13 Mar 2014

Be A Successful AME.

Many new students who are joining courses related to aviation industry think that just after cpmpleteing their studies they will get a smart job, with handsome pay and facilities. But to be very frank guys you all are wrong regarding this, as to be at a good position in any aviation company you need to be an experience holder and only then you get jobs that you might be dreaming of before comming into aviation.
There are many sucessful people in aviation, there are also many technitions/engineer who has cleared only 1 or 2 papers but still they are doing well in their stream because most of them started with a very small opsitions, just to gain experience for free or at very low salary.
So, I was saying, There are many successful people in aviation, and behind every success there will be some hard work and sacrifices. Working in aviation industry is a stylish job that you can dream off. But the risks are also with it. It is highly responsible job so that experience becomes a must inside the industry. This is a successful story about an AME student who had completed AME course from Southern Aviation College and got training from Indamer. While working there, at that time he got only Rs. 3500 as stipend but now they are not giving it.

He didn’t clear any license papers but with his luck, he gets placed. Later he joined Gujarat Aircraft Maintenance organization, and had to left the job when the company wound up. At that time his earning was Rs.7500, per month. After that he got selected in Nepal aviation Company. Worked there for many years, with a salary of Rs.15000 and with that experience he went abroad and worked for Emirates group that really worth him more than Rs.75000. Then he came back India after many years and joined kingfisher airline services. Since he was more experienced, he become the senior technician and got a salary of Rs. 45000. Now total he has 13 years of aviation experience and still working in the industry. He appeared interview for senior technician in Singapore airlines and got selected.

If you are searching for a job now days and thinking that in your job campany will start paying you 40-50- thaousands with other facilties then you are wrong here. Inetially you have to start from junior technition like post, for which paying scale is also very less like Rs.3,000- 4,000 per month only.And after you definately get hike and mey reach upto 8,000-12,000 but after gaining experience of altest 2years as a technition, for the next job you apply you will definately get atleast above 35,000.

So guys, aviation is just about your HARD-WORK AND PATIENCE.

   Mukul Sareen