6 Feb 2014


1. Chain (thick line of 0.7mm) indicates

a. Visible outlines and edges
b. Hidden outlines and edges
c. Surface which have to meet special requirements.
d. Cutting planes.
2. Raised countersunk heads bolt nominal length is measured from
a. Under the head to the tip
b. Total length of the bolt
c. Threaded length
d. Distance from upper surface of the head (excluding the raised portion) to the extreme end of shank
3. Bolt head is of
a Steel b. Corrosion resistant steel c. Al. Alloy d. Brass
4. Bolt head is of
a. Steel b. Al. Alloy
c. C.R.S. close tolerance d. Al. Alloy close tolerance
5. AN 935 is
a. Plain washer b. Lock spring washer
c. Shake proof washer d. None of above
6. AN 936 is
a. Shake proof washer b. Lock spring washer
c. Plain washer d. None of above
7. Measuring capacity of Vernier Caliper is
a. Full graduated length of main scale
b. Full graduated length of main scale minus the length of the vernier scale.
c. Full graduated length plus vernier scale
d. All above
8. Vernier caliper is checked for accuracy with the help of
a. Slip gauge b. Micrometer c. Straight edge d. both a) and b)
9. Calliper Micrometer is used for measurement of
a. Small internal diameter
b. Big internal diameter
c. External diameter
d. All above
10. For measurement of cutting a lapping dimension of Drills, Taps and Reamers instrument used in
a. External micrometer
b. Internal micrometer
c. Vee-block micrometer
d. All above
11. When metal is in contact with plastics, glass wool (non-conducting material) the corrosion form is known as
a. Fretting b. Pitting c. Crevice corrosion d. None of above
12. Argon cylinders should not be used if the pressure is less than
a. 20 lbf/in b. 30 lbf/in c. 10 lbf/in d. None
13. Grub screws are used for
a. Locking the bolt b. Locking the nut
c. Locking two threaded components d. To stop end movement of piston
14. Taper pin are manufactured with taper of
a. 1 in 48 b. 1 in 10 c. 1 in 50 d. 1 in 60
15. Main constituents of Inconel are
a. Nickel and Iron b. Nickel and Chromium
d. Nickel and Copper d. Copper and Manganese
16. Aircraft wheels, brake pedals, control columns are made out of
a. Nickel alloy b. Magnesium alloys
c. Magnesium alloy castings d. Wrought Magnesium alloy
17. Anti-corrosive treatment given to copper and its alloys in order to reduce electric potential between these parts and its adjacent steel or aluminium parts is
a. Galvanizing b. Parkerizing
c. Metal spraying d. Cadmium plating
18. In order to increase elasticity and strength and reduce tackiness in rubber, the process is known as
a. Vulcanizing b. Calendering c. Hardening d. None
19. Aircraft rivets are identified by
a. Head style
b. Alloy
c. Length & diameter
d. All
20. For accurate location of particular area on an aircraft, which of the following is necessary?
a. Water line
b. Butt line
c. As in a) and b) in conjunction with station line
d. None
21. Which type of corrosion is occurred in stainless steel after electric arc welding?
a. Pitting
b. Galvanic
c. Inter crystalline
d. Fretting
22. For spot welding, in stainless steel, which is most suitable
a. Low-voltage
b. High-amperage
c. Low-voltage and High-amperage
d. High-voltage and Low-amperage
23. Heat generated in spot welding is measured by
a. Resistance x (Current)2 x Time
b. Resistance x Time / (Current)2
c. (Current)2 / Resistance x Time
d. Resistance x Current
24. Which of the following is Non-Magnetic?
a. Inconel
b. K-Monel
c. Monel
d. All
25. SAE 13XX represents
a. Magnesium Steel
b. Manganese Steel
c. Silicon Steel
d. Chromium Steel
26. Hot piece of metal is increased in thickness and decreased in length
a. Upsetting
b. Down setting
c. Swaging
d. Rolling
27. Rivets are designed
a. Stronger in shear
b. Stronger in tension
c. Should not be subjected to excessive tension load
d. Both a) and c)
28. Zero fuel weight means
a. AUW minus weight of fuel
b. Weight of cargo, passenger and crew
c. Maximum allowable weight of loaded aircraft without fuel and statement b)
d. All of these
29. I-beam is produced by
a. Rolling b. Casting
c. Forging d. None
30. Caustic cleaning products used on Al-structure have the effect of producing
a. Passive oxidation
b. Improved corrosion resistance
c. Corrosion
d. None
31. Fayed surface cause concern in chemical cleaning because of the danger of
a. Forming passive oxide
b. Entrapping corrosive material
c. Corrosion by embedded iron oxide
d. All of the above
32. The rust or corrosion that occurs with most of the metal is the result of
a. A tendency for them to return their natural state
b. Blocking the flow of electrons in homogenous metals or between dissimilar metal
c. Electron flow in or between metal for cathode to anode area
d. All of the above
33. Which of the listed condition is not one of the requirements for corrosion to occur
a. Presence of electrolyte
b. Electrical contact between an anodic area and a cathodic area
c. Presence of passive oxide film
d. None of these
34. Inter-granular corrosion on Al-alloy part
a. May be detected by surface pitting, white powdery deposit
b. Appears as thread like filament
c. Cannot always be detected by surface indication
d. All of the above
35. Which type of pipe wrench is designed with adjustable serrated jaws for gripping round pipes?
a. Warnok type
b. Stillson type
c. Super wrench tool
d. Williams type
36. Vise grip pliers is also known as
a. Heavy pliers
b. Lever jaw wrench
c. Monkey pliers
d. None
37. Punch holders are used to hold
a. Punches
b. Chisels
c. Both „a‟ & „b‟ are correct
d. As in „a‟, when a hard blow is required
38. Which pliers can be used for completing the safety wire operation?
a. Safety wire pliers
b. Diagonals & duck bill pliers
c. Both „a‟ & „b‟ are correct
d. As in „a‟ & diagonals
39. Diagonals are used for
a. Cutting steel wires & rods
b. Cutting bolt heads
c. Both „a‟ & „b‟ are correct
d. None
40. The shape of long nose pliers is
a. Round
b. Half-round
c. Square
d. None
41. The jaws of vise grip pliers is released from locking by
a. A small lever at each handle
b. A compound lever at both handles
c. A small lever at one of the handles
d. None
42. Which thread is used where a great strength is required in one direction?
a. Acme
b. Square
c. Worm
d. Buttress
43. In interlocking-joint pliers,
a. There are a number of holes at the hinge point
b. There are two holes at the hinge point
c. There are several curved grooves at the hinge point
d. None
44. Which nut is used to prevent other nuts from turning on threaded bolt or rod
a. Self-locking nut
b. Jamb nut
c. Stainless steel nut with cotter pin
d. None of these
45. The content of CO2 fire extinguisher or N2 pressurized extinguisher is checked by
a. Weight and pressure gauge
b. Marking on neck
c. By operating the extinguisher
d. All of the above
46. Choose incorrect statement
a. Yellow poly propylene provide insufficient strength
b. Proper tension in rope allows „1‟ movement
c. Manila rope requires extra slak due to shrinks
d. The rope from tail should pull away at about 450 to each side of tail
47. Which type of jack is used for L/G retraction check
a. Single base jack
b. Bottle neck jack
c. Screw jack
d. Tripod jack
48. Which measuring tool is used for outside or inside measurement for faster work
a. Vernier micrometer
b. Vernier calliper
c. Micrometer calliper
d. None of these
49. Which is incorrect statement
a. If corrosion is present in control cable should be replaced
b. Cable used in seaplane must be coated with paral-ketone
c. For detection of corrosion, cable twist in same way of lay
d. Carbon steel cable must be used with protective coating
50. After welding aluminium parts flux should be removed by
a. Immersing them in Luke warm water for 30 minutes
b. Mechanical means, i.e. Wire brushing as the flux is not soluble in water
c. Washing the parts in boiling water containing 5% HNO3
d. Vacuum blasting
51. A gusset is
a. A bracing between longerons
b. A type of connecting bracket
c. Used for fail safe construction
d. Like a butt plate
52. In computer terminology, MICR means
a. Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
b. Magnetic Ink Computer Recognition
c. Monitor Indicating Computer Relay
d. Mass Information Computer Record
53. The phase difference between voltage and current in a purely resistive circuit is given by
a. 00
b. 900
c. 450
d. 1350
54. One micro farad is equal to
a. 0.001 milli farad
b. 100 milli farad
c. 1000 milli farad
d. 10 milli farad
55. To smoothen the DC in rectifier, we employ
a. LPF b. HPF
b. BPF d. None
56. The Voltage / Current across the short circuit
a. V = max I = 0
b. V = 0 I = max
c. V = 0 I = 0
d. V = max I = max
57. The vacuum tube has
a. Directly heated anode
b. Indirectly heated cathode
c. Directly heated cathode
d. Indirectly heated anode
58. The name “Superhet” is used for
a. AM receiver
b. FM receiver
c. AM transmitter
d. FM transmitter
59. Two resistances of 15, 12 ohms each are connected in parallel across a supply, giving 27 ampere, then current through 15 ohm will be
a. 27 amp
b. 12 amp
c. 15 amp
d. 1 amp
60. Most effective method of removing rust from ferrous metal is
a. Steel wire brush
b. Sand paper
c. By abrasive blasting
d. Washing with hot shop solution
61. A) Rivet smaller than 3/32” diameter are never used on stressed structure
B) Never replace 2024T rivet with 2117T rivet
a. Both are correct
b. Both are incorrect
c. Only A) is correct
d. Only B) is correct
62. Regarding permanent ballast
a. Lead bar or plate is used
b. Painted red and placarded
c. Bolted as near as possible to CG
d. Both A and B
63. Transverse pitch is
a. Twice the rivet diameter
b. 70% of rivet pitch
c. 75% of rivet pitch
d. 6-8 diameter
64. Rivet pitch is
a. Distance between center of rivet in a row
b. Distance between edge to center of rivet
c. Four times the rivet diameter
d. Both a) and c) are correct
65. Edge distance (minimum) is
a. 4D
b. 2D
c. 6-8D
d. Any of the above
66. The amount of rivet length used for shop head is
a. 11/2” x diameter of rivet
b. 4 x diameter of rivet
c. 3 x diameter of rivet
d. All of the above
67. Which plating process provide excellent base for paint
a. Cd – Plating
b. Zn – Plating
c. Granodizing
d. All of the above
68. Which treatment give excellent base for paint
a. CR – Plating
b. Parkerizing
c. Metal spraying
d. Zn – plating
69. The process use zinc as a medium for plating
a. Parkerizing
b. Sheradizing
c. Galvonizing
d. Both b) and c)
70. In Electrically driven attitude indicators, the gyro rotates approx., at
a. 20000 rpm
b. 21000 rpm
c. 21500 rpm
d. None of the above
71. During functional test of direction indicator, the drift should be checked which should not exceed
a. 2 degree in 15 minutes
b. 3 degree in 15 minutes
c. 2 degree in 30 minutes
d. 3 degree in 30 minutes
72. Performance test of instruments should be carried out
a. Before installation
b. At times when indication and operation are suspected
c. At periods mentioned in aircraft maintenance manual
d. All of the above
73. Worm threads have a thread angle of
a. 45 degrees and is similar to ACME threads
b. 29 degrees and is similar to ACME threads
c. 29 degrees and depth of threads are deeper than ACME threads
d. 29 degrees and ACME threads are deeper than worm threads
74. The figure shown here is of
a. A simple gear train and the gear „D‟ moves at half speed of gear „A‟
b. As in „a‟ & the gear „D‟ moves in the same direction of the gear „A‟
c. A compound gear train & the gear „D‟ moves in the opposite direction of the gear „A‟
d. A simple gear train and the gear „D‟ moves in the opposite direction at a double speed of gear „A‟
100T 30 30 50T
75. Which of the following memories has got equal access time for all locations of the memory limit?
a. Read Only Memory (ROM)
b. Programmable Read Only Memory (PROM)
c. Random Access Memory (RAM)
d. Erasable ROM
76. To get a basic D.C. generator from A.C. generator which of the following arrangement is made?
a. By replacing the slip rings of the A.C. generator with commutator
b. By the addition of extra slip rings
c. By connecting a rectifier
d. None of the above
77. The rotating part of a DC generator is called
a. Field coil b. Yoke c. Armature d. None of these
78. Variations of D.C. voltage generated by D.C. generator is called
a. Ripple b. R.M.S. c. Average d. Crest
79. The brushes in generator are generally made up of
a. High grade carbon
b. High grade silicon
c. High grade selenium
d. High grade zinc
80. The term 10-5 farads mean
a. 1 mili-farad b. 10 micro-farad
c. 10 nano-farad d. None
1.C 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.B
6.A 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.C
11.C 12.A 13.C 14.A 15.B
16,.C 17. D 18. A 19. D 20. C
21.C 22. C 23. A 24.B 25. B
26. A 27. D 28. C 29. A 30. C
31. B 32. A 33.C 34.C 35.B
36. B 37. C 38. C 39. D 40. B
41. C 42.D 43.C 44.B 45.A
46. A 47. D 48.B 49.C 50.C
51.B 52.A 53.A 54.A 55.A
56.B 57.B 58.A 59.B 60.C
61.C 62.C 63.C 64.D 65.B
66.A 67.C 68.B 69.D 70.B
71.B 72.D 73.C 74.D 75.C
76.A 77.A 78.A 79.A 80.B