15 Mar 2014


 Job of an Aircraft Main. Engineer is one of the most reputated trade in the  field of engineering. AME jobs are also a highly paid job having great responsibilities. Now many of you must be thinking that this is false, me too accept that in the beginning when you will just start you career as a fresher you will not be paid too much, may be paid around Rs. 3000-5000 per month only. But after gaining an experience of 1 or 2years , am sure will will definitely be paid much more than any other engineer of other trade having same experience. To start your career you have to be determined about AME. However, to get AME job in hand is much difficult. First you need to clear license papers, than you need to undergo ojt for 6months and then aviation companies also demand experience and knowledge on live aircrafts, as AMEs are certifying flights fit for flying and pilot accept flights to take off only with his approval.

As jobs are small in number, very rare people get accommodated. Service men from Airforce are the people most benefited for this job, as they easily clear license papers while working for Airforce or after their retirement as they posses good knowledge and are also well experienced. After Air force people come AMEs and engineers trained by airlines under GET scheme, who gain experience in aviation and make them capable for this job.

Third and most rarely the real AME students placed as AMEs as they don’t get any opportunity to train under airline companies unlike engg graduates as they got engg degree. This is a critical situation for AME students, as they have got competitors like both air force people and degree/diploma holders.

So i conclude that the scope of AME is highly demanding, but doing special course like AME won’t give you much opportunity in aviation industry. Aviation industry needed qualified people with good experience and skills. And to get experience you need qualification, not AME education but a university engg graduation.