affected by temperature: (Ref. AC 65 – 9A) 
a. fuse b. CB *c. limiting resistor d. thermistor 
9. The effect of change in frequency will change: (Ref. BL Theraja – Ed 1991, 578) 
a. hysteresis loss b. eddy current loss 
*c. both a & b d. n
10. A series LCR is connected to 20V AC supply. The value of resistance is 8 ohms, inductive reactance of coil is 
18ohms and capacitive reactance of capacitor is 12 ohms. How much is current flow in the circuit: 
 (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 202) 
*a. 2 amps b. 10 amps c. 5 amps d. 1 amp. 
11. A LCR circuit is connected across 200V, 50 Hz AC supply, value of R is 6 ohms, inductive reactance is 8 ohms 
and capacitive reactance is 16 ohms. Calculate the voltage drop across the resistance: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 202) 
a. 200/30 volts b. 200/2 volts 
*c. 120 volts d. none of the above 
12. Which of the relay have very high sensitively: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 108) 
a. slugged relay *b. polarized relay 
c. heavy duty relay d. none of the above 
13.What is the resistance of wire having same cross sectional area and material when the length is increased by 6 
times: (Ref. AC 65 – 9A) 
a. two times *b. 6 times c. 8 times 
14. Temperature compensation capacitor is made of: (Ref. Grob., 420) 
a. mica b. chip 
c. paper *d. ceramic 
15. Mark the correct statement for a single loop coil lying parallel to the magnetic field: 
 (Ref. BL Theraja-Ed 1991, 244) 
*a. flux linked with the coil is minimum b. rate of change of flux linkages is maximum 
c. emf induced in the coil is maximum d. all the above 
16. When adding a rheostat to a light circuit to control the light intensity, it should be connected in: 
 (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 153) 
a. parallel with the light *b. series with the light 
c. series parallel with the light d. none of the above 
17. Paper capacitors are suitable for: (Ref. BL Theraja-Ed 1991, 157) 
a. short wave work in radio b. smoothing circuits in radio receivers 
*c. audio frequency stages of radio receivers d. use at radio frequency 
18. The delay in establishment of steady current through a coil depends on the value of: 
 (Ref. BL Theraja – Ed 1991, 242) 
a. applied voltage b. self inductance 
c. resistance *d. both b & c are correct 
19. Kirchhoff‟s current law is applicable to: (Ref. BL Theraja, Ed. 1991, 56) 
a. closed loop b. electronic circuit 
*c. junction in network d. all the above 
20. If the power factor is unity reactive power is: (Ref. BL Theraja, Ed. 1991, 457) 
a. maximum *b. zero c. minimum d. negative 

21. Match the correct statement for proximity sensors: 
a. proximity sensors are simply induction coil that operate in conjunction with steel targets 
b. the inductance of a proximity sensor is measured by a electronic control unit 
c. no moving contacts to fail, thereby high reliability 
*d. all are correct (Ref. TK Eismin – 259) 
22. to get full wave rectification with the help of only two diodes: (Ref. BL Thareja, Ed. 1991 – 691) 
a. a bridge configuration is used *b. center tapped transformer is required 
c. diode connector is required d. none of the above 
23. The basic unit of capacitance is: (Ref. EHJ Pallet -195) 
a. coloumb b. tesla c. gauss *d. farad 
24. The sensitivity of a voltmeter can be increased by: FAA-9A, P-329 
a. increasing the strength of the permanent magnet 
b. using lighter weight materials for the moving element 
c. by using sapphire jewel bearings to support the moving coil 
*d. all of the above 
25. The frequency of an eight pole alternator rotating at 1800 rpm is: FAA-9A, P-417 
a. 60 Hz b. 90 Hz *c. 120 Hz d. 30 Hz 
26. Circuit breakers are located: Pallet, P-115 
a. generally far from the power source *b. close to the power source 
c. at any location compatible to the particular unit d. so as not to be exposed to heat of any kind 
27. All resistible circuit breakers: Pallet, P-113 
a. should open the circuit irrespective of the position of operation control when overload exists 
b. should open the circuit irrespective of the position of operating control when a circuit fault exists 
c. are referred to as trip free circuit 
*d. all of the above 
28. The total opposition to alternating current in an AC circuit is known as: Eismin, P-87 
a. total resistance b. resistance c. reluctance *d. impedance 
29.Theopposition offered by a coil to the flow of ac is called: 
a. reluctance b. impedance c. inductance *d. inductive reactance 
30. Soft soldering: CAIP-281 
a. is a method of joining metals with fusion of the basis metal 
b. is a method of joining metals without intentional fusion of the basic metal 
*c. as in (b) and is done by the solders having a lower melting point than the metals being joined 
d. as in (a) and is done by the solders having a higher melting point than the metals being joined 
31. In an series RLC circuit: BLT/1991/473 
a. current lags behind the voltage if XL>XC
b. current lags behind the voltage if XC>XL 
c. current is in phase with voltage if XL=XC 
*d. all are correct 
32. An ac circuit has 4 ohms resistance and 3 ohms reactance: FAA-9A, P-358 
*a. power factor is 0.8 b. power factor is 1.33 
c. impedance is 6 d. impedance is 8 
33. In an AC circuit the 5% of max. value of voltage occurs at: BLT/1999/ED/42 
a. 45 b. 60 *c. 30 d. 90 
34. Pallet-100 
 (i) (ii) 
 (iii) (iv) 
(a) single-pole, double throw 
(b) double-pole, single-throw 
(c) single-pole,single-throw 
(d) double-pole,double-throw 
a. (i) (a) (ii) (b) (iii) (c) (iv) (d) 
b. (i) (b) (ii) (c) (iii) (d) (iv) (a) 
c. (i) (c) (ii) (b) (iii) (a) (iv) (d) 
d. (i) (d) (ii) (a) (iii) (c) (iv) (b) 
35. MTCS: 
a. current limiters limit the starting current in the starter motor 

*b. limiting resistor limits the 
starting current in the 
starter motor 
c. HRC fuses limit the starting current in the starter motor 
d. circuit breakers limit the starting current in the starter motor 
36. A white band on the button of a circuit breaker when exposed indicates: Pallet-114 
a. circuit breaker is on and functioning properly 
b. circuit breaker is drawing less current than the rated value 
*c. circuit breaker is tripped 
d. circuit breaker is overheated and must be now switched off 
37. Electric charge is measured in: Pallet-195 
a. Farad (F) *b. coulomb (C) c. joule (J) d. Mercy (H) 
38. Magnetic flux is measured in: Pallet-195 
a. ampere turn b. tesla *c. weber d. ampere per meter 
39. Gilbert is the unit of: Pallet-196 
a. magnetic field b. flux density *c. magneto motive force d. reluctance 
40. Ampere-turn is the unit of: 
*a. magneto motive force b. flux density c. reluctance d. magnetic field 
41. The opposition to the flux established by the magnetizing force is known as: Pallet-196 
a. magneto motive force *b. reluctance c. resistance d. impedance 
42. The rate of doing work is known as: Pallet-194 
a. energy b. potential c. current *d. power 
43. That part of the impedance which is due to inductance, or both, and which stores energy rather than dissipates 
it, is known as: Pallet-195 
a. capacitance b. inductance c. both (a) & (b) *d. reactance 
44. The amount of magnetic flux per square centimeter, over a small area at a point in a magnetic field is known as: 
a. magnetic field strength *b. magnetic flux density 
c. magneto motive force d. permeability 
45. A circuit breaker is a device for: Pallet-223 
*a. protecting an electrical circuit from current overload 
b. collapsing the primary circuit of a magneto 
c. completing a circuit without being affected by current flow 
d. all of the above 
46. The current in a purely capacitive circuit will: Pallet-221 
*a. lead the applied voltage b. lag the applied voltage 
c. be in line with the applied voltage d. either (b) or (c) 
47. Factors that must be considered in selecting the size of wire are: FAA-15A, P-436 
a. I2R b. IR drop c. current carrying ability *d. all of the above 
48. The voltage drop in the main power cable from aircraft generation source or the battery to bus should not 
exceed: FAA-15A, P-436 
*a. 2% of regulated voltage b. 3% of regulated voltage 
c. 4% of regulated voltage d. 1% of regulated voltage 
49. The max. resistance between ground point of generator/ battery and ground terminal of any electrical device 
should not exceed: FAA-15A, P-436 
*a. 0.005 b. 0.05 3. 0.5 4. 0.0005 
50. Push switches are primarily used for those circuits which are required to be operated for: Pallet-101 
a. short duration 
b. long duration 
c. when circuit is to be completed or interrupted momentarily 
*d. both (a) & (c) are correct 
51. The impedance of an AC circuit is measured in: Pallet-221 
a. kilovolt amperes b. amperes *c. ohms d. none of the above 
52. The number of circuits which can be completed through the poles of a switch is indicated by the term: 
a. pole b. position *c. throw d. none 
53. In a thermal switch employing steel and invar element actuation of the contacts under increasing temperature 
condition is caused by: Pallet-223 
*a. expansion of the steel element only 
b. contraction of the invar element only 
c. expansion of the steel element causing displacement of the in rear element 
d. none of the above 
54. A soft iron core is placed within the coil of a moving coil instrument because: Pallet-223 
a. it provides a solid spindle about which the coil can rotate 
*b. this ensures an even, radial and intensified magnetic field for the coil to move in 
c. the inertia of the core will damp out oscillations of the coil 
d. none of the above 
55. Relays which are slow to operate are known as: Pallet-108 
*a. slugged relays b. polarized relays 
c. light duty relays d. extremely light relays 
56. Switches which confine the action of toggle and push-button switches are called: Pallet-102 
a. rotary switches b. micro switches c. tumbler switches *d. rocker-button switches 
57. Toggle switches are also known as: Pallet-100 
a. rotary switches b. time switches *c. tumbler switches d. push switches 
58. Mercury switches are used in/for: Pallet-104 
a. monitoring pressures *b. measuring angle c. delaying the operation d. hastening the 
59. The principal advantage of proximity switches over micro switches is that: Pallet-106 
a. proximity switches are located very near to the circuit component and hence do not require lengthy wires for 
b. use of relays is eliminated when proximity switches are used hence total components used will be much less 
*c. proximity switches have no moving parts as compared to micro switches 
d. proximity switches work on the same principle as solid state devices hence they consume very small amount of 
60. When using an ohmmeter to check the continuity of a generator field coil, the coil should: Pallet-207 
a. be removed from the generator housing 
b. show high resistance when the meter probes are connected to the terminal of the coil 
*c. show very low resistance if it is a series coil 
d. none of the above 

61. Megger is used for testing : FAA-9A-331 
a. ground, continuity tests 
b. measuring insulation resistance 
c. measuring resistance with a high potential 
*d. all are correct 
62. The precaution for using ohm meter are: Pallet-166 
a. circuit components to be tested should be isolated b. power source to be removed from circuit 
*c. both (a) & (b) d. none is correct 
63. An ohm meter when connected across a circuit component indicates infinity, it means: FAA-9A-330 
a. the circuit has continuity *b. the circuit is open 
c. the circuit has short circuit d. all of the above are correct 
64. Meggar needle normally rests at: FAA-9A-330 
a. extreme right b. extreme left 
c. middle *d. at any place 
65. While measuring the value of resistance, connected in a circuit at least one end of resistance is disconnected in 
order to avoid: 
a. reading the resistance of series path b. damage of resistance in parallel path 
c. damage the resistance in series path *d. reading the resistance of parallel path 
66. The most efficient form of damping employed in electrical instrument is: FAA-9A-324 
a. air friction b. fluid friction *c. eddy current d. none of the above 
67. The meter that is suitable for only direct current measurement is: BLT/1991/366 
a. moving iron type *b. permanent magnet type 
c. electrodynamometer type d. hot wire type 
68. The hot wire ammeter: Eismin-244 
a. is used only for DC circuits b. is a higher precision instrument 
c. is used only for AC circuits *d. reads equally well DC and or AC 
69. The moving system of an indicating type of electrical instrument is subjected to: BLT/1991/353 
a. a deflection torque b. a controlling torque 
c. a damping torque *d. all of the above 
70. Which is not essential for the working of an indicating instrument: BLT/1991/417 
a. deflecting torque *b. braking torque c. damping torque d. controlling torque 
71. If an ammeter is used as a voltmeter, in all probability it will: BLT/1991/418 
a. indicate much higher reading b. give extremely low reading 
c. indicate no reading at all *d. burn out 
72. If a moving coil ammeter is used to measure the value of a alternating sinusoidal current having a peak value of 
100 A, it will read 
a. 50 A b. 63.7A c. 141.1A *d. 70.7 A 
73. In a capacitive circuit: 
a. a decrease in applied voltage makes a capacitor charge 
b. a steady value of applied voltage causes discharge 
c. an increase in applied voltage makes a capacitor discharge 
*d. an increase in applied voltage makes a capacitor charge 
74. In a sine-wave ac circuit with XC
 and R in series, the: 
a. phase angle of the circuit is 180 with high series resistance 
*b. voltage across the capacitance must be 90 out of phase with its charge and discharge current 
c. voltage across the capacitance has the same phase angle as its charge and discharge current 
d. charge and discharge current of the capacitor must be 90 out of phase with the applied voltage 
75. In a sine-wave ac circuit with R and C in parallel: 
a. the voltage across C lags the voltage across R by 90 
*b. resistive IR
 is 90 out of phase with IC
c. IR
 and IC
 are in phase 
d. IR
 and IC
 are 180 out of phase 
76. In a sine-wave ac circuit with a 90 R in series with a 90 XC
, the phase angle equals: 
a. 30 *b. 45 c. 60 d. 90 
77. The combined impedance of a 1000 R in parallel with a 1000 XC
a. 500 *b. 707 c. 1000 d. 2000 
78. With 100 V applied across two series capacitors of 5F each, the voltage across each capacitor will be: 
a. 5 V b. 33 1/3 V *c. 50 V d. 66 2/3 V 
79. In a sine-wave ac circuit with XC
 and R in series, the 
a. voltages across R and XC
 are in phase 
b. voltage across R and XC
 are 180 out of phase 
*c. voltage across R leads the voltage across XC
 by 90 
d. voltage across R lags the voltage across XC
 by 90 
80. Flight compartment lights include: Eismin, P-256 
a. incandescent flood light b. fluorescent flood lights 
c. dome light and panel lights *d. all of the above 
81. With higher frequencies, the amount of capacitive reactance: 
a. increases b. stays the same *c. decreases d. increases only when the voltage increase 
82. At the same frequency, larger capacitance results in: 
a. more reactance b. the same reactance 
*c. less reactance d. less reactance if the voltage amplitude decreases 
83. Two 1000 XC
 values in series have a total reactance of: 
a. 500 b. 1000 c. 1414 *d. 2000 

84. With 50V rms applied across a 100- XC
, the rms current in the circuit equals: Grob, P-542 
*a. 0.5A b. 0.637A c. 0.707A d. 1.414A 
85. A capacitor consists of two: 
*a. conductors separated by an insulator b. insulators separated by a conductor 
c. conductors alone d. insulators alone 
86. A capacitance of 0.02F equals: 
a. 0.02x10-12
 *b. 0.02x10-6 F 
c. 0.02x106
  d. 2002x1012
87. Capacitance increases with: 
a. larger plate area and greater distance between plates: 
b. smaller plate area and less distance between plates 
*c. larger plate area and less distance between plates 
d. higher values of applied voltage 
88. Which of the following statement is correct: Grob, P-522 
a. air capacitor have a black band to indicate the outside foil 
b. mica capacitors are available in capacitance values of 1 to 10F 
*c. electrolytic capacitors must be connected with the correct polarity 
d. ceramic capacitors must be connected in the correct polarity 
89. Which of the following statement is true: 
a. alnico is commonly used for electromagnets 
*b. paper cannot affect magnetic flux because it is not a magnetic material 
c. iron is generally used for permanent magnets 
d. ferrites have lower permeability than air or vacuum 
90. Hysteresis losses: 
*a. are caused by high high-frequency alternating current in a coil with an iron core 
b. generally increase with direct current in a coil 
c. are especially important with permanent magnets that have a steady magnetic field 
d. cannot be produced in an iron core, because it is a conductor 
91. The ac power line voltage of 120 V rms has a peak value of: 
a. 100 V *b. 170 V c. 240 V d. 338 V 
92. If two similar wire conductors are connected in parallel, their total resistance is: 
a. double the resistance of one wire *b. one half the resistance of one wire 
c. the same as the resistance of one wire d. two-thirds the resistance of one wire 
93. Which colour is not used in 1st
 band of a colour coded resistor: 
a. brown b. white c. red *d. black 
94. Silver band represent the tolerance of: 
*a. 10% b. 5% c. 0% d. 20% 
95. Phase angle : Esmin, P-88 
a. it is an angular distance between current and voltage in an a.c. circuit 
b. it is always measured between the horizontal line and the resultant vector 
c. none of the above *d. both (a) & (b) 
96. Unit of inductance: Esmin, P-107 
*a. henry b. ohm c. mho d. none of the above 
97. Diamagnetic materials have permeability: Grob, P-390 
a. more than 1 b. from 50 to 500 *c. less than 1 d. exactly 50 
98. Vacuum has: Grob, P-408 
a. high permeability b. high reluctance 
*c. low permeability and high reluctance d. high permeability and low reluctance 
99. The resistance of a short circuit is: Grob, P-37 
a. infinity *b. zero c. always 100 d. more 
100. What is characteristics of parallel circuit: 
a. branch current are additive b. voltage are additive 
c. powers are additive *d. (a) & (c) are correct 

101. Magnetic field lines are considered to be: 
*a. coming out of north pole and enter south pole 
b. coming out of south pole and enter north pole 
c. coming out of north pole but doesn‟t enter south pole 
d. depends on shape of magnet 
102. The ability of magnet to hold its magnetism varies greatly with the type of metal and is known as: 
 FAA-9A, P-302 
a. reluctance *b. retentivity c. permeability d. diamagnetic 
103. The polarity of the statically induced voltage is determined by: Grob, P-431 
a. Fleming‟s right hand rule for conventional current 
b. Fleming‟s left hand rule for electronic current 
c. Thumb rule 
*d. Lenz law 
104. Unit of mmf is: Grob, P-401 
a. oersted in cgs b. gauss *c. gilbert d. tesla 
105. The direction of field around a positive charge is: FAA-9A, P-270 
a. toward the charge *b. away from the charge c. either (a) or (b) d. none of the above 
106. If the third band is silver in color, the ___ digit must be multiplied by ___%: FAA-9A, P-280 
a. third digit, 10% b. first two digit, 10% 
c. third digit, 1% *d. first two digit, 1% 
107. If third band is gold in colour the first two digits must be multiplied by: B. L. Thareja, P-280 
a. 5% *b. 10% c. 1% d. none 
108. Tolerance is: FAA-9A, P-279, 280 
a. The percentage variation between the marked value and the actual value of a resistor 
b. fourth color band on the resistor 
*c. both (a) & (b) 
d. none 
109. The example of intermittent duty relay switch is FAA-9A, P-320 
a. battery relay switch *b. starter relay switch 
c. both (a) & (b) d. neither (a) nor (b) 
110. In a circuit with three parallel branches, if one branch opens, the main line current will be: 
a. more *b. less c. the same d. infinite 
111. A 1- R1
 and a 20 R2
 are in series with a 30-V source, if R1
 opens, the voltage drop across R2
 will be: 
*a. zero b. 20 V c. 30 V d. infinite 
112. If a fixed value of voltage is connected across a variable resistance: Grob, P-194 
a. I will vary in direct proportion to R *b. I will be inversely proportional to R 
c. I will remain constant as R is varied d. none of the above 
113. Number of coulombs passing through any given point in a conductor per second is: 
a. charge b. potential *c. current(Ampere) d. both (a) & (c) 
114. Unit of magnetic flux is: Grob, P-382 
a. tesla *b. Weber c. Gilbert d. none of the above 
115. Unit of flux density is: Grob, P-383 
*a. tesla b. Weber c. Gilbert d. none of the above 
116. The reasons of using horse shoe magnet instead of bar magnet in instruments is/are: Grob, P-387 
a. it occupies less space *b. has less air gap 
c. it increases the flux density in the air gap d. all of the above 
117. The ability of magnetic materials to concentrate magnetic flux is known as: Grob, P-386 
a. permittivity *b. permeability c. flux density d. field intensity 
118. A resistor with a power rating of 25w is most likely a: Grob, P-51 
a. carbon composition resistor b. metal film resistor 
c. surface mount resistor *d. wire wound resistor 
119. A potentiometer is a: Esmin, P-101 
*a. three terminal device used to vary the voltage in a circuit; 
b. two-terminal device used to vary the current in a circuit 
c. fixed resistor 
d. two-terminal device used to vary the voltage in a circuit 
120. Mark the correct statement about electricity and magnetism: Grob, P-409 
a. current is analogous to flux and potential is analogous to flux density 
b. current is analogous to magneto motive force and reluctance is analogous to resistance 
c. current is analogous to flux and resistance is analogous to magneto motive force 
*d. current is analogous to flux and potential is analogous to magneto motive force www.rjworld.com 
121. Mark the correct statement: FAA-9A, P-302 
*a. ferromagnetic materials have high permeability whereas diamagnetic materials have permeabilities 
slightly less than one 
b. a. ferromagnetic materials have high permeability whereas diamagnetic materials have permeability slightly more 
than one 
c. paramagnetic materials have permeabilities slightly less than one and diamagnetic materials have permeabilities 
slightly more than one 
d. paramagnetic materials have permeabilities slightly more than one and diamagnetic materials have very high 
122. The d.c. series motor should never be switched on at no load because: B. L. Thareja, P-1030 
a. the field current is zero b. the machine does not pick up 
*c. the speed becomes dangerously high d. it will take too long to accelerate 
123. The most efficient form of damping employed in electrical instrument is: 
a. air friction b. fluid friction *c. eddy currents d. none of the above 
124. A simple potentiometer is correctly called a :- B.L. Thareja, . Page – 55 
a. current devider b. voltage stabilizer 
c. variable resistor *d. voltage divider 
125. The unit of capacitance is :- B.L. Thareja, . Page – 55 
*a. farad b. coulomb c. volt d. metre 
126. The time constant of an R-C circuit is defined as the time during which capacitor charging current becomes 
………… percent of its……… value:- B.L. Thareja, Page-157 
a. 37, final b. 63, final *c. 63, initial d. 37, initial 
127. The magnetizing force produced by a solenoid depends on :- 
a. the number of its turns b. the current carried by it c. its length *d. all the above 
B.L. Thareja, Page-193 
128. Aluminium can be classified as a ……………….. material :- 
*a. Para magnetic b. Force magnetic c. Dia magnetic d. Soft magnetic 
B.L. Thareja, Page-193 
129. Whenever a magnet is quickly brought towards an open circuited stationary coil :- 
a. A current is induced in it b. Work has to be done 
*c. e.m.f. is induced it d. Power is spent 
B.L. Thareja, Page -219 
130. The direction of induced e.m.f. in a coil may be found with the help of :- 
a. faraday‟s law *b. Lenz‟s law 
c. fleming‟s left hand rule d. steinamety law 
B.L. Thareja, . Page – 219 
131. An e.m.f. is induced in the coil whenever flux through it :- (B.L. Thareja, P -220) 
a. Is decreased b. Is increased c. Is abruptly reduced to zero *d. All the above 
132. Capacitance does NOT depend upon which factor :- ( T.K. Eismin,Page-103) 
a. plate area b. plate thickness 
c. distance between plates d. nature of di-electric 

133. Which of the following material has a negative temperature coefficient of resistance ? 
(B.L Thareja, Page – 8) 
a. Brass b. Copper c. Aluminium *d. Carbon 
134. Carbon composition resistors are most popular because they :- (AC 65-9A, Page-278) 
*a. cost the least b. are smaller in size 
c. can withstand over loads d. do not produce electric noise 
135. Which of the following statement is true both for a series and a parallel dc circuit ? 
 ( T.K. Eismin, Page – 107) 
*a. powers are additive b. voltages are additive 
c. currents are additive d. elements have individual currents 
136. For a given voltage, four heating coils will produce maximum heat when connected :- 
*a. All in parallel b. All in series 
c. With two parallel point in series d. One pair in parallel with the other two in series 
 T.K. Eismin, Page – 8 
137. A cylindrical wire, 1 m in length, has a resistance of 100 ohm. What would be the resistance of a wire made 
from the same material if both the length and cross sectional area are doubled ? B.L Thareja, Page-7 
a. 200 ohms b. 400 ohms *c. 100 ohms d. 50 ohms 
138. The working voltage of a capacitor in an A.C circuit should be :- AC 65-9A, Page-351 
a. equal to the highest applied voltage 
b. at least 20% greater than the highest applied voltage 
*c. at least 50% greater than the highest applied voltage 
d. none of these 
139. Higher the self-inductance of a coil :- (T.K. Eismin, Page – 107) 
a. lower the e.m.f. induced in it 
a. The number of their turns *b. Permeability of the core 
c. Cross sectional area of their common core d. All the above 
141. Permanent magnets are normally made of :- (T.K. Eismin, Page-8) 
a. Aluminium b. Wrought iron 
c. Cast iron *d. Alnico alloys 
142.those magnetic materials are best suited for making armature and transformer cores which have :- 
a. low permeability and high hysterisis loss 
*b. high permeability and low hysteresis loss 
c. low permeability and low hysteresis loss 
d. high permeability and high hysteresis loss 
(AC 65-9A, Page-302) 

143. Those materials are well suited for making permanent magnets while have :- (9A/303) 
*a. high retentivity and high coercivity 
b. high retentivity and low coercivity 
c. low retentivity and low coercivity 
d. low retentivity and high coercivity 
144. In a magnetic material, hysteresis loss takes place primarily due to :- (AC 65-9A, Page-450) 
a. flux – density lagging behind magnetizing force b. molecular friction 
c. its high retentivity *d. rapid reversals of its magnetization 
145. Circuit breakers are located :- ( E.H.J. Pallet, Page-115) 
a. generally far from the power source 
*b. close to the power source 
c. at any location compatible to the particular unit 
d. so as not to be exposed to heat of any kind 
146. All resetable circuit breakers :- ( E.H.J. Pallet, Page-113) 
a. Should open the circuit irrespective of the position of operation control when overload exits 
b. Should open the circuit irrespective of the position of operating control when a circuit fault exists 
c. Are referred to as trip free circuit 
*d. All of the above 
147. Which particle of an atom actually moves in the production of an electric current : (BL Thereja-Pg 1) 
a. the proton *b. the electron 
c. the neutron d. all three 
148. The term that describes the combined resistive force in an AC circuit is : (Thomas K Eismin- Pg-87) 
a. resistance b. capacitance 
c. total resistance *d. impedance 
149. If a series R-L-C circuit contains 10 ohm of resistance, 20 ohm of inductive reactance, and 30 ohm of 
capacitive reactance it is said to be (Numerical) 
a. inductive b. in resonance 
c. resistive *d. capacitive 
150. The opposition offered by a coil to the flow of ac is called: (Thomas K Eismin- Pg-87) 
a. conductivity b. impedance 
c. reluctance *d. inductive reactance 
151. An increase in which of the following factors will cause an increase in the inductive reactance of a circuit 
 (Thomas K Eismin- Pg-87) 
a. capacitance & voltage *b. inductance & frequency 
c. voltage and resistance d. resistance & capacitive reactance 
152. Which statement is correct in reference to electrical resistance (Numerical) 
a. two electrical devices will have the same combined resistance if they are connected in series as they will have if 
connected in parallel 
*b. if one of 3 bulbs in a parallel lighting circuit is removed, the total resistance of the circuit will become 
c. an electrical device that has a high resistance will use more power than one with a low resistance with the same 
applied voltage 
d. a 5 ohm resistor in a 12 V circuit will use less current than a 10 ohm resistor in a 24 V circuit  
153. Through which material will magnetic lines of force pass most readily (BL Thereja Pg-245) 
a. copper *b. iron c. aluminium d. titanium 
154. Unit of capacitive and inductive reactance is (BL Thereja Pg-201) 
a. farad & henry b.ohm & henry 
c. farad & ohm *d. ohm & ohm 
155. The maximum value of charge in a capacitor reached at: Thomas K Eismin Pg-105 
a. 2 Time constant b. 3 Time constant 
c. 4 Time constant d. *6 Time constant 
156. Dielectric strength is maximum in: FAA-9A Pg-351 
a. Paper b. Glass *c. Mica d. Air 
157. In one time constant, capacitor takes the charge upto ___ % of its full charge 
 Thomas K Eismin Pg-105 
*a. 63.2 b. 36.7 c. 20.6 d. 80.2 
158. What is the power factor of a parallel resonance circuit? BL Thereja Pg-555 
*a. Unity b. Zero c. 0.5 d. 0.866 
159. A circuit breaker that can not be reset when the circuit fault exist is called: EHJ Pallett Pg-113 
a. Electric CB b. Non-resettable CB *c. Trip free CB d. Polarized CB 
160. For sensing angular position the ________ switch is used 
a. Proximity b. Thermal switch EHJ Pallett Pg-104 
c. Micro switch *d. Mercury switch 
161. Thermal switch in the fire warning system is operated above: 
*a. 300 C b. 400 C c. 500 C d. 500 C EHJ Pallett Pg-106 
162. Closing of freight door is normally indicated with the help of: 
a. Relays *b. Proximity switch EHJ Pallett Pg-106 
c. Mercury switch d. None 
163. “HRC” terms used with : EHJ Pallett Pg-112 
a. CB‟s b. Switches c. Relays *d. Fuses 
164. The unit of resistivity is: BL Thereja Pg-4 
*a. Ohm-meter b. Ohm/Meter c. Ohm-centimeter d. Ohm/Sq cm. 
165. A three phase synchronous motor is well suited for driving :- B.L Thareja, Page – 651 
a. fluctuating loads b. printing presses 
*c. motor generator set d. vacuum cleaners 
166. Current changing at the rate of 0.5 Amp. / Sec. induces on e.m.f. of 2V in a coil. The self inductance of the 
coil in Henry is :- B.L Thareja, Page – 219 
*a. 4 Henry b. 2 Henry c. 1 Henry d. 3 Henry 
167. The starting winding of a single phase motor is placed in the :- E.H.J. Pallet, Page-143 
a. Rotor *b. Stator c. Armature d. Field www.rjworld.com 
168. In synchronous motor, damper winding is provided in order to :- (T.K. Eismin, page-186) 
a. stabilize rotor motion 
b. suppress rotor oscillations 
c. develop necessary starting torque 
*d. both (2) & (3) 
169. While running , a synchronous motor is compelled to run at synchronous speed because of :- 
 (AC 65-9A, Page-457) 
a. damper winding in its pole faces 
*b. magnetic locking between stator and rotor poles 
c. induced e.m.f. in rotor field winding by stator flux 
d. compulsion due to Lenz‟s law 
170. The Hysterisis motor works on the principle of : (EHJ Pallette , P-144) 
a. Flemings right hand rule 
b. Hysteresis principle 
*c. As in „2‟ and the rotor rotates at Synchronous speed 
171. Synchronous motor runs at :- AC 65-9A, Page-457 
a. Synchronous speed at no load 
b. Less than synchronous speed at all loads 
*c. It runs at synchronous speed from no load to full load 
d. Both (1) & (3) are correct 
172. In 3 Phase induction motor :- AC 65-9A, Page-453 
a. at no load, rotor speed is slightly less than synchronous speed 
b. with increase of load, rotor speed decreases 
c. with decrease of load rotor speed increases 
*d. all are correct 
173. In 3 Phase inductions motor % slip depends upon :- (AC 65-9A, Page-453) 
*a. load b. line voltage of three phase A3. Supply 
c. number of conductors on rotor d. all are correct 
174. If a single phase induction motor runs with noise, the more likely defect is :- ( B.L Thareja, Page-62 ) 
a. Improper fuses b. Shorted running winding 
c. Open starting winding *d. Worn bearing 
175. The principle of statically inducted e.m.f. is utilized in :- ( B.L Thareja, Page-553) 
*a. Transformer b. Motor 
c. Generator d. Battery 
176. . In End to Center band system, if the tolerance band shows blue color, the tolerance value will be: 
*a. 6% b. 2% BL Thereja Pg-280 
d. 4% d. None of the above 
177. . Carbon composition resistors have the demerits of: 
a. More cost b. Larger in size 
*c. Produce electric noise d. None of the above BL Thereja Pg-25 
178. The speed of a D.C. motor can be controlled by varying :- B.L Thareja, Page – 321 
a. Its flux 
b. Armature circuit resistance 
c. Applied voltage 
*d. All the above 
179. When load is removed, which motor will run at the highest speed :- B.L Thareja, Page – 311 
a. Shunt *b. Series 
c. Cumulative d. Differential compound 
180. The armature torque of a D.C motor is a function of its 
a. Pole flux b. Armature current 
c. Speed *d. Both (a) & (b) 
181. A universal motor has variable speed characteristics because it is :- B.L Thareja, Page – 627 
*a. series wound b. compound would 
c. operated on both D.C and A.C supplied d. wholly laminated 
182. Polarized relay is normally used in: FAA-9A Pg-401 
*a. Generator-Battery circuit b. Generator-Load circuit 
c. Generator-Lighting circuit d. None 
183. All the synchros are working on: (Ref. A/c Inst. Pallet, 23) 
*a. transformer principle b. resistance principle 
c. inductor principle d. capacitance principle 
184. Which component is not used in torque synchro: (Ref. A/c Inst. Pallet, 232) 
a. motor b. amplifier 
*c. motor and amplifier d. none of the above 
185. Generally torque synchro are used for transmitting: (Ref. Pallet Integrated, 135) 
*a. power plant datas and position indication b. navigational datas 
c. manometric datas d. inertial datas 
186. Control synchro is used for: (Ref. Pallet Integrated, 136) 
a. power plant data transmission *b. close loop servo system 
c. position indication flap position indication 
187. Differential synchro is used for: (Ref. Pallet Integrated, 136) 
a. power plant data. manometric data c. position indication 
*d. output depends upon two input data 
188. Resolver synchro is used where we require Cartesian coordinate of a point to: 
(Ref. Pallet Integrated, 143) 
a. R Cos b. R Sin 
*c. R Cos and R Sin d. R Tan 
189. Polar coordinate is used to find out resultant of: (Ref. Pallet Integrated, 149)
a. R Cos b. R Sin 
*c. R Cos and R Sin d. R Tan 
190.In torque synchro if the rotor connection is reversed then: (Ref. Pallet Integrated, 139) 
a. no effect on output b. output is advanced by 900
c. output is advanced by 270
 *d. output is advanced by 180
191. If there is cycle shift of stator connection torque synchro then output datum is advanced by: 
*a. 240
 b. 270
 c. 180
 d. 900
 (Ref. Pallet Integrated, 139) 
192. In torque synchro if stator coil connection of two lead are interchanged then: 
 (Ref. Pallet Integrated, 139) 
a. output is advanced by 900
 b. output is advanced by 1800
c. output is advanced by 2700
 *d. reverse rotation of output rotor 
193. In resolver synchro where polar is connected to Cartesian R3 & R4 rotor coils are shorted to: 
 (Ref. Pallet Integrated, 147) 
a. prevent burning b. prevent hunting 
c. improve accuracy *d. as in c & limit spurious response 
194.In control synchro supply is given to: (Ref. Pallet Integrated, 14) 
a. transmitter stator *b. transmitter rotor 
c. receiver stator d. receiver rotor 
195.Resolver syschro consists of: 
a. four rotor coil b. four stator coil (Ref. Pallet Integrated, 146) 
c. two rotor and stator coil *d. four rotor and stator coil 
196. When pilot is flying the a/c manually the pilot and his control surface together may be termed as: 
 (Ref. AFC Pallet, 72) 
a. auto flight b. manual flight 
*c. man / machine close loop servo system d. all are correct 
197. The role of AFCS is to: (Ref. AFC Pallet, 73) 
a. over come a stability and control deficiency 
b. improve handling and ride quality 
c. carry out series of maneuver which pilot is unable to perform 
*d. all are correct 
198. Servo system must be able to perform: (Ref. AFC Pallet, 83) 
a. detect difference between input and output 
b. amply the error signal 
c. control the closing of servo loop by providing feedback 
*d. all are correct 
199. Servo mechanism are coming under two classes may function as: (Ref. AFC Pallet, 83) 
a. position control b. speed control 
*c. position and speed control d. differentiator and integrator 
200. In position control servo system the amplifier output is equivalent to: (Ref. AFC Pallet, 84) 
a.  1 b.  0 *c. K ((1 - 0) d. K (0 - A) 

201. In speed control servo system output from the amplifier is: 
*a. K (V1-V0) b. K (V0-Va) 
c. V1 d. Vo (Ref. AFC Pallet, 84) 
202. What are the type of input in servo system: (Ref. AFC Pallet, 84) 
a. step input b. ramp input 
*c. step and ramp input d. step and ramp output 
203.Impositon feed back system if there is step input: (Ref. AFC Pallet, 85) 
*a. continuous oscillation b. load comes to rest at null point 
c. load lags behind d. all are correct 
204. Inherent friction cause: (Ref. AFC Pallet, 86) 
*a. light damping b. heavy damping 
c. critical damping d. all are correct 
205. The degree of damping which prevent any over shoot is known as: (Ref. AFC Pallet, 86) 
a. light damping *b. critical damping 
c. optimum damping d. heavy damping 
206. Damping which allows small over shoot and smallest settling time is known as: (Ref. AFC Pallet, 86) 
*a. optimum damping b. critical damping 
c. light damping d. heavy damping 
207. Small force of constant magnitude opposing servo motor is known as: (Ref. AFC Pallet, 86) 
*a. coulomb friction b. viscous friction 
c. eddy current d. lubricant 
208. In velocity feed back damping if there is ramp input: (Ref. AFC Pallet, 88) 
a. no velocity lag b. over shoot 
*c. velocity lag increase d. none of the above 
209. In error rate damping when input and output shafts are at equal velocity then: Ref. AFC Pallet, 88 
*a. no error signal b. there is an error signal 
c. error signal is more d. all are correct 
210. In ECAM system which mode is the automatic mode? EHJ Pallette, P-133 
a. Flight Phase b. Cautionary 
c. Advisory *d. Both (a) and (c) 
211. In EICAS system, which is a “level A warning”? TK Eismin, P-359 
a. Cabin Depressurization b. Engine Fire 
c. Both (a) and (b) in display form *d. Both (a) and (b) in display as well as in aural form 
212. In ECAM system: EHJ Pallette, P-134 
a. The graphical display is given by the R.H unit 
b. The graphical display is given by the L.H unit 
*c. As in a. and advisory message color change to white after corrective action taken 
d. As in b. and advisory message color change to white after corrective action taken 
213. CRT used in A/C instrument displays are: TK Eismin, P-123
a. Electromagnetic deflection type *b. Electrostatic deflection type 
c. Both „1‟ & „2‟ 
214. In aircraft having non metallic structure: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 88) 
a. four or more copper strip type conductors are used extending whole length of fuselage 
b. they are not more than six feet apart as measured around the periphery of fuselage 
c. the fuselage earthing strips are connected to further strips which follow the leading and trailing edges from root 
to tip of each wing and horizontal stabilizer 
*d. all the above 
215. Corona discharge in a/c is prevented by: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 74) 
*a. static discharger b. screening 
c. potting d. none of the above 
216. What is true about bonding tester: (Ref. CAP-II, Ch-EEL/06) 
a. 60 lead is connected to a/c main earth point 
b. 6 lead two prongs are connected where there is joint 
c. it has got one 1.2v cell and calibration is done by standard resistances provided 
*d. all the above 
217. Bonding and grounding are made to provide: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 92) 
a. current return path 
b. protection of person from shock hazard 
c. stability of radio reception and transmission 
*d. all the above 
218. The tags or lugs on bonding jumpers are generally fitted by: CAIP-II/943 
a. soldering method *b. crimping method 
c. sintering method d. nuts & bolts 
219. The maximum primary bonding resistance between the extremities of the fixed portion of all metallic aircraft 
is: CAIP-II/496 
a. 0.1 ohm b. 0.01 ohm *c. 0.05 ohm d. 0.001 ohm 
220. Mark the correct statement: E.H.J. Pallet, P-92 
a. precipitation charges are those which are induced into an aircraft when flying into electric fields created by certain 
types of cloud formation 
b. electrostatic charges are built up on the outer surface of an aircraft due to friction contact with rain particles, 
snow and ice crystals, dust, smoke and other air contamination 
*c. precipitation static charges are built up on the outer surfaces of an aircraft due to frictional contact with 
rain particles, snow and ice crystals, dust, smoke and other air contamination whereas charges of 
electrostatic are those induced into an aircraft when flying into electric fields created by certain types of 
cloud formation. 
d. none of the above 
221. Mark the correct statement: E.H.J. Pallet, P-94 
a. classification of primary bonding is determined by the magnitude of current to be expected from precipitation 
static charges 
b. classification of secondary bonding is determined by the magnitude of current to the expected from electro 
statically induced charges 
*c. bonding is classified as primary and secondary, such classification being determined by the magnitude 
of current to be expected from electro statically induced charges and precipitation static charges 
d. bonding is classified as primary and secondary, such classification being determined by the magnitude of current 
to be expected from precipitation static charges and electro statically induced charges respectively. 
222. The doping materials are called impurities because they: (Ref. BL Theraja) 
a. decrease the number of charge carriers 
b. change the chemical properties of semi conductors 
c. make semi conductors less than 100 percent pure 
*d. alter the crystal structure of pure semi conductors 
223. Feedback in an amplifier always helps to: (Ref. BL Theraja) 
*a. control its output 
b. increases its gain 
c. decreases its input impendence 
d. stabilize its gain 
224.In normal operation of p-n-p transistor, its junctions are biased: (Ref. BL Theraja) 
a. both forward 
b. both reverse 
c. emitter base – reverse, collector base – forward 
*d. emitter base – forward, collector base – reverse 
225. An SCR can be turned off by: (Ref. BL Theraja-1991, 817) 
a. anode current interruption 
b. reversing polarity of anode – cathode voltage 
c. reducing current through SCR below the holding 
*d. any of above method can be used independently 
226. The logic symbol represents: Pallet-225 
a. an AND gate *b. a NOR gate c. an OR gate d. an XOR gate 
227. In order to energize the relay in the circuit shown below here the logic state at the inputs must be 

a. log 0 at points A & B b. 0 at point A and 1 at point B 
*c. 1 at both points d. 0 at both points 
A B C 
1 1 1 
1 0 1 
0 1 1 
0 0 0 
228. The truth table shown here corresponds to: Pallet-226 
a. an OR gate 
b. an AND gate 
c. a NOR gate 
d. an XOR gate 
229. The circuit shown here performs a logic: Pallet-226 
a. AND function 
*b. OR function 
c. NAND function 
230. DTL family Logic employs: (BL Thereja, P-2376) 
*a. Diode, Resistor, Transistor 
b. Diode and resistor 
c. Resistor & Transistor 
231. In a normally working PNP transistor, both base and collector are at _____potential w.r.t the emitter 
 (BL Thereja Pg-1975) 
a. +ve *b. –ve c. either (1) or (2) d. neither (1) or (2) 
232. A transistor does not conduct unless its __________ base junction is forward biased (BL Thereja Pg-1975) 
*a. emitter b.collector 
c. both (1) and (2) d. either (1) or (2) 
233. FETs have similar properties to (VK Mehta Pg-488) 
a. PNP transistors b. NPN transistors 
*c. Thermionic valve d. UJT 
234. The smallest negative grid voltage, for a given plate voltage, at which plate current becomes zero is known as 
 (VK Mehta Pg-44) 
*a. grid cutoff bias b. grid cut in bias www.rjworld.com 
c. break over voltage d. break down voltage
235. The band width of the band pass filter depends upon (Thomas K Eismin Pg-289) 
a. resistance of inductor b. No. of elements used 
*c. both (1) and (2) d. either (1) or (2) 
236. Which transistor has the highest voltage and power gain ? (BL Thereja Pg-2059) 
a. CB *b. CE c. CC d. Both (1) and (2) 
237. The --- configuration on of transistor is suitable for high input to Low output impedance matching 
 (BL Thereja Pg.- 2032) 
a. CB b. CE *c. CC d. All of the above 
238. The common base configuration of transistor is used for: (VK Mehta Pg-227) 
*a. Impedance matching (high frequency signal) 
b. audio frequency signal 
c. impedance matching (Low frequency signal) 
d. none of the above 
239. Germanium has how many electrons in the outermost orbit- (VK Mehta Pg-119) 
a. 1 b. 2 
c. 3 *d. 4 
240. Silicon & Germanium are the examples of- (VK Mehta Pg-120) 
a. conductor *b. semiconductor 
c. super conductor d. dielectric 
241. A Zener diode has how many terminals? (BL Thereja Pg-1908) 
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 
242. A silicon controlled rectifier (SCR) has how many terminals? (BL Thereja Pg-2160) 
a. 1 *b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 
243. Aquadag coating done in CRT is to- (BL Thereja Pg-2394) 
a. avoid dust formation on the screen 
b. avoid mixing of colours 
*c. capture secondary electrons 
d. accelerate thermions 
244. Sweep generator generates : (BL Thereja Pg-2392) 
a. Triangular wave form *b. Sawtooth waveform 
c. Sinusoidal Waveform d. all of these 
245. A Bipolar transistor has how many terminals? (BL Thereja Pg-1974) 
a. 1 b. 2 
c. 3 *d. 4 
246. In semiconductor diodes, the current is made of- (BL Thereja Pg-1855) 
a. electrons b. holes 
*c. both (1) and (2) d. it depends on impurity concentration 
247. Merz-price protection system is also known as: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 122) 
a. over current protection b. under voltage protection 
*c. differential protection d. over voltage protection 
248. Differential fault means: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 12) 
*a. difference between the current leaving the generator and the current arriving at the bus bar 
b. voltage difference between generator and bus bar 
c. frequency difference between generator and bus bar 
d. none of the above 
249. Essential loads are connected to: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 77) 
a. battery bus bar b. generator bus bar 
*c. both a & b d. vital bus bar 
250. When external AC power is connected to TRU, its output: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 63) 
a. energies d.c. control relay circuits 
b. is connected to d.c. bus bar to operate d.c. consumers 
*c. both a & b are correct 
d. is used sparingly on ground 
251. If all the generators fail during flight, the essential services will be maintained by: (Ref. TK Eismin, 243) 
a. A.C. bus *b. hot bus 
c. d.c. bus d. none of the above 
252. In constant frequency load system which is correct statement: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 49 & 50) 
a. reactive load sharing is done by field excitation 
b. active load sharing is done by governor setting 
c. load sharing depends on the size of the generator 
*d. both a & b are correct 
253. In twin engine a/c in flight, power is normally supplied by: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 77) 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         *a. two main generators b. one generator and APU generator 
c. two main generators and batteries d. batteries and APU generator 
254. Which is true about power distribution system: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 76) 
a. power consuming equipment must not deprived of power in the event of power source failure unless the total 
power demand exceeds the available supply 
b. fault on the distribution system, e.g. fault current, grounding or earthing at bus bar should have the minimum 
effect on system functioning and should constitute minimum fire risk 
c. power consuming equipment faults must not endanger the supply of power to other equipment 
*d. all are correct 
255. A/c which operate only on a.c. generators as a primary source of electrical power normally provide current 
suitable for battery charging through the use of: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 78) 
*a. a step down transformer and rectifier unit 
b. on invertors and voltage dropping resistor 
c. APU generator 
d. all are correct 
256. Bus bars are located at/on: AES, P-76-77 www.rjworld.com 
a. consumer equipment b. cockpit
c. tails *d. junction boxes or distribution panels 
257. Bus bars are made of: AES, P-76-77 
a. silver b. aluminium 
c. copper *d. either (b) or (c) 
258. When braided copper wire is used as bus bar then it will be a: AES, P-76-77 
a. main bus bar *b. subsidiary bus bar 
c. essential bus bar d. none of the above 
259. Vital services are connected: AES, P-76-77 
*a. directly to batteries b. directly to generators 
c. either (a) or (b) d. none of the above 
260. Non-essential services are connected to: AES, P-76-77 
a. battery bus bar *b. generator bus bar 
c. both (a) & (b) d. none of the above 
261. The main source of power supply is provided by: AES, P-76-77 
*a. generators b. batteries 
c. invertors d. APU 
262. The stand by source of power is provided by: AES, P-76-77 
*a. batteries b. generators 
c. invertors d. APU 
263. In all AC aircraft the DC supplies are provided from/by: AES, P-76-77 
a. batteries *b. transformer rectifier units (TRUs) 
c. separate DC generator d. none of the above 
264. The configuration of the transformers of the TRU are: AES, P-65 
a. star delta star b. star delta delta 
*c. star star delta d. delta star delta 
265. The millivolt drop of the shunt installed in the TRU is: AES, P-63 
a. 100 mV at 100 A b. 100 mV at 50 A 
c. 50 mV at 50A *d. 50 mV at 100 A 
266. TRUs are designed to operate at: AES, P-63 
a. single phase input of 115 volts AC, 400 c/s 
*b. three phase input of 200 volts at 400 c/s 
c. DC input of 26 volts 
d. none of the above values are correct 
267. TRUs are cooled by: AES, P-63 
a. blast air b. ram air c. cooling fans *d. natural convection 
268. The number of terminals on the shunt of TRUs are: AES, P-65 
a. two *b. four c. six d. eight 
269. The thermal switches inside the TRUs operate at: AES, P-63 
*a. 150 C and 200 C b. 200 C and 250 C www.rjworld.com 
c. 100 C and 150 C d. 50 C and 100 C
270. Mark the correct option about reverse current circuit breaker: AES, P-115 
*a. series coil assists the shunt coil when generator is charging the batteries 
b. series coil opposes the shunt coil when generator is charging the batteries 
c. series coil assists the shunt coil when reverse current flows from battery to the generator 
d. none of the above is correct 
271. Mark the correct statement about reverse current circuit breaker: AES, P-115 
a. series coil assist the shunt coil when reverse current flows from battery to generator 
b. series coil opposes the shunt coil when reverse current flows battery to generator 
c. series coil assists the shunt coil when generator is charging the battery 
*d. both (b) & (c) are correct 
272. In the parallel operation of generator in aircraft when any generator fails: AES, P-77 
a. the loads of the failed generator are supplied by batteries 
*b. the loads of the failed generator are supplied by the available generator/generators 
c. only essential loads are supplied by the running generator/generators 
d. none of the above is correct 
273. In the A.C. split bus bar system of operation when any generator fails: AES, P-78 
*a. its loads are supplied by the other operating generator 
b. only essential a.c. loads are supplied by the operating available generator 
c. TRUs become in operative 
d. all the above are correct 
274. In the 3-pin external power receptacle: AES, P-70 
a. the smaller pin is positive 
b. the smaller pin is negative 
*c. as in (a) and it controls the supply to external power relay 
d. none of the above is correct 
275. The purpose of the battery in the aircraft is: AES, P-69 
a. to provide main source of electrical power 
*b. to provide emergency source of power when main generator/generators fail 
c. to provide internal start 
d. none of the above is correct 
276. Mark the correct answer about the external D.C. supply receptacle on the aircraft: AES, P-70 
a. it has two mater pins and one bigger pin 
b. it has two bigger pins and one smaller pin 
c. as in (a) and one of the smaller pin is negative 
*d. as in (b) and one of the bigger pins is positive 
277. Mark the correct answer: AES, P-70 
a. external power relay is located inside the ground power unit (GPU) 
*b. external power relay is located inside the aircraft and is controlled by the smallest pin of the external 
supply receptacle 
c. as in (a) and is controlled by one of the two bigger pins of external supply receptacle 
d. none of the above 
278. The main contacts of the external supply contactor in the multiple d.c. bus bar system connect the external 
supply to: AES, P-71  
a. no. 1 D.C. bus bar b. no. 2 D.C. bus bar
c. no. 3 D.C. bus bar *d. as in (b) and vital bus bar 
279. Magnetic indicators of in the multiple D.C. bus bar system indicate: AES, P-71 
a. satisfactory connection of generators to the bus bar 
b. satisfactory connection of batteries to the bus bar 
*c. satisfactory connection of external power to the bus bars 
d. none of the above is correct 
280. Mark the correct statement about the multiple d.c. bus bars system being energized by the external power: 
 AES, P-71 
a. the main contacts of the external supply contactor provide the supply to the coils of No. 1 & No. 3 bus-tie 
b. the auxiliary contacts of the external supply contactor connect the external supply to the bus bar 
*c. the main contacts of the external supply contactor connect the external supply to the bus bars while the 
auxiliary contacts provide the supply to the coils of No. 1 and No. 3 bus the contactors. 
d. none of the above 
281. Mark the correct answer about the magnetic indicators of the multiple d.c. bus bar system being energized by 
external power: AES, P-71 
a. supply to the magnetic indicators are provided through the main contracts of the external supply contactor and 
bus tie contactors 
*b. supply to the magnetic indicators are provided through the auxiliary contacts of the external supply 
contactor and the bus-tie contactors 
c. supply to the magnetic indicators are provided by the bus bars directly 
d. none of the above is correct 
282. External supply receptacle is generally located at: AES, P-69 
a. wings bottom side b. wheel bays 
c. tail plane *d. the sides of the fuselage 
283. When external A.C. supply is connected to the aircraft it is indicated by: AES, P-72 
*a. amber light b. red bight c. green bight d. none of the above 
284. The external a.c. power receptacle has: AES, P-73 
a. at least 2 bigger pins b. at least 3 bigger pins 
*c. at least 4 bigger pins d. at least 5 bigger pins 
285. The external power receptacle for APU starting has: AES, P-72 
a. two bigger +ve pins and one smaller –ve pin 
b. two bigger –ve pins and one smaller +ve pin 
c. one +ve & one –ve bigger pin and one smaller +ve pin 
*d. one +ve & one –ve bigger pin and one smaller –ve pin 
286. One of the function of auxiliary power unit is: AES, P-73 
a. to supplement the delivery of air to the cabin during landing 
b. to supplement the delivery of air to the cabin during low altitude flying 
*c. to supplement the delivery of air to the cabin during takeoff and climb 
d. none of the above 
287. APU is normally started by: AES, P-73 
*a. batteries 
b. generators www.rjworld.com 
b. invertors 
d. APUs are started by separate generators provided at the tail section of aircraft 
288. Silver-coated copper wire is used for temperatures upto: Eismin, P-56 
a. 221 F (105 C) *b. 392 F (220 C) 
c. 500 F (260 C) d. none of the above 
289. The capacity of a battery is measured in: Pallet-220 
a. volts b. cubic centimeters *c. ampere-hours d. by the number of plates 
290. The phase voltage of a three-phase star-connected a.c. generator is: Pallet-221 
a. equal to line voltage b. greater than line voltage 
*c. less than line voltage d. equal to2 times max voltage 
291. The ratio of true power to apparent power of an AC circuit is known as: Pallet-221 
a. reactive power *b. power factor 
c. real power d. total power 
292. Power factor is the ratio of: Pallet-221 
*a. true power to apparent power b. apparent power to true power 
c. apparent power to real power d. apparent power to impedance 
293. If a source maintains a constant voltage at the input to the line then any variation in the load on line will cause: 
 FAA-15A, P-435 
a. variation in line current 
*b. as in (a) and also variation in IR drop in line 
c. no effect on line current and IR drop 
d. variation in line current but no variation in IR drop 
294. In a CSD unit, the control cylinder is mechanically coupled to the: Pallet-221 
*a. variable displacement unit b. fixed displacement unit 
c. governor d. none of the above 
295. The governor of a CSD unit is driven by the: 
a. input gear b. input ring gear *c. output gear shaft d. none of the above 
296. A CSD unit which has been disconnected during flight: 
*a. may only be reconnected on the ground 
b. may be recommended in flight by re-set shutdown 
c. automatically resets of engine shutdown 
d. none of the above 
297. Rectification is the process of converting: 
a. a high value of AC into a lower value b. AC into DC 
*c. AC into DC d. none of the above 
298. An “N-type” semiconductor is one having: Pallet-222 
a. an excess of “holes‟ b. a deficiency of holes 
*c. an excess of electrons d. none of the above 
299. The three groups which usually categories the importance of consumer services are: Pallet-76  
a. battery, generator, alternator *b. vital, essential, non-essential
c. TRU, engine, APU d. none of the above 
300. The services which can be isolated in an in flight emergency for load shedding purposes, and are connected to 
DC and AC busbars, as appropriate and which are supplied from a generator are called: Pallet-77 
a. vital services b. essential services 
*c. non essential services d. none of the above 
301. The services which are required to ensure safe flight in an in-flight emergency situation and are connected to 
DC and AC busbars, as appropriate and in such a way that they can always be supplied from a generator or from 
batteries are known as: Pallet-77 
a. vital services *b. essential services 
c. non essential services d. none of the above 
302. Those services which would be required after an emergency wheel up landing and are connected directly to 
battery are known as Pallet-77 
*a. vital services b. essential services 
c. non essential services d. none of the above 
303. The output from the aircraft generating sources is coupled to one or more low impedance conductors which 
are known as: Pallet-77 
a. jumpers b. boding wires *c. bus bars d. shorting clips 
304. The system shown is a: Pallet-81 
a. parallel bus bar system b. split bus bar system
*c. split parallel bus bar system d. none of the above 
305. Circuits in which currents and voltages are only a few milli amperes and milli volts and which are extremely 
essential utilize: Pallet-108 
a. slugged relays *b. polarized relays 
c. heavy duty relays d. light duly relay 
306. Current transformer are: Pallet-175 
a. step-up transformers *b. step-down transformers 
c. have unity power factor d. as in (b) and are known as instrument transformers 
307. “Thermal Runaway” is associated with: Pallet-23 
a. lead acid battery *b. nickel cadmium battery 
c. primary battery d. generator 
308. When an area is contaminated with alkali electrolyte the most suitable neutralizing agents used are/is: 
a. saturated solution of bicarbonate of soda b. ammonic powder 
c. borax powder *d. boric acid solution 
309. When an area is contaminated with sulphuric acid electrolyte, the most neutralizing agent used in: 
a. boric acid solution b. boric acid crystals or powder 
*c. saturated solution of bicarbonate of soda d. saw dust 
310. Acid has spilled on the floor. The correct action taken in sequence should be: CAIP/II/1000 
a. wash the area with copious amounts of water, treat the affected area with borax powder and the whole area 
should be sealed with saw dust which should then be removed & buried 
b. the affected area should be treated with ammonia powder, followed by washing down with copious amounts be 
soaked up with saw dust which should then be removed and buried 
*c. the acid should be socked up with saw dust which should then be removed and buried. The affected 
area should be treated with saturated solution of bicarbonate of soda, followed by washing down with 
copious amount of fresh water 
d. the acid should be soaked up with saw dust which should then be removed and buried. The area should then be 
washed down with copious amounts of fresh water followed by treating the affected area with ammonia powder. 
311. The method/methods of securing a generator to an accessories gear box are: Pallet-9 
a. pulleys & belts method b. quill shaft method 
*c. flange or manacle ring method d. either (a) or (b) 
312. Integrated drive generators means: Pallet-43 
a. generator and starter in the same unit & side by side 
b. starter and CSD in the same unit & side by side 
*c. CSD and generator are mounted side by side to form a single compact unit 
d. generator and voltage regulator are mounted side by side to form a single compact unit 
313. The advantage/advantages of integrated drive generators are/is: Pallet-43 www.rjworld.com 
a. reduces weight b. requires less space
b. reduces vibration *d. all of the above 
314. Following a mal function, disconnection of a CSD transmission system is accomplished by: 
a. mechanically by levers located in the flight crew compartment 
b. electro-pneumatically 
c. electro-mechanically 
*d. any one of the above 
315. Which transformer is preferred when different type of voltage is required from one transformer: 
a. current transformer b. step-up transformer 
c. auto transformer d. step down transformer 
316. The device used to sense load current in an AC: Eismin-244 
a. current transformer b. high range ammeter 
c. potential transformer d. either (a) or (b) 
317. Transformer cores are laminated in order to: BLT-1120 
a. simplify its construction b. minimize the eddy current loss 
c. reduce cost d. reduce hysteresis loss 
318. The efficiency of a transformer is maximum when: BLT-1121 
a. copper loss = iron loss b. copper loss > from loss 
c. copper loss < iron loss d. none of the above 
319. High frequency transformers normally use: BLT-506 
a. laminated iron core b. one solid piece iron core 
c. air core d. ferrite core 
320. Iron losses in the transformer can be found out by: BLT-1058 
a. open circuit test b. short circuit test 
c. fuel load test d. 50% load test 
321. The power loss due to ohmic heating in a transformer is called: JB Gupta-588 
a. magnetic loss b. hysteresis loss 
c. copper loss d. eddy current loss 
322. In a three phase circuit: FAA-9A-414 
a. IL
 = IP
 in star connected circuit b. IL
 = IP
 in delta connected circuit 
c. VL
 = VP
 in delta connected circuit d. both (a) & (c) are correct 
323. Frequency of alternator depends upon: Pallet-191 
a. number of conductors b. number of poles 
c. speed in rpm d. both (b) & (c) are correct 
324. In brushless alternator frequency is kept constant by: FAA-9A-423 
a. engine gear drive assembly b. CSD 
c. varying field excitation as per frequency change d. voltage regulator 
325. No-break power transfer (NBPT) means: Eismin-244 www.rjworld.com 
a. when electrical power is to transferred from generator to loads the wires & cables used should not have any 
connectors, plugs & sockets or terminal blocks any where in between from busbar to the loads. This ensures 
uninterrupted supply 
b. that it is a automated system in which power source is transferred without a momentary interruption of 
electric power 
c. both (a) & (b) 
d. none of the above 
326. Cells are connected in series to: Grob, P-370 
a. increase the voltage output b. decrease the voltage output 
c. decrease the internal resistance d. increase the current capacity 
327. A generator has an output of 10 V n open circuit, which drops to 5 V with a load current of 5 mA and RL
1000. The internal resistance ri
a. 25 b.50 c. 100 d. 1000 
328. One extra negative plate in Pb acid cell than positive plates is used in order to: FAA-9A, P-309 
a. prevent positive plate from warping or buckling b. increase the cell potential 
c. increase the cell capacity d. decrease the cell‟s internal resistance 
329. Ni/Cad. Cell is advantageous over Pb acid from ___ view point: FAA-9A, P-313 
a. low maintenance cost and long service life b. short recharge time and good reliability 
c. excellent reliability and good starting ability d. all of the above 
330. During removal of battery from the a/c___ terminal is disconnect at least in order to avoid __ short: 
 Esmin, P-153 
a. negative, accidental b. positive, accidental 
c. either negative or positive, accidental d. none of the above is done 
331. Which method is used to charge the battery in a/c and why? Esmin, P-153 
a. constant voltage method because a/c electrical system voltage remains constant 
b. constant current method order to reduce the charging time 
c. constant current method to avoid much supervision 
d. constant current method to need relatively less time 
332. __ is one of the factor of thermal run away of Nickel/Cadmium cell: Esmin, P-47 
a. damaged layer of cellophane material b. exothermic reactions at electrodes plates 
c. 30% of dilute KOH by volume d. both (a) & (b) 
333. A lead-acid battery with 12 cells connected in series no-load voltage=2.1 volts per cell furnishes 10 amperes to 
a load of 2 ohms resistance. The internal resistance of the battery in this instance is: Esmin, P-33 
a. 0.52 ohms b. 2.52 ohms c. 5 ohms d. 0.25 ohms 
334.Active elements in a lead acid battery: Esmin, P-30 
a. nickel hydrate and iron oxide b. lead peroxide and spongy lead 
c. manganese dioxide and carbon d. none of these 
335. When the temperature is increased, specific gravity of electrolyte: Esmin, P-41 
a. increases b. decreases c. remains same d. none 
336. The neutralizing agent for H2SO4
 electrolyte is: Esmin, P-40 
a. KOH b. HCL c. 5% bicarbonate of soda solution d. vinegar 
337. More resistance branches reduce the combine resistance (equivalent resistance) of a parallel circuit because: 
 Grob, P-140 
a. of more voltage drop across the resistors 
b. more current is required from the same voltage 
c. either (a) or (b) depending upon the value of resistance 
d. none 
338. The thermal protector: FAA-9A, P-307 
a. is protective device b. acts as automatic CB 
c. is based on different expansion of two metals d. all of the above 
339. Mark the correct statement: FAA-9A, P-311 
a. in a new, fully charged lead acid aircraft battery the electrolyte is approximately 30 percent acid and 70 percent 
water (by weight) and is 1.300 times as heavy as pure water. 
b. in a new, fully charged lead acid aircraft battery the electrolyte is approximately 30 percent acid and 70 percent 
water (by weight) and is 1.100 times as heavy as pure water. 
c. in a new, fully charged lead acid aircraft battery, the electrolyte is approximately 30 percent acid and 70 
percent water (by volume) and is 1.300 times as heavy as pure water. 
d. in a new, fully charged lead acid aircraft battery, the electrolyte is approximately 30 percent acid and 70 percent 
water (by volume) and is 1.100 times as heavy as pure water 
340. Mark the correct statement: FAA-9A, P-311 
a. the electrolyte used in the nickel cadmium battery is a 30 percent solution (by volume) of potassium hydroxide 
(KOH) is distilled water and the specific gravity remain between 1.240 and 1.300 at room temperature 
b. the electrolyte used in the nickel cadmium battery is a 30 percent solution (by weight) of potassium 
hydroxide (KOH) in distilled water and the specific gravity of the electrolyte remains between 1.240 and 
1.300 at room temperature 
c. the electrolyte used in the nickel cadmium battery is a 30 percent solution (by volume) of potassium hydroxide 
(KOH) in distilled water and the specific gravity of the electrolyte remains between 1.100 and 1.220 at room 
d. the electrolyte used in the nickel cadmium battery is a 30 percent solution (by weight) of potassium hydroxide 
(KOH) in distilled water and the specific gravity of the electrolyte remains between 1.100 and 1.220 at room 
341. Mark the correct answer while determining the state of charge of lead acid battery: FAA-9A, P-311 
a. a specific gravity reading between 1.300-1.275 indicates a high state of charge whereas between 1.240 
and 1.200, a low state of charge 
b. a specific gravity reading between 1.275 and 1.240 indicates a high state of charge where as between 1.240 and 
1.200, a low rate state of charge 
c. a specific gravity reading between 1.275 and 1.240 indicates a low state of charge 
d. a specific gravity reading between 12.240 and 1.200 indicates a high state of charge 
342. In a lead acid battery the specific gravity reading should be adjusted for temperature correction: 
a. above 70 F and below 90 F b. below 70 F and above 90 F 
c. at room temperatures d. none of the above 
343. If residual magnetism of a shunt generator is destroyed accidentally, it may be restored by connected its shunt 
field: B. L. Thareja, P-991 
a. to earth b. to an a.c source c. in reverse d. to a d.c. source 
344. The main function of interpoles is to minimize ____ between the brushes and the commutator when the d.c. 
machine is loaded: 
a. friction b. sparking c. current d. wear and tear www.rjworld.com 
345. shunt generators are most suited for stable parallel operation because of their voltage characteristics: 
 B. L. Thareja, P-965/966 
a. identical b. drooping c. linear d. rising 
346. The voltage applied across an R-L circuit is equal to __ of VR and VL
a. arithmetic sum b. algebraic sum c. phasor sum d. sum of the squares 
347. The rms value of sinusoidal a.c. current is equal to its value at an angle of __ degree: 
a. 60 b. 45 c. 30 d. 90 
348. The reactance offered by a capacitor to alternating current of frequency 50Hz is 10. If frequency is increased 
to 100Hz reactance becomes __ ohm: B. L. Thareja, P-496 
a. 20 b. 5 c. 2.5 d. 40 
349. Mark the correct statement (EHJ Pallette,P-79) 
a. Split Bus bar system mostly used on 4 engine A/C 
b. Bus-Tie breakers are responsible for connecting different bus bars to a single Alternator 
c. Split-Parallel bus bar system used on 2 engine A/C 
d. Both (1) & (2) 
350. In a parallel circuit, all component must :- 
a. have the same p.d. across them b. have some value 
c. carry equal currents d. carry same current 
351. Parallel grouping of cells yields maximum current when external resistance :- (B.L. Thareja, . Page – 55) 
a. equals internal resistance per cell 
b. is greater than internal of the battery 
c. equals internal resistance of the battery 
d. is less than the internal resistance of the battery 
352. A good electric conductor is one that :- ( B.L Thareja, Page – 7) 
a. Has low conductance b. Is always made of copper wire 
c. Produces a minimum voltage drop d. Has few free electrons 
353. The input to an A.C circuit having power factor of 0.8 lagging is 20 kV1. The power drawn by the circuit is :- 
a. 12kW b. 20kW c. 16kW d. 8kW 
354. Three equal impedances are first connected in star across a balanced – 3 phase supply, if connected in delta 
across the same supply :- (B.L Thareja, Page-532) 
a. Phase current will be tripled b. Phase current will be doubled 
c. Line current will become one third d. Power consumed will increase three fold 
355. The chief disadvantage of a low power factor is that :- (B.L Thareja, Page-536) 
a. more power is consumed by the load 
b. current required for a given load power is higher 
c. active power developed by a generator exceeds its rated output capacity 
d. heat generated is more than he desired amount 
356. Unless otherwise specified, any value given for current or voltage in an ac circuit are assumed to be :- 
 (T.K. Eismin, Page – 84) 
a. Instantaneous value b. Effective values 
c. Maximum values d. Average values www.rjworld.com 
357. Which requires the most electrical power during operation :- ( B.L Thareja, 1991Edition, Page-20) 
a. a 24 volt motor requiring 8 amperes 
b. four 30 watt lamps in a 12 volt parallel circuit 
c. two lights required : 3 amperes each in a 24 volt parallel system 
d. all the above require : same amount of power 
358. When relatively high capacitance is required in a small capacitor, we use :- 
 ( B.L Thareja, 1991Edition, Page-128) 
a. ceramic capacitor b. paper capacitor 
c. electrolytic capacitor d. mica capacitor 
359. In an A.C circuit the 50% of maximum value of voltage occurs at :- ( B.L Thareja, 1991Edition, Page-42) 
a. 45º b. 60º c. 30º d. 90º 
360. An A.C circuit has 4 Ohm resistance and 3 Ohm reactance :- ( AC 65-9A, Page – 358) 
a. P.f. is 0.8 b. P.f. is 0.6 c. Impedance is 6 Ohm d. Impedance is 8 Ohm 
361. The potential difference between two conductor, which are insulated from each other is measured in:- 
a. volts b. amperes c. coulombs d. ohms 
362. The state of charge of a Ni-Cd battery can be found out by: (CAIP-II Pg-11.7) 
a. Open circuit voltage b. Specific Gravity reading 
c. Measured discharge test d. Amount of gassing 
363. Why is the value of efficiency affected when load on transformer is varied :- ( B.L Thareja, Page-598) 
a. iron losses vary, copper loss constant b. iron losses constant, copper loss vary 
c. Iron losses and copper loss vary d. efficiency is not affected 
364. In modern alternator why is armature kept stationary and the field windings rotating type:- 
 (AC 65-9A, Page-412) 
a. armature reactance is reduced b. improved, insulation 
c. less no. of slip rings d. all are correct 
365. Why is the field windings is supplied with varying D.C excitation field current as per speed and electrical load 
in A/C :- (T.K. Eismin, Page-199) 
a. to have pulsating magnetic field b. to have constant voltage 
c. to have pulsating magnetic field at start and constant at run d. none is correct 
366. Under what conditions is the KVA rating equivalent to KW rating of transformer :- ( B.L Thareja, Page-536) 
a. Load is resistive b. Load is resistive and inductive 
c. Load is resistive and capacitive d. None is correct 
367. Frequency of alternator depends upon :- ( E.H.J. Pallet, Page-193) 
a. number of conductors on armature b. number of poles 
c. speed in r.p.m. d. Both (2) & (3) are correct 
368. For symetrical wave the R.M.S value is calculated over: (EHJ Pallette, P-33) 
a. Half Cycle b. One-fourth Cycle 
c. Full Cycle d. all are correct 
369. In Brush – less A.C generator frequency is kept constant by :- 
a. engine gear box b. CSD www.rjworld.com 
c. Varying D.C excitation d. none is correct
(AC 65-9A, Page-423) 
370. Permanent magnets in Brushless A.C generator are :- 
a. Located on rotor shaft of alternator b. Located in inter – polar gaps of A.C exciter 
c. Used for providing initial magnetism d. Both (1) & (3) are correct 
371. In modern aircraft electrical system :- 
a. A.C generator are used for normal power 
b. Battery and static inverter with 3 Phase A.C output for emergency power 
c. Battery and static inverter with Single Phase A.C output for emergency power 
d. Both (1) & (3) are correct 
 (E.H.J. Pallet, Page-78) 
372. In modern aircraft electrical system :- 
a. TRU‟s are used to giving 28 D.C output 
b. Auto transformers are used for giving Single Phase 28 AC output 
c. Static invertor is used for providing Single Phase 28V A.C output 
d. All are correct 
(E.H.J. Pallet, Page-78) 
373. Transfer of electrical energy from one conductor to another without the aid of electrical connections 
 (AC 65-9A, Page-359) 
a. is called mutual induction b. is called air gap transfer 
c. will cause excessive arcing and heat d. is impractical 
374. The main propose of using core in a transformer is to :- (AC 65-9A, Page-358) 
a. decrease iron losses b. prevent eddy current loss 
c. eliminate magnetic hysteresis d. decrease reluctance of the common magnetic 
375. Many of the larger transport a/c have been quipped with AC electrical system. The reason is :- 
a. Easier to install b. Less maintenance required 
c. More efficient d. All of the above 
376. Sulphation in a lead-acid battery occurs due to :- (B.L Thareja,Page-351) 
a. Trickle charging b. Incomplete charging 
c. Heavy discharging d. Fast charging 
377. Mark the NOT correct statement about the battery :- (E.H.J.Pallet, Page -49) 
a. capacity of a battery is a function of total plate area 
b. the capacitance is partially a function of its internal resistance 
c. capacity depends upon type of separators 
d. battery of higher capacity has lower internal resistance than low capacity batteries 
378. Overheat of battery is indicated by :- (E.H.J. Pallet, Page-23) 
a. Thermocouples 
b. External temperature gauge 
c. Temperature sensing devices are located with in battery 
d. Hotwire instrument 
379. A lead-acid battery with 12 cells connected in series (no-load voltage = 2.1 volts per cell) furnishes 10 
Amperes to a load of 2 ohms resistance. The internal resistance of the battery in this instance is :- 
a. 0.52 ohms b. 2.52 ohms c. 5 ohms d. 0.25 ohms 
380. If electrolyte from a lead acid battery is spilled in the battery compartment, which procedure should be 
followed ? (T.K. Eismin, Page-40) 
a. Apply boric acid solution to the affected area followed by a water rinse 
b. Rinse the affected area thoroughly with lean water 
c. Apply sodium bicarbonate soda to the affected are followed by a water rinse 
d. None of these 
381. What determines the amount of current which will flow through a battery when it is being charged by a 
constant voltage source :- (T.K. Eismin, Page-42) 
a. the total plate area of the battery b. the state of charge of the battery 
c. the ampere hour capacity of the battery d. none of these 
382. Nickel-cadmium batteries which are stored for a long period of time will show a low liquid level because :- 
 (T.K. Eismin, Page-52) 
a. electrolyte evaporates through the vents b. of current package form individual cells 
c. Electrolyte becomes absorbed into the plates d. None of these 
383. When a charging current is applied to a nickel-cadmium battery, the cells gas only :- (E.H.J. Pallet, Page-23) 
a. towards the end of the charging cycle b. when the electrolyte level is low 
c. if they are detective d. none of these 
384. In a constant current charging system, a battery requires attention at the end of charge to avoid :- 
 (T.K. Eismin,Page-52) 
a. sulphation of battery b. spilling of electrolyte 
c. evaporation of electrolyte d. danger of overheating 
385. A fully charged lead acid battery will not freeze until extremely low temperatures are reached because :- 
 ( T.K. Eismin, Page-39) 
a. the acid is in the plates, thereby increasing the specific gravity of the solution 
a. most of the acid is in the solution 
b. increased internal resistance generates sufficient heat to prevent freezing 
c. none of these 
386. The method used to rapidly charge a nickel cadmium battery utilizes :- (T.K. Eismin, Page-52) 
a. constant current and constant voltage b. constant current and varying voltage 
c. constant voltage and varying current d. none of these 
387. The purpose of providing a space underneath, the plates in a lead acid battery container is to a :- 
 (T.K. Eismin, Page-37) 
a. prevent sediment built up from touching the plates and causing a short circuit 
b. allow for convection of the electrolyte in order to provide for cooing of the plates 
c. ensure that the electrolyte quantity radio to the number of the plates area is adequate 
d. none of these 
388. The servicing & charging of nickel cadmium and lead acid batteries together in the same service room are likely 
to result in is :- (T.K. Eismin, Page-43) 
a. normal battery service life b. increased explosion and / or fire hazard 
c. contamination of both types of batteries d. none of these 
389. What may result it water is added to nickel cadmium battery when it is not fully charged ? 
 (T.K. Eismin,Page-50) 
a. Excessive electrolyte deletion www.rjworld.com 
b. Excessive spewing is like to occur during the charging cycle 
c. No adverse effects since water may be added any time 
d. None of the above 
390. In nickel cadmium battery, a rise in cell temperature (T.K. Eismin, Page-45,46) 
a. causes an increase in internal resistance b. causes a decrease in internal resistance 
c. increases cell voltage d. has no effect 
391. The electrolyte solution in Ni Cd battery is :- ( T.K. Eismin, Page-47) 
a. 70% KOH and 30% distilled water, by weight 
b. 30% KOH and 70% distilled water, by weight 
c. 70% KOH and 30% distilled volume, by weight 
d. 30% KOH and 70% distilled volume, by weight 
392. Which D.C. generator has the poorest voltage regulation :- (B.L Thareja, Page – 288) 
a. over compound 
b. flat compound 
c. shunt 
d. series 
393. Brushes of electrical machines wear out very rapidly, at high attitude, due to absence of moisture in air, the 
cause is :- (E.H.J. Pallet, Page-10) 
a. friction between brushes and attitude because the lubrication film can not form 
b. contact resistance becomes negligible giving rise to heavy reactive sparking and accelerated brush erosion 
c. static electrical charges due to friction, producing molecular breakdown of the brushes 
d. all the above 
394. Interlopes are connected :- 
a. in series with armature winding only 
b. in series with armature winding and compensating winding 
c. in series with auxiliary internal 
d. each statement is true 
395. The primary reason for providing compensating winding in a D.C generator is to :- 
 (T.K. Eismin, Page-195) 
a. compensate for decrease in main flux b. neutralize armature mmf 
c. neutralize cross magnetizing flux d. maintain uniform flux distribution 
396. Generator inter poles :- ( T.K. Eismin, Page-195) 
a. improve generator output b. prolong the life of the brushes and commutator 
c. reduces radio interference d. all of the above 
397. The commutation process in DC Generator basically involves :- (B.L Thareja, Page-611) 
a. Passage of current from moving armature to a stationary 
b. Reversal of current in an armature coil as it crosses MNA 
c. Conversion of A.C to D.C 
d. Suppression of reactance voltage 
398. The main function of an equalizer bar is to made the parallel operation of two over compounded D.C 
Generator :- (B.L Thareja, Page-620) 
a. stable b. possible c. regular d. smooth 
399. For the voltage built up of a self excited D.C. generator which of the following is NOT an essential condition 
 (TK Eismin, P-198) 
a. There must be some residual flux b. Field winding mmf must aid the residual flux 
c. Total field circuit resistance must be less than the critical value 
d. Aarmature speed must be very high 
400. If residual magnetism of a shunt generator is destroyed accidentally, it may be restored by connecting the shunt 
field :- (T.K. Eismin, Page-193) 
a. to earth b. to an A.C. source 
c. in reverse d. to a D.C source 
401. In a D.C generator the conversion of induced A.C to D.C is accomplished by :- (T.K. Eismin, Page-191) 
a. the generator commutator b. a battery connected inverter 
c. two groups of generator interposers d. a battery connected rectifier transformer combination 
402. During flight, when more power is needed, the generator voltage will :- (T.K. Eismin, Page-199) 
a. remain at a constant value, however the current flow will increase 
b. automatically decrease because of the greater current flow 
c. remains at a constant value, the current will also remain at a constant value 
d. increase at a steady value in order to restrict the current flow 
403. In a long shunt compound wound generator, the shunt field is connected in parallel with :- 
 (B.L Thareja, Page – 270) 
a. Armature b. Series field 
c. Parallel combination of armature and series field d. Series combination of armature and series field 
404. Cable used where temperature is high and also severe flexibility is required under low temperature conditions: 
 (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 83) 
a. unifier „F‟ b. FEPSIL 
405. Certain terminal box/junction boxes are having one side open while fitting these the open side should be: 
 (Ref. AC 43 – MRO Manual) 
a. open outward b. open downward 
c. open horizontally d. open backward 
406. The insulation on electrical conductor to be used in fire area: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 83) 
c. NYVIN d. None 
407. The system of wiring used in modern a/c is: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 87) 
a. in d.c. power supply single wire earth return system is used 
b. all negative connections are connected to aircraft structure at various earth stations 
c. for a.c. power supply circuits the airframe also serves as a connection for the neutral point. 
d. all the above are true. 
408. The earth conductor on a/c should be checked for: (Ref. EHJ Pallet) 
a. corrosion b. mechanical strength 
c. IR drop d. all the above 
409. Co-axial cables are used for: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 87) www.rjworld.com 
a. ignition harness b. generator cables
c. fuel quantity indicating system d. none of the above 
410. The composition of cable loom is governed by factors such as: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 85) 
a. overall diameter/ electrical resistance of wire b. temperature conditions 
c. types of circuit with which cables are associated 
d. all are correct 
411. Electric wire terminals for most aircraft application must be what type? (Ref. TK Eismin, 66) 
a. soldered type b. hook type 
c. slotted type d. ring type or fork type 
412. Which of the following factors must be taken into consideration when determining the wire size to use for a/c 
installation: (Ref. TK Eismin, 60) 
a. allowable power loss/permissible voltage drop 
b. current carrying capacity of wire 
c. type of load (continuous or intermittent) 
d. all the above 
413. How should the splices be arranged if several are to be located in an electrical wire bundle: 
 (Ref. TK Eismin, 70) 
a. staggered along the length of the bundle b. grouped together to facilitate inspection 
c. enclosed in a conduit d. any one of the above 
414. When electric cables must pass through holes in the bulk head, formers, ribs, firewalls etc, the wire must be 
protected for chaffing by: (Ref. TK Eismin, 65) 
a. wrapping with electrical tapes b. using a rubber grommet 
c. wrapping with plastic d. any one of the above 
415. In ducted loom wiring system, the duct may be made of: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 85) 
a. aluminum b. resin impregnated asbestos 
c. molded fibre glass re-inforced plastic d. all are correct 
416. The insulation used on the electrical wire should confirm to the following rigid requirement: 
 (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 85) 
a. toughness and flexibility over a fairly wide range of temperature 
b. resistance to fuels, lubricants and hydrolic fluids 
c. ease of stripping for terminating, non-flammability and minimum weight 
d. all the above 
417.During installation of electrical connections on terminals strips of an aircraft electrical system, it should be 
determined that: (Ref. TK Eismin, 70) 
a. only locknuts have been used for terminal attachment to the studs. 
b. the terminal should be anchor against rotation 
c. only plain nuts and lockwashers have been used for terminal attachment to the studs 
d. any one of the methods can be used 
418. While routing electrical cable the precautions to be used are: 
a. protection to the wires against heat, liquids, abrasion and wear 
b. clamps should be installed in such a manner that the wires do not come in contact with other parts of the aircraft 
when subjected to vibration www.rjworld.com 
c. sufficient slack should be left between the last clamp and electrical equipment to prevent strain at wire terminal 
d. all the above (Ref. TK Eismin, 64) 
419. The open wiring system what precaution should be used: 
a. the number of wires grouped in a bundle should be limited in order to reduce the problems of maintenance and 
to limit damage in case a short circuit should occur and burn of the wire in bundle 
b. shielded cable, ignition cable and wires that is not protected by circuit breaker or fuse should be routed separately 
c. the bending radius of a wire bundle should not be less than 10 times the outer diameter of the bundle 
d. all the above (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 62) 
420. What is true about aluminum wires used in aircraft: 
a. an aluminum conductor having same resistance as copper conductor, has only two –thirds of the weight but twice 
the cross sectional area of copper conductor 
b. aluminum wire smaller than AWG size 6 is not acceptable 
c. aluminum wires can not be soldered. In many cases aluminum wire requires a special wire-stripping tool to ensure 
that the strands are not nicked or broken 
d. all the above (Ref. TK Eismin, 70) 
421. The crimped terminations are considered superior to soldering termination: 
a. crimpling is faster, easier and uniform action can be assured 
b. good electrical conductivity and lower voltage drop 
c. strong electrical connection, no chance of shorting as solder is not used and no heating required, dry joints are 
d. all the above (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 88) 
422. The composition of cable loom is dictated by such factors as: 
a. overall diameter and temperature conditions 
b. type of current, ac or dc, intermittent duty or continuous duty 
c. interference resulting from inductive or magnetic effect 
d. all the above (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 84) 
423. For connecting aluminum termination, the hardware to be used is made of: 
a. aluminum or aluminum alloy 
b. should be plated with cadmium or some other compatible material 
c. both a & b are correct 
d. brass to used (Ref. TK Eismin, 70) 
424. Which of the following statements is correct for connectors: 
a. AN connectors are of five basic classes 
b. connectors of classes A, B, C & D are made of copper 
c. class K is made of steel 
d. both a & c are correct (Ref. AC65 -12A, 258) 
425.Where physical separation of wire bundle is not possible with a metal line carrying a flammable fluid: 
 (Ref. TK Eismin, 65) 
a. wires should be placed above the flammable fluid line and securely clamped to the structure 
b. wires must be placed in conduits 
c. wire should be wrapped with PVC tube or tape 
d. any one of the above method can be used 
426. While pulling the cables wire bundle through conduits the recommended lubrication to be used is: 
 (Ref. TK Eismin -66) www.rjworld.com 
a. light weight vegetable based grease b. powered graphite
c. talc powder d. easily available hydrolic oil om-15 
427. Nickel-coated copper wire must be used at temperatures: Eismin, P-56 
a. 221 F (105 C) and 392 F (220 C) b. 392 F (220 C) and 500 F (260 C) 
c. 50 C and 100 C) d. none of the above 
428. For rectangular conductors the size of the wire is measured in: Eismin, P-57 
a. circular mil b. rectangular mil c. square mil d. none of the above is correct 
429. Intermittent circuits carry current for intervals of: Eismin, P-58 
a. 15 min. or less b. 10 min. or less 
c. 5 min. or less d. 2 min. or less 
430. A continuous flow is considered to be any circuit that carries current for a period longer than: 
 Eismin, P-58 
a. ½ min. b. 1 min. c. 2 min. d. 4 min. 
431. The maximum allowable voltage drop for continuous operation in a 28 volt system is: 
 Eismin, P-58 
a. 8 volts b. 4 volts c. 2 volts d. 1 volt 
432. The maximum allowable voltage drop for continuous operation in a 14 volts system is: Eismin, P-58 
a. 4 volts b. 2 volts c. 1 volts d. 0.5 volt 
433. The maximum allowable voltage drop for continuous operation in a 115 volts system is: Eismin, P-58 
a. 7.0 volts b. 4.0 volts c. 1.0 volts d. 0.5 volts 
434. The maximum allowable voltage drop for continuous operation in a 200 volts system is: Eismin, P-58 
a. 7.00 volts b. 4.00 volts c. 1.00 volts d. 0.5 volts 
435. The maximum allowable voltage drop for intermittent operation in a 14 volts system is: Eismin, P-58 
a. 14.00 volts b. 8.00 volts c. 2.00 volts d. 1.00 volts 
436. The maximum allowable voltage drop for intermittent operation in 28 volts system is: Eismin, P-58 
a. 1.00 b. 2.00 c. 8.0 d. 14.00 
437. The maximum allowable voltage drop for intermittent operation in 115 volts system is: Eismin, P-58 
a. 14.0 system b. 8.0 volts c. 2.00 volts d. 1.00 volts 
438. The maximum allowable voltage drop for intermittent operation in 200 volts system is: 
a. 14.0 volts b. 8.0 volts c. 2.0 volts d. 1.00 volts 
439. The maximum size of aluminium wire used for aircraft is: Eismin, P-59,70 
a. AL-8 b. AL-6 c. AL-4 d. AL-2 
440. Mark the correct statement while replacing copper wire with aluminium wire: Eismin, P-59 
a. In general, an aluminium wire two sizes larger than the copper wire be acceptable 
b. In general, an aluminium wire one sizes larger than the copper wire be acceptable 
c. In general, an aluminium wire two sizes smaller than the copper wire be acceptable 
d. none of the above 
441. MTCS about aircraft cables & wires: Eismin, P-63 www.rjworld.com 
a. when the continuous lacing is applied, the first loop is a clove hitch locked with a double overhand knot 
in single cord lacing. 
b. when the continuous lacing is applied the first loop is a bowline-on-a-bight knot with a single overhand knot in 
single cord lacing 
c. when the continuous lacing is applied, the first loop is a clove hitch locked with a single overhand knot in single 
cord lacing 
d. when the continuous lacing is applied the first loop is a bowline-on-a-bight knot in a single cord lacing 
442. MTCS about aircraft cables & wires: Eismin, P-63 
a. when the continuous lacing is applied the first loop is a clove-hitch locked with a double overhand knot in double 
cord lacing 
b. when the continuous lacing is applied, the first loop is a clove hitch locked with a single overhand knot 
in single cord lacing 
c. when the continuous lacing is applied the clove hitch locked with a single overhand knot in double cord lacing 
d. none of the above 
443. The terminating ends of the cord, while trying or lacing wire bundles, are trimmed to provide a minimum 
length of: Eismin, P-63 
a. 3/8 inch b. 3/16 inch c. 3/32 inch d. 3/64 inch 
444. In open areas, the cable bundles should be laced or tied if supports for the cable are more than: 
 Eismin, P-62 
a. 4 inches apart b. 6 inches apart 
c. 8 inches apart d. 12 inches apart 
445. Mark the correct statement about the cable installation: Eismin, P-64 
a. when a cable clamp is mounted on a vertical member, the loop of the clamp should always be at the 
b. when a cable clamp is mounted on a vertical member, the loop of the clamp should always be at the top 
c. when a cable clamp is mounted on a vertical member, the loop of the clamp should always be at the right angle 
d. when a cable clamp is mounted on a vertical member, the loop of the clamp should always be at the side with a 
angle of 60 
446. MTCS about cables wire installation: Eismin, P-65 
a. a grommet is not required if a wire bundle is held by a clamp in the centre of a hole through a bulkhead, and the 
clearance between the edge of hole and the bundle is more than ¼ inch 
b. a grommet is required if a wire bundle is held by a clamp in the centre of a hole through a bulkhead, and the 
clearance between the edge of the hole and the bundle is less than ¼ inch 
c. both (a) & (b) are correct 
d. both (a) & (b) are incorrect 
447. The type of cable used for general services wiring is: Eismin, P-83 
a. NYVIN b. PREN c. TERSIL d. either (a) or (b) 
448. The type of cable used for areas where screening is required is: Pallet, P-83 
a. NYVIN MET Sheath b. NYVIN c. PREN d. EF glass 
449. The type of cable most appropriate to be used in landing gear shock strut switch circuit is: 
 Pallet, P-83 
a. unifire „F‟ b. nyvin met sheath 
c. FEPSIL d. EF glass 
450. The type of conductor used in UNIFIRE-„f” cable is: Pallet, P-83 www.rjworld.com 
a. tinned copper conductor b. aluminium
c. nickel-plated copper d. silver plated copper 
451. The type of cable used in high temperature areas where resistance of aircraft fluids is necessary is: 
 Pallet, P-83 
452. The type of cable used in circuits required to function during or after a fire is: Pallet, P-83 
453. “Potting” means/related to: 
a. bonding jumpers b. plugs & sockets 
c. nickel cadmium battery d. lead acid battery 
Pallet, P-92 
454. The magnetic indicators in which an electromagnet rotates a ball through 150 degrees give: 
 Pallet, P-130 
a. one-position indications b. two-positions indications 
c. three-positions indications d. four-positions indications 
455. The total no. of allowable nicked and broken strands in aluminium cables is: Eismin, P-70 
a. 2 nicked, none broken b. 4 nicked, none broken 
c. none nicked, none broken d. data in sufficient 
456. For a wire length of 6 inches the indication marking is done on/at: AGE Lalit Gupta, P-281 
a. 3 inches interval b. near each ends 
c. exactly in the centre d. it need not be marked 
457. Identification code on a cables is printed: AGE Lalit Gupta, P-281 
a. near each end and at 12 to 15 inch intervals 
b. near each end and at 15 to 18 inch intervals 
c. at 24 inch intervals 
d. none of the above 
458. The unit of magneto motive force (m.m.f.) is: Pallet, P-196 
a. ampere-turns b. tesla 
c. ampere per meter d. weber 
459. A wire is marked as 1P1A22N. The number 22 here indicates: Pallet, P-185 
a. cable number b. cable size 
c. cable segment d. current carrying capacity of cable is 22 amps 
460 .The lighting used for the general illumination of cockpit areas is: Pallet, P-152 
a. electroluminescent lighting b. pillar lights 
c. eye brow lights d. flood lights 
461. The studs of electric terminal strips can accommodate: Eismin, P-69 
a. 2 terminals b. 4 terminals c. 6 terminals d. 8 terminals 
462. MTCS about the electrical connectors: Eismin, P-71 
a. a connector assembly consists of plug and sockets 
b. a connector assembly consists of plug and receptacle 
c. as in (a) and plug contains pins & socket contain inserts 
d. as in (b) and plug contains sockets and receptacle contains pins www.rjworld.com 
463. Which of the following is a fire proof connector: 15A, P-455 
a. class A b. class D c. class K d. class M 
464. Mark the correct answer about identification markings on cables: 15A, P-440 
a. wire are usually marked at intervals of not more than 15 inch lengthwise and within 6 inch of each junction on 
terminating point 
b. wires are usually marked at intervals of not more than 18 inch length wise and within 3 inch of each junction or 
termination point 
c. wires are usually marked at intervals of not more than 15 inch length wise and within 3 inch of each 
junction or termination point 
d. wires are usually marked at intervals of not more than 15 inch length wise and within 6 inch of each junction or 
termination point 
465.. Identify the given knot on a wire bundle: 15A, P-443 
a. clove hitch only b. clove hitch with square knot 
c. bowline-on-a-bight d. none of the above 
466. Mark the correct statement about the routing of wires in areas containing combustible fluids on oxygen lines: 
 15A, P-446 
a. wires should be on a level with plumbing lines b. wires should be above the plumbing lines 
c. wires should be below the plumbing lines d. either (a) or (b) 
467. Conduits are used to: 15A, P-457 
a. protect the wires & cables mechanically b. protect the wires & cables from hydraulic fluids or oils 
c. either (a) or (b) d. both (a) & (b) 
468. Wire bundles can generally have: 15A, P-441 
a. 50-75 wires b. 75-100 wires c. 100-125 wires d. 125-150 wires 
469. Identify the following knot on a wire bundle: 15A, P-448 
a. clove hitch b. bowline on a bight c. double knot d. none of the above 
470. Identify the given knot on a wire bundle: 15A, P-447 
a. clove hitch only b. clove hitch with square knot 
c. bowline-on-a-bight d. none of the above 
471. The maximum gap between two successive aircraft cable makings can be: FAA-15A, P-440 
a. 12 inches b. 15 inches c. 18 inches d. 24 inches 
472. A wire bundle has a dia. of 3 inches. The most suitable lacing to be done on it is: AGE/286 
a. single load lacing with bowline-on-a-bight knot 
b. double cord lacing with clove-hitch knot 
c. single cord lacing with clove-hitch knot 
d. double cord lacing with bowline-on-a-bight knot 
473. Recommend knot for starting the single cord lacing method: 
a. clove-hitch 
b. bowline-on-a-bight 
c. as in (a) and double looped over head knot 
d. as in (a) and single looped overhand knot 
474. Corona discharge occurs more readily at: Pallet-94 
a. curves and sections of wing which have minimum radii b. wing tips 
c. trailing edges, pitot tubes d. all of the above 
475. In the six position cable identification code under ATA-100, the 5th
 position indicates: Pallet-186 
a. cable number b. cable size c. cable segment d. either (a) or (b) 
476. In the ATA-100 cable identification code if he cable is a coaxial one, the following position code is omitted: 
a. 1st
 & 3rd
 positions b. 4th
 & 5th
c. only 5th
 position is omitted d. only last position is omitted 
477. A cable is marked as 2-3A-AL. It indicates: Pallet-186 
a. aluminium cable b. thermocouple cable 
c. as in (a) and size as AL3 d. as in (b) and its conductor is alumel 
478. A connection in which a cable conductor is secured by compression to a termination so that the metals of both 
are held together in close contact is called: CAIP/II/1008 
a. soldered connection b. flawless connection 
c. crimped connection d. looped connection 
479. Terminals used to connect aluminium wires are/is: 
a. aluminium only b. bimetal (Al. Cu) c. either (a) or (b) can be used d. copper 
480. “Potting”: Pallet-92 
a. is a technique usually applied to plugs & sockets 
b. is a method of cooling the generator 
c. is a method of bonding major components to structures of aircraft 
d. is a method of bonding secondary components to structure of aircraft 
481. The frequency of a 2 pole alternator running at 3600 RPM: BLT/1991/636 
a. 50 b. 60 c. 120 d. 720 
482. Sparking caused by discharge of static electricity is prevented by: (Ref. RollsRoyce-153) 
a. bonding all a/c and engine components 
b. bonding is not required 
c. unnecessary weight is increased 
d. none of the above 
483. In thermocouple system of fire detector: (Ref. RollsRoyce-154) 
a. two dissimilar metals are joined together to form two junctions 
b. rise in temperature produces an e.m.f. that triggers the detector 
c. both a & b is correct 
d. none of the above 
484. Failure to obtain an alarm signal when the test switch is actuated may be caused by: Ref. FAA-12A– 405 
a. defective test switch or control unit 
b. lack of electric power 
c. both a & b 
d. as in c & an opening in the sensing element 
485. The „firewire‟ system for fire detection is considered superior because Ref. EHJ Pallet, 163 
a. it provides maximum coverage of an engine fire zone 
b. it can eliminate the use of a considerable number of fire detector 
c. coverage area can be easily increased by extending the „fire wire‟ length by special coupling unit 
d. all the above 
486. The „fire wire‟ fire detecting system working on the principle of change of capacitance with the temperature, 
principle advantage of the system is that: (Ref. EHJ Pallet) 
a. a short circuit grounding the element or system wire does not result in a false fire warning 
b. it does not result in a false fire warning 
c. both a & b are correct 
487. In Lindberg Donner system, the principle utilized to give indication for overheat or fire warning is: 
 (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 164) 
a. change in capacitance with change in temperature 
b. change in resistance valve due to change in temperature 
c. change in gas pressure with change in temperature to actuate diaphragm operated contacts 
d. none of the above www.rjworld.com 
488. For starting engine the type of fire extinguisher required to be positioned is: (Ref. FAA – 120T) 
a. foam type b. CO2
c. Water type d. no need to have a fire extinguisher positioned 
489. The purpose of normally closed diaphragm operated low pressure switch in Lindberg Donner system is: 
a. to indicate presence of gas in the detector 
b. to make the “detector inoperative” in case gas pressure is reduced or completely leaked (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 164) 
c. both a & b are correct 
490. The fixed fire extinguishers used in aircraft are operated: (Ref. General) 
a. mechanically b. electrically 
c. both a & b d. pneumatically 
491. To blow out jet pipe fire: (Ref. General) 
a. use appropriate fire extinguisher b. cold crank the engine 
c. start the engine and blow out the fire d. any of the above 
492. Thermistor consists of semi-conductor material whose resistance changes as: (Ref. RollsRoyce -155) 
a. increase of pressure b. increase of temperature 
c. increase of velocity d. any of the above 
493. The charge of fire extinguisher: (Ref. AC65-12A/400) 
a. is sprayed through perforated pipes on nozzle into the cold zone of engine 
b. is sprayed into the hot zone, around combustion chamber 
c. sprayed around the exhaust pipe 
d. all are correct 
494. Type of fire detectors most commonly used for fast detection of fires are: (Ref. FAA-12A– 399) 
a. rate of temperature rise b. radiation sensing 
c. over heat detectors d. all the above are correct 
495. Automatic heat sensing fire detection circuit consists of: (Ref. FAA-12A– 399) 
a. heat sensing unit b. controlling unit 
c. a relay and warning devices d. all the above 
496. Fire protection installation continuous loop is supported by attachment or clamps every: 
 (Ref. FAA-12A– 400) 
a. 6 – 8 inches b. 8 – 10 inches 
c. 10 – 12 inches d. 4 – 6 inches 
497. Too great distance between support of continuous loop system may: (Ref. FAA-12A– 400) 
a. permit vibration b. as in a & chafing 
c. as in b & false alarms d. none 
498. A fire warning light for each engine is located in a: (Ref. FAA-12A– 405) 
a. special fire switch handle on the instrument panel b. light shield 
c. fire control panel d. all the above are correct 
499. In fire extinguishing system if cartridge is removed from a discharge valve for any reason: www.rjworld.com 
 (Ref. AC65-12A/407)
a. can be fitted back to original assembly only b. all the cartridges can be interchanged 
c. removed cartridge can not be replaced d. none of the above 
500. On periodic check of fire extinguisher container, the pressure was not between minimum and maximum limits, 
under ambient temperature condition, the procedure should be followed: (Ref. AC65 – 12A/406) 
a. replace the container if pressure is above the maximum limit 
b. replace the container if pressure is below the minimum limit 
c. replace the container 
d. release the a/c with MEL 
501. Mark the correct statement for Kidde sensing element: (Ref. AC65 – 12A/393) 
a. two wires are embedded in a special ceramic core within Inconel tube 
b. one of the two wires is welded to the case at each end & act as an internal ground 
c. the second wire provides a current signal when ceramic core material changes its resistance with a change in 
d. all are correct 
502. The contents of fixed types fire bottles in the a/c is generally: (Ref. AC65 – 12A/395) 
a. CO2
b. methyle bromide 
c. halogenated hydrocarbon (commonly called freon), Halon 1211 of Halon 1301 
d. none of the above 
503. Mark the correct statement for strobe lighting: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 147) 
a. capacitor discharge type 
b. flashing frequency is 70 per minute 
c. uses xenon filled tube 
d. all the above are correct 
504. The instrument lighting system used in a/c is: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 151) 
a. pillar lights b. bridge lights 
c. wedge light 
d. all the above 
505. Dome light in the cockpit is dimmed by: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 153) 
a. resistance in series 
b. choke in series 
c. capacitor in series 
d. none of the above 
506. Emergency lights in cockpit and passenger cabin illuminate: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 154) 
a. in the event of power failure in a/c 
b. primary control of the lights is by means of a s/w on a cockpit overhead panel 
c. illumination is normally at a lower lever 
d. all are correct 
507. What is colour and orientation of the position lights for navigation light on civil air planes: 
 (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 145) 
a. port – green, st. bd. – red, rear – white b. port – red, st. bd. – green, rear – white 
c. port – white, st. bd. – green, rear – red d. none of the above 
508. Runway turn off lights are used to provide illumination area to: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 146)
a. the immediate right and left of aircraft b. rear of the a/c 
c. both a & b are correct 
d. none of the above 
509. Mark the correct statement of strobe lighting: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 147) 
a. its input supply is 28v DC or 115v, 400 Hz a.c 
b. output is capacitor discharge, 450v and light is white in colour 
c. typical flashing frequency is 70 per minute 
d. all are correct 
510. The landing gear warning usually provide which of the following indications: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 176) 
a. red light for unsafe gear, no light for gear down, green light for gear up 
b. green light for gear up and down, red light for unsafe gear 
c. red light for unsafe gear, green lights for gear down, no light for gear up 
d. none of the above 
511. Anti-skid sensor is sensing: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 178) 
a. speed of the a/c 
b. pressure of brake unit 
c. temperature difference between hydrolic oil and atmosphere temperature 
d. all the above are correct 
512. The anti-skid system works on the principle: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 178) 
a. it monitors the rate of wheel deceleration 
b. if the rate of deceleration is very high, correction signed is applied to control valve 
c. the control valve diverts the fluid reaching to brake system, hence wheel spin up and causes to brakes to be 
d. all are correct 
513. In anti-skid system the reference speed signal is given by: (Ref. EHL Pallet, 178) 
a. transducers in the main wheels 
b. transducer in the nose wheels 
c. internal reference velocity signal is inbuilt to skid control unit 
d. none of the above 
514. The purpose of thermal switch incorporated in wind shield motor unit: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 179) 
a. to open the motor circuit if field winding temperature attains approximately 1500
c temperature 
b. if current in field winding exceed pre-determine valve i.e. 8 to 10 amps. 
c. to limit the operating speed of motor 
d. both a & b are correct 
515. Wind shield motor works on: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 179) 
a. electric supply b. pneumatic supply 
c. hydrolic supply d. all the above 
516. Anti-icing system used for pitot/static head is: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 215) 
a. natural air b. electrical heating 
c. chemical heating d. all the above are correct 
517. In de-icing system, where pneumatic boots are used, the ice is removed: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 169) 
a. by directing the hot air on the ice through the holes of boots 
b. by heating thin conducting coating provided over the surfaces of boot www.rjworld.com 
c. by inflation and deflation, causing ice to break up and with aid of air stream, crack off 
d. both a & b care correct 
518. The method of de-icing used for helicopter blades is: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 168) 
a. pneumatic 
b. electrical 
c. spray of chemical on the blade 
d. de-icing is not required. Ice is automatically thrown away due to centrifugal forces acting on the blades 
519. The purposes of time delay in rain repellent system is: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 179) 
a. to allow measured fluid to flow under pressure through the spray nozzle and onto the windshield once 
with single operation of push switch 
b. to allow fluid to flow after delay of 0.25 seconds 
c. to allow fluid to flow regularly after interval of 0.25 seconds 
d. all the above are correct 
520. The braking effect in windshield wiper motor in parking position is effected by: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 178) 
a. brake solenoid 
b. eddy current effect 
c. the motor operates a cam to change over the brake switch contacts which then short out the armature to 
stop the motor 
d. eddy current 
521. Mark the correct statement for windshield rain repellent system: (Ref. EHL Pallet, 179) 
a. rain is repelled by electrical heating 
b. compressed air is directed on to the windshield to remove rain particles 
c. fluid is prayed through nozzles which causes the surface tension in water to change to that the water is 
formed into globule which are blown off the windshield by air stream 
d. all are correct 
522. As per the requirement the windshield wiper motor operated on various speeds. The speed regulation is 
effected by: (Ref. EHL Pallet, 178) 
a. controlling the shunt filed strength of the motor 
b. using tapped transformer 
c. controlling the series filed strength 
d. connecting resistance in series with the d.c. power supply 
523. Mark the correct statement for ice detection in the air: (Ref. EHL Pallet, 174) 
a. the ice accretion causes a drop in pressure sensed by the probe and a diaphragm the deflection of which make 
the circuit to warning light 
b. knife edge cutter method 
c. ultrasonic probe system 
d. all the above 
524.Where the temperature sensing element is located in electrical heated windshields: (Ref. EHL Pallet, 172) 
a. within the cockpit and operated by pilot b. above the windshield 
c. embedded within the panel d. just outside the windshield but touching it firmly 
525. Mark the correct statement for windshield heating on large aircraft: (Ref. EHL Pallet, 170) 
a. transparent stannic oxide or gold film is used 
b. metal is deposited on the inside of the outer glass layer 
c. power necessary to deal with severe icing conditions in the order of 5 –6 watts/in2
 of windshield area www.rjworld.com 
d. all are correct 
526. Generally in turbo propeller engine installation: (Ref. RollsRoyce, 150) 
a. electrical system of ice protection is used 
b. electrical heating is used on air intakes cowling of the engine, propeller blade an spinner 
c. none of the above 
d. both a & b are correct 
527. Rain protection is provided in aircraft: (Ref. EHL Pallet, 178) 
a. by use of windshield wipers on pilot‟s and co-pilots windscreen 
b. by spraying rain repellant on pilot‟s and co-pilots windscreen 
c. no need for any such arrangement 
d. both a & b systems are used 
528. Safety relief valve in pressurization system operates: (Ref. General) 
a. pneumatically b. mechanically 
c. electrically d. automatically 
529. Temperature sensors used in ducting in air conditioning system provide signal in unbalance condition to 
 (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 181) 
a. pack valve b. temperature control valve / mix valve 
c. mixing valve d. air cycle machine 
530. The ram air flows from: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 181) 
a. primary heat exchanger b. secondary heat exchanger 
c. air cycle machine d. both a & b are correct 
531. The purpose of limit sensor and anticipator sensor is: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 181) 
a. to regulate air conditioning temperature 
b. to modulate any rapid changes demanded by an unbalanced control bridge so that when the actuator 
control moves the mix valve it will produce cabin temperature changes without sudden blast of hot air and 
cold air, and without raising duct temperature above limits 
c. to switch off the air conditioning when the temperature exceeded the anticipated limit 
d. all the above 
532. The safety valve in air conditioning and pressurization system works: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 181) 
a. with electric supply 
b. with hydrolic supply 
c. works automatically with air pressure from cabin (pneumatically) 
d. none of the above 
533. The purpose of dump valve is: (Ref. General) 
a. to release cabin pressure to atmosphere on landing 
b. to ensure that differential cabin pressure is maintained through out the flight 
c. to maintain cabin temperature as per the setting 
d. none of the above 
534. In large aircraft the air conditioning and pressurization is done with help of: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 180) 
a. freon refrigent b. liquid ammonia cycle 
c. compressed air taken from engine compressor d. all of the above 
535. Down stream temperature of air cycle machine is controlled by: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 181) www.rjworld.com 
a. pack valve 
b. temperature control valve (also known as mix valve) 
c. zone controller d. temperature 
536. The principle of smoke detector in aircraft is: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 164) 
a. infrared beam of light passes through the air sample 
b. air is sampled and any smoke present, causes a change of electric current in photo diode 
c. change in the density of air sample due to presence of smoke is measured by density motor 
537. The horn in landing gear warning circuit is activated by: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 176) 
a. up lock micro s/w 
b. down lock micro s/w 
c. engine throttle retard micro s/w 
d. all the above 
538. When the resistance type continuous wire fire warning element gets broken: Pallet, P-163 
a. fire warning system will not work satisfactorily 
b. fire warning system will still work satisfactorily 
c. as in (a) and a horn comes on when the continuous wire breaks down 
d. none of the above statements are correct regarding fire warning system 
539. The aft (tail) navigation light: Eismin, P-250 
a. must show light through an angle of 70 on each side of the centre line of the aircraft and to the rear 
b. must show light through an angle of 50 on each side of the centre line of the aircraft and to the rear 
c. must show light through an angle of 140 on each side of the centre line of the aircraft and to the rear 
d. none of the above 
540. An increase in which of the following factors will cause an increase in the inductive reactance of a circuit: 
 Eismin, P-87 
a. capacitance and voltage b. inductance and frequency 
c. voltage and resistance d. resistance and capacitive reactance 
541. Through which material will magnetic lines of force pass most readily: BLT, P-745 
a. copper b. iron c. aluminium d. titanium 
542. The power factor of a parallel resonance circuit is: BLT, P-555 
a. one b. zero c. 0.5 d. 0.707 
543. Current transformers are/have: Pallet, P-126 
a. step-down transformer b. step-up transformer 
c. transformation ratio as one d. none of the above 
544. The purpose of the current transformer is: Pallet, P-126 
a. to step-up the voltage 
b. to step-down the voltage 
c. to measure large AC load currents of main lines 
d. none of the above is correct 
545. Mark the correct statement about shunts: Pallet, P-126 
a. shunts used in DC circuits have two terminals while those in AC have for terminals 
b. shunts used in DC circuits have four terminals while those used in AC have two terminals 
c. shunts used in both AC & DC circuits always have four terminals www.rjworld.com 
d. shunts used in both AC & DC circuits always have two terminals 
546. Mark the correct statement about instrument transforms: BLT/2005/444-446 
a. current transformers are used with high range ammeters whereas potential transformer are used with low range 
b. current transformers are used with low range ammeters whereas potential transformers are used with high range 
c. both current and potential transformers are used with low range meters 
d. none of the above 
547. Mark the most appropriate choice with regard to meter sensitivity: FAA-9A, P-325,329 
a. the sensitivity of a meter movement is expressed as the amount of current required to give full-scale deflection 
b. the sensitivity of a meter movement is expressed as the number of millivolts across the meter when full scale 
current flows through it 
c. the sensitivity of a voltmeter is given in ohms per volt (/E) and is determined by dividing the resistance of the 
meter plus the series resistance by the full-scale reading in volts. 
d. all of the above 
548. The range of an ammeter can be extended by: 
a. connecting a high value resistance in parallel with the meter movement 
b. connecting a low value resistance in parallel with the meter movement 
c. connecting a high value resistance in series with the meter movement 
d. connecting a low value resistance in series with the meter movement 
549. A typical frequency of anti-collision light beam rotation is: Pallet-224 
a. 40-45 cycles per minute b. 80-90 cycles per second 
c. 80-90 cycles per minute d. 100-120 cycles per minute 
550. Retractable type landing lights utilize: Pallet-149 
a. split field series motors b. hydraulic power c. either (a) or (b) d. both (a) & (b) 
551. Strobe light utilize: Pallet-147 
a. DC driven motor b. capacitor discharge flash tube 
c. split field series motor d. hydraulic power 
552. Pillar lights are located on/at/in: Pallet-151 
a. on the pillars in the passenger compartments b. on the pillars in the cabin 
c. on the pillars in the nose strut d. on the main instrument panel 
553. Integral lights are fitted at/on/in: Pallet-151 
a. inside the landing lights b. inside the taxying lights 
c. inside the ice inspection light d. inside the instruments 
554. Bridge lighting is located at/on/in: Pallet-151 
a. passenger cabin 
b. bridge lighting is recessed into the sides of the fuselage and are preset to direct beams of light at the required 
c. on the instruments outside 
d. on the instruments inside 
555. When a resistance type continuous wire fire detector is broken, it: Pallet-163 
a. gives a false warning 
b. the system becomes inoperative www.rjworld.com 
c. the warning function is no way affected 
d. none of the above is correct 
556. The principal advantage of capacitive type of fire warning system is that: Pallet-164 
a. it can work on DC as well as AC 
b. a short circuit grounding the element or system wiring does not result in a false fire warning 
c. it utilizes very small amount of power 
d. it does not need fire extinguishers 
557. Smoke detectors use: Pallet-166 
a. capacitor discharge tubes b. spot fire detectors 
c. continuous fire wire elements d. photo diodes 
558. The safety switches in landing gear control circuit are located at/on/inside: Pallet-175 
a. up lock assembly b. down lock assembly 
c. landing gear shock struts d. inside the relay 
559. When all the lights in the under carriage position indicator are extinguished, it indicates: Pallet-176 
a. all gears down and locked b. all gears up and locked 
c. all gears in the travelling mode d. all gears are unlocked 
560. The purpose of safety switch in landing gear control circuit is: Pallet-175 
a. to bring all gears safely down 
b. to make the touch down as smooth as possible 
c. to prevent accidental retraction of the gear while the aircraft is a ground 
d. as in (b) and works in conjunction with braking system 
561. Electroluminescent lighting contain: CAIP/II/990 
a. sodium b. phosphor c. mercury d. filaments 
562. Passenger compartment is lighted with the help of: CAIP/II/991 
a. in candescent lamp b. fluorescent tube 
c. either (a) or (b) or both d. pillar lamps 
563. Wings scan lamps: CAIP/II/985 
a. allow visual inspection of wings leading edges for the formation of ice 
b. as in (a) and also visual inspection of turbine engines 
c. allow visual inspection of wings leading edges for the assessment of damage due to bird hits 
d. to measure using drop on each wing 
564. Which of the following loads can be supplied from the frequency wild generator: 
a. VHF radio set b. artificial horizon 
c. electrical de-icing system d. all of the above 
565. The advantages of proximity sensors are/in: Eismin-259 
a. it gives very bright & clean indication because current consumption is low 
b. uses less number of wires, hence it is easier to install, service repair 
c. there are no moving contacts which makes it more reliable 
d. it is cheap 
566. In overheat and fire detection system: (EHJ Pallette, P-164) 
a. Sensor are filled with helium gas www.rjworld.com 
b. Sensor are filled with hydrogen gas 
c. As in (a) and gives aural & visual warning in case of fire 
d. As in (b) and gives aural & visual warning in case of fire 
567. In capacitive type fire warning system: (EHJ Pallette, P-164) 
a. Capacitance of the element will increase with increment of temperature 
b. Capacitance of the element will decrease with increment of temperature 
c. As in (a) and doesn‟t give false warning in case of short circuit/grounding 
d. As in (b) and doesn‟t give false warning in case of short circuit/grounding 
568. Mark the correct statement: (EHJ Pallette,P-173) 
a. Pneumatic Boot is a anti-icing system and applied in wing/stabilizer 
b. Electrical heating method of anti-icing is applied to windshield 
c. Fluid method of de-icing is applied to air-intake 
d. Combustion heating is applied to Wind shield 
569.In propeller de-icing system: (EHJ Pallette,P-172) 
a. Power supply is fed through brush and commutator 
b. Only one timer unit gives supply to both propeller 
c. Both (a) and (b) are correct and timer energizes the heating element for 34 seconds 
d. As in (b) and timer energizes the heating element for 34 seconds 
570. In Ice detection system: (EHJ Pallette,P-175) 
a. The system is activated when the band pass filter passes a 150 Khz frequency 
b. The system is activated when the band pass filter passes a 140 Khz frequency 
c. The system is activated when the band pass filter passes a 150 Hz frequency 
d. Any of the above. 
571. In Engine air intake heating system: (EHJ Pallette,P-171) 
a. “Fast” mode is selected when temperature is between +10 degree to -6 degree centigrade 
b. “Fast” mode is selected when temperature is below -6 degree centigrade 
c. As in (a) and the duration of heat „on‟ and „off‟ is short 
d. As in (b) and the duration of heat „on‟ and „off‟ is long 
572. The Red light will illuminate in LG system when : (EHJ Pallette,P-176) 
a. All LG is UP b. One LG is UP 
c. All LG is in intermittent position d. None 
573. The horn in the LG system is connected with: (EHJ Pallette,P-176 ) 
a. Throttle and DOWN lock m/s 
b. Throttle and UP lock m/s 
c. Throttle Only 
d. None 
574. The condition for LG system horn to come on is: (EHJ Pallette,P-177) 
a. Any one LG is not DOWN & locked 
b. Any one LG is not UP & locked 
c. As in (a) and throttle at landing configuration 
d. As in (b) and throttle at take off configuration 
575. When the aircraft is on ground, LG UP position in the LG selector switch is prevented by the operation of: 
 (TK Eismin,P-255) 
a. Proximity switch www.rjworld.com 
b. Squat switch 
c. As in (b) and the switch is inside the LG selector 
d. As in (b) and the switch is on the LG shock strut 
576. Squat switches are connected in: (TK Eismien,P-253) 
a. Series 
b. Parallel 
c. As in (a) and are closed when the aircraft is on ground 
d. As in (a) and are closed when the aircraft is in air 
577. Horn silencer circuit will not function if: (EHJ Pallette,P-176) 
a. LG is not UP and locked 
b. Throttle is not at landing configuration 
c. As in (b) and LG is not DOWN and locked 
d. As in (a) and LG is not DOWN and locked 
578. In case of fire the APU: (CAIP-II) 
a. Manually shut down by APU master switch in flight deck 
b. Automatically shut down APU with the help of “Auto Ignition cutoff “ system 
c. Automatically Shut down with the help of fire detection system 
d. Both (2) and (3) 
579. Contacts of thermal switch used in the fire detection system is made up of: (EHJ Pallett Pg-106) 
a. Copper-rhodium b. Silver-rhodium 
c. Nickel-rhodium 4) None 
580. Runway turn off lights is used: (TK Eismin, P- 256) 
a. To turn off runway light in front of aircraft 
b. Provide light to the left & right of the aircraft 
c. During taxying operation 
d. Both „2‟ & „3‟ 
581. Ballast transformer used in the “Fluorescent light” system: (TK Eismin,P-256) 
a. To increase the system voltage 
b. To Stabilize the voltage 
c. To decrease the voltage 
582. If an electrical actuator overloaded due to mechanical load, it can be protected by means of :- 
 (E.H.J. Pallet, Page-142) 
a. Lead screw b. Electrical brake 
c. Torque switch d. clutch 
583. Mark the correct statement: (Ref. RollsRoyce-122) 
a. electric starter is usually a d.c. motor 
b. electric starter supply may be high or low 
c. the electrical supply is automatically disconnected when starter load is reduced after the engine started 
d. all are correct 
583. Pneumatic starters: (Ref. RollsRoyce-124) 
a. are used on most commercial airlines b. it is comparatively light, simple and economical to operate www.rjworld.com 
c. both are correct 
d. none of the above 
584. As soon as the engine starts: (Ref. RollsRoyce-122) 
a. starter gets disengaged by clutch system b. it remains running through out the engine seen 
c. it does not matter at all d. none of the above 
585.The commercial a/c requires its starting system to be: (Ref. RollsRoyce-122) 
a. highly reliable b. minimum disturbance to the passengers 
c. most economical d. all are correct 
586. Starting power requirements for gas turbine engine differ from those of reciprocating engines, in gas turbine 
engine peak load to the starter is applied: (Ref. Treager -374) 
a. during starter engagement b. during starter cutting off 
c. initially during starting d. during initial engine acceleration prior to light off 
587. Electric motor starters designed to provide high starting torque are: (Ref. Treager – 374) 
a. series wound b. shunt wound 
c. series & shunt wound d. shunt & series wound 
588. Type of starter mostly used on small engines: (Ref. Treager-374) 
a. fuel air combustion starter b. hydraulic motor starter 
c. starter generator 
d. ATA (all the above) 
589. The principle of electric starter is to convert: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 155) 
a. mechanical energy into electric b. electrical energy into mechanical energy 
c. magnetic energy into electrical energy d. magnetic energy into mechanical energy 
590. Some of the turbo engine requires 24v/48v supply for engine starting. This supply is obtained: (Ref. General) 
a. only through external power source 
b. a/c electrical supply system is having batteries for 24 volt as well as 48 volt system separately 
c. battery supply and APU supply are connected in series to make 48v 
d. batteries are connected in parallel during normal operation and are connected in series during internal 
engine starting cycle. 
591. Engagemnet of air turbine starter is accomplished through: (Ref. Treager-380) 
a. a jaw or friction coupling b. a jaw or fly wheel coupling 
c. a jaw or pawl and ratchet clutch d. none of the above 
592. The electric field of primary coil is made to collapse to generate high voltage in secondary coil by the help of: 
 (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 158) 
a. choke b. contact breaker 
c. rectifier d. sealed discharge gap 
593. The distinct features of LT ignition system are: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 160) 
a. no. of transformer coils are equal to number of cylinders 
b. the distributor supplies low voltage to primary winding of transformer 
c. no possibility of flares in distributor 
d. all are correct 
594. D.C. operated ignition system receive their power from: (Ref. Otis 11-8) 
a. the battery bus b. from the AC bus www.rjworld.com 
c. from PMA (Permanent Magnet Alternator) d. both a & c
595. Advantage of LT magneto ignition system over HT system is: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 160) 
a. HT lead is short 
b. the distributor is receiving low voltage from primary winding 
c. high voltage is induced in transformer coil 
d. all the above 
596. What will be the Joule rating of an ignition system operates on 10,000 watt for .00040 sec: 
 (Ref. Otis 11 – 3) 
a. 0.4 joule b. 4 joule 
c. 40 joule d. 400 joule 
597. How much energy is required to ensure that the engine will obtain satisfactory relight at high altitudes: 
 (Ref. RollsRoyce-127) 
a. 15 joules b. 12 joules 
c. 18 joules 
598. When is it necessary to have the ignition system continuously operating to give an automatic relight should 
flame extinction occur: (Ref. RollsRoyce-128) 
a. icing condition b. take off in heavy rain or snow 
c. both a & b 
599. An ignition unit may be supplied with alternative current (a.c) and operated by: (Ref. RollsRoyce-129) 
a. trembler mechanism 
b. a transistor chopper circuit 
c. transformer 
600. A choke is fitted in a d.c. trembler operated ignition unit is: (Ref. RollsRoyce-129) 
a. to extend the duration of discharge 
b. to retard the duration of discharge 
c. either (a) or (b) 
601. What is fitted in a d.c. trembler operated ignition unit to operate safely, even when the high tension lead is 
disconnected and isolated: (Ref. RollsRoyce-129) 
a. safety resistor b. discharge resistor 
c. choke 
602. Transistorized ignition unit is having advantage over the d.c. trembler operated unit because it has: 
 (Ref. RollsRoyce-129) 
a. reduced size b. less weight 
c. both (a) & (b) 
603. The discharge of shunted surface discharge type igniter plug takes the form of: (Ref. RollsRoyce -131) 
a. a. high intensity flashover from the electrode to the body 
b. a low intensity flashover from the electrode to the body 
c. either (a) or (b) 
604. How many ignitor plugs being situated in different positions in the combustion system: 
(Ref. RollsRoyce -114) 
a. one b. two 
c. three d. it depends upon type of JE 
605. In HT magneto system the rotor of the distributor is electrically connected to: (Ref. EHJ Pallet, 158)
a. primary winding of magneto b. secondary winding of magneto 
c. a.c. supply from a/c d. all are incorrect 
606. Ignition units are rated in: (Ref. RollsRoyce-127) 
a. joules b. coulomb 
c. amperes d. faraday 
607. Mark the correct statement: (Ref. RollsRoyce-128) 
a. H.T. connection of d.c. supply is given as input to trembler operated ignition unit and output is H.T. connection 
to igniter plug as output 
b. low tension (LT) is input and HT is output of ignition unit 
c. H.T. connection is input and output is LT is output in ignition unit 
d. none 
608. What will happen, when the voltage in the capacitor is equal to the breakdown value of a sealed discharge gap 
in trembler ignition unit: (Ref. RollsRoyce-129) 
a. the energy is discharged across the face of the igniter plug 
b. the energy is discharged inside the face of the igniter plug 
c. the energy is destroy across the face of spark plug 
d. all the above 
609. The surface discharge igniter plug has the end of the insulator formed by a semi-conducting pellet which 
permits an electrical leakage from: (Ref. RollsRoyce-131) 
a. central high tension electrode to the body 
b. body high tension electrode to the central rod 
c. both (a) & (b) 
d. none 
610. Which device is fitted to ensure that any residual stored energy in the capacitor is dissipated within one minute 
of the system being switched off: (Ref. RollsRoyce-129) 
a. choke b. discharge resistor 
c. safety resistor d. none 
611. The advantage of transistorized ignition unit over trembler operated unit is: (Ref. RollsRoyce-129) 
a. it has no moving parts and has longer operating life 
b. its size is reduced and weight is less than that of the trembles operated unit 
c. its construction and working function is easier 
d. both (a) & (b) 
612. In a.c. ignition unit receives an alternating current which is passed through ………..and rectified to charge a 
capacitor: (Ref. RollsRoyce-129) 
a. motor b. generator 
c. invertor d. transformer 
613. A rotating armature magneto to be fitted to a 6-cylinder engine must be driven at: 
a. the same speed as the engine b. half the speed of the engine 
c. one and a half times the engine speed d. twice the engine speed 
614. When the rpm of a shunt wind motion increases the current drawn by it: Pallet-225 
a. decreases b. remain the same 
c. increases d. none of the above www.rjworld.com 
615. In an AC motor, the difference between synchronous speed and the speed of the rotor is termed: 
a. the motor loss speed b. the brake speed 
c. the slip speed d. none of the above 
616. The self-sustaining speed is the: Pallet-225 
a. maximum speed at which the starter motor runs to maintain rotation of an engine 
b. speed at which the engine is capable of maintaining rotation 
c. speed at which current to the motor is interrupted 
d. none of the above 
617. The purpose of a “blow-out” cycle is to: Pallet-225 
a. remove excess air from an engine during starting 
b. blow cooling air through the starting m0tor after stating 
c. remove the unburnt fuel from an engine in the event of an unsuccessful start 
d. none of the above 
618. The contact breaker of a magneto is connected in the: Pallet-225 
a. primary winding circuit b. secondary winding circuit 
c. circuit between distribution and spark plug d. none of the above 
619. A rotating armature magneto to be fitted to a 6-cylinder engine must be driven at: Pallet-225 
a. the same speed as the engine b. half the speed of the engine 
c. one and a half times the engine speed d. twice the engine speed 
620. Starter generators are: Pallet-157 
a. compound wound machines b. series motors 
c. shunt generators d. starter generators have series generator and shunt motor 
621. The number of sparks given by the rotating armature type of magnetos, per revolution of engine is: 
a. one b. two c. four d. eight 
622. The number of sparks given by the rating magnet magnetos, per revolution of engine is: Pallet-159 
a. one b. two c. four d. eight 
623. Impulse coupling: Pallet-159 
a. provide advance spark 
b. heavy spark 
c. it‟s a coupling through which generator is coupled to the engine drive shaft 
d. is used with turbine starters 
624. Ignition switches: Pallet-159 
a. are two switches into one switch 
b. it is used in magneto circuit 
c. as in (b) and it completes a circuit by closing its contacts in the “OFF” position 
d. as in (a) and is a rotary switch 
625. Magnetos: Pallet-159 
a. are a combination of generator and motor 
b. are a combination of an alternator and transformer www.rjworld.com 
c. are a combination of impulse coupling and step-up transformer 
d. are a combination of paramagnet generation and impulse coupling 
626. The purpose of the choke inside the light energy ignition unit is: Pallet-161 
a. hastens the duration of discharge 
b. extends the duration of discharge 
c. absorbs the extra energy during the discharge 
d. provides a safe discharge current 
627. Polar inductor magneto is a: Pallet-159 
a. rotating armature magneto 
b. rotating magnet magneto 
c. as in (a) and gives four two per revolution 
d. as in (b) and gives four sparks per revolution 
628. A polar inductor motor to be fitted on a 12 cylinder engine must be driven at: BLT/1991/159 
a. same speed as engine speed 
b. half the engine speed 
c. double the engine speed 
d. one & half times the engine speed 
629. Distributor of a polar inductor magneto fitted on 6-cylinder engine must be driven at: Pallet-159 
a. half the engine speed b. the engine speed 
c. one and a half times the engine speed d. double the engine speed 
630. Mark the correct statement about magneto distributors: Pallet-159 
a. the distribution rotor of a polar inductor magneto fitted on a cylinder engine must be driven at one and a half 
times the engine speed 
b. the distribution rotor of a rotating armature magneto fitted on a 6 cylinder engine must be driven at the engine 
c. the distributor rotors are always driven at half the engine speeds 
d. distribution rotors are always driven at double the engine speed 
631. Proximity sensors work on the principle of: Eismin-259 
a. capacitance effect of a capacitor b. inductance of a coil 
c. heating effect of current d. kirchoff‟s laws 
632. When load is removed ___ motor will run at the highest speed: 
a,. shunt b. cumulative-compound c. differential compound d. series 
633. If the pole flux of a d.c. motor approaches zero its speed will: 
a. approach zero b. approach infinity 
c. no change due to corresponding change in back emf 
d. approach a stable value somewhere between zero and infinity 
634. The current drawn by a 120-v d.c. motor of armature resistance 0.5 and back emf 110 V is ___ ampere: 
a. 20 b. 240 c. 220 d.5