6 Feb 2014


1. Diamond is a:
(a) Metal (b) Non-metal (c) Glass (d) Composite
2. Number of atoms in a Body Centered Cubic (BCC) crystal are:
(a) Ten (b) Seventeen (c) Nine (d) Fourteen
3. Type of bond formed in a material by sharing of electrons in different atoms is:
(a) Ionic Bond (b) Covalent Bond
(c) Metallic Bond (d) Electrostatic bond
4. A crack in a metal due to corrosive atmosphere and static tensile stress is known as:
(a) Bauschinger‟s effect (b) Work hardening (c) Season cracking (d) Strain aging
5. A metal part or structure fails under repetitive or fluctuating loading or stress is called:
(a) Fatigue fracture (b) Ductile fracture (c) Creep fracture (d) Brittle fracture
6. (1) An intermetallic compound is a form of alloy, where as
(2) Substitutional solid solution is a type of solid solution
(a) 1 is correct & 2 is incorrect (b) 2 is correct & one is incorrect
(c) Both (1) and (2) are incorrect (d) Both, (1) and (2) are correct
7. Property of a material to resist indentation is known as:
(a) Toughness (b) Hardness (c) Brittleness (d) Strength
8. Conductivity and Expansion are physical terms which are related to:
(a) Electricity (b) Heat (c) Cooling (d) None of these
9. Addition of carbon to the surface of steel to make it hard, is known as:
(a) Case hardening (b) Carburizing (c) Quenching (d) None of these
10. Permanent deformation of metal caused by applied load is called:
(a) Stress (b) Elastic deformation (c) Plastic deformation (d) None of these
11. The point at which marked increase in deformation occurs without increasing the load during tensile testing of a material, is:
(a) Yield point (b) Yield strength (c) Proof strength (d) Tensile strength
12. For tensile testing, the extensometer must be calibrated to:
(a) 0.0001 inch (b) 0.0002 inch (c) 0.0003 inch (d) 0.0004 inch
13. Yield strength of a metal can be determined by:
(a) Divider method (b) Drop of beam method
(c) Set method (d) None of these
14. In Brinell Hardness Testing, hard metal will have:
(a) Large Brinell number (b) Small Brinell number
(c) No effect by hardness (d) None of these
15. In Vicker‟s Hardness Test, angles between two opposite diagonals of diamond pyramid is:
(a) 1260 (b) 1360 (c) 1460 (d) 1560
16. Size of specimen taken for reverse bending test is:
(a) 5 inches (b) 10 inches (c) 15 inches (d) 20 inches
17. In reverse bending test, number of bends require for small wires
(a) 50 bends (b) 7 bends (c) 10 bends (d) 90 bends
18. Torsion test is carried out on
(a) Aircraft tubes (b) Wires (c) Sheets & strips (d) Bars & rods
19. In radiography inspection, the wave length of x-rays are in order of
(a) 10-6 (b) 10-10 (c) 10-11 (d) 10-6 – 10-9
20. Circular magnetization detects the defect approximately:
(a) In line with flux (b) Parallel to the line of flux
(c) Parallel to the axis of the part (d) None of these
21. Type of bond formed in a material by Electrons cloud is:
(a) Ionic bond (b) Covalent bond (c) Mettalic bond (d) Electrostatic
22. For tensile testing, it is permitted to taper the gauge length of the specimen towards center, maximum by:
(a) 0.001 inch (b) 0.002 inch (c) 0.002 inch (d) 0.004 inch
23. For elastic limit determination, the extensometer reading is taken from:
(a) 5% load of expected elastic limit (b) 10% load of expected elastic limit
(c) 15% load of expected elastic limit (d) 20% load of expected elastic limit
24. While testing a material for hardness, sufficient distance from edges should be there to avoid:
(a) Buldging at opposite side (b) Deflection while testing
(c) Ridge scales (d) Scratches
25. (1) Diameter of ball used for Brinell Hardness Test is up to ½ inches, where as
(2) Load applied for soft material is 500 kg.
(a) (1) is true and (2) is false (b) (2) is true and (1) is false
(c) Both are true (d) Both are false
26. Brinell Hardness Number is obtained by:
a) Size of ball divided by area of depression
b) Area of depression divided by size of ball
c) Load applied divided by area of depression
d) None of these
27. Maximum size of ball for Rockwell hardness test is:
(a) 5mm (b) 10mm (c) ½ mm (d) 1 ½ mm
28. In Rockwell hardness test, the working range of the B scale is:
(a) B0 – B150 (b) B0 – B100 (c) B0 – B20 (d) None of these
29. In Rockwell hardness test, „B‟ scale is a combination of:
(a) Diamond cone, 150kg load and Red dial
(b) 1/16 inch ball, 100kg load and Black dial
(c) Diamond cone, 100kg load and Black dial
(d) 1/16 inch ball, 100kg load and Red dial
30. Minimum thickness necessary with hard steel for Rcokwell hardness test is:
(a) 0.027 inch (b) 0.27 inch (c) 0.0027 inch (d) None of these
31. Load applied in Shore Scleroscope hardness test is:
(a) 30 kg (b) 50 kg (c) 10 kg (d) None of these
32. For bending test of sheet and strips, the size of test specimen is:
(a) 1 to 1 ½ inch wide with suitable length
(b) 1 by ½ in cross section
(c) Full section
(d) None of these
33. In reverse bending test, the specimen is bent through an angle of:
(a) 600 (b) 900 (c) 1200 (d) 1800
34. In Izod impact test, the specimen is :
(a) Supported on two supports (b) Clamped in heavy jaws
(c) Attached with pendulum (d) None of these
35. In Hydrostatic test, welded exhaust tubing are subjected to an internal pressure sufficient to put the welded seam under a tensile stress of:
(a) 1000 PSI (b) 10000 PSI (c) 100000 PSI (d) 1000000 PSI
36. In torsion testing of wires, speed of revolution should not be more than:
(a) 80 revolution/min (b) 70 revolution/min (c) 60 revolution/min (d) 50 revolution/min
37. In fatigue testing, the value of stress below which failure of material will not occur is known as:
(a) Plastic limit (b) Elastic limit (c) Proof stress (d) Endurance limit
38. Gamma rays used for inspecting aircraft material for internal cracks / defects are having wave length of:
(a) 10-3 (b) 10-6 (c) 10-9 (d) 10-11
39. (1) Sulfur is a harmful impurity in plain carbon steel
(2) Phosphorus is very much useful element of plain carbon steel
(a) Both are true (b) Both are false
(c) (1) is true (2) is false (d) (1) is false and (2) is true
40. High carbon steel is used for:
(a) Great hardness and low ductility (b) Great ductility and strength
(c) Great hardness and machinability (c) All of these
41. Which of the following is more useful for taking backups?
(a) Floppy disk (b) Hard Disk (c) Optical Disk (d) Cartridge
42. One Megabyte is _____________ bytes.
(a) 1048576 (b) 1000 (c) 102756 (d) 10
43. The material used as heat sink in semiconductors is
(a) Silicon (b) Germanium (c) Carbon (d) Selenium
44. When the conduction-band orbit of one atom may intersect the hole orbit of another atom merging of a free electron and a hole takes place. This merging of electron and hole is known as
(a) Current flow (b) Minority current flow
(c) Combination (d) Recombination
45. The barrier potential at 25˚C in respect of silicon and germanium is
(a) Si-0.7V and Ge-0.3V (b) Si-0.3V and Ge-0.7V
(c) Si-0.7V and Ge-0.7V (d) Si-0.3V and Ge-0.3V
46. Once the breakdown voltage is reached, the diode can conduct
(a) Heavily (b) Very flow (c) Moderately (d) None of these
47. An electronic device which converts alternating current into d.c. is called
(a) Detector (b) Rectifier (c) Oscillator (d) None of these
48. Mark the incorrect statement about a bimetallic strip
(a) It consists of two metals joined together at their interface to form a single strip.
(b) One of the metal is invar, a form of steel with a 26% nickel content and a negligible coefficient of linear expansion.
(c) The other metal may be brass or steel both of which have high linear expansion coefficient.
(d) None of these.
49. Many of the instruments depend for their operation on sensitive electrical circuits which are protected against adverse effects of atmospheric temperature, pressure and humidity by
(a) filling the cases with nitrogen (b) filling the cases with helium
(c) filling the cases with argon (d) either (a) or (b)
50. Instruments displaying information which is to be read accurately and at frequent intervals have scale about _____________ in length fitting into standard ____________ in cases.
(a) 6 in & 3 ¼” (b) 7 in & 3½” (c) 7 in & 3¼” (d) none of these
51. The rolled section having dimension of 6”x 6” or larger & approximately square is called
(a) bloom (b) billet (c) slab (d) none of these
52. To identify ferrous metal
(a) hardness test is used (b) spark test is used
(c) heat treatment is carried out (d) grinding stone is used
53. Solution heat treated & artificially edged is indicated by
(a) T5 (b) T7 (c) T6 (d) T8
54. The most widely used alloys in aircraft construction are hardened by
(a) cold work (b) hot rolling (c) heat treatment (d) all the above
55. The heat range for salt bath furnances are
(a) depending upon composition of bath.
(b) as in (a) & normally 650˚F to 1700˚F.
(c) as in (a) & normally 325˚F to 2450˚F.
(d) none of these.
56. In semimonocoque fuselage primary bending load is taken by
(a) frame (b) stringer (c) longerons (d) bulk hand
57. In external bracing wing the landing and aerodynamic loads is carried by
(a) spar (b) rib (c) wing joints (d) bracing struts
58. In main plane at the inboard end of the wing near the attachment point to the fuselage heavily stressed rib is called
(a) butt rib (b) bulk head rip (c) compression rib (d) all of them
59. Aircraft requiring extra wing area to aid lift often are
(a) split flap (b) plain flap (c) fowler flap (d) all of them
60. On multiengine aircraft Nacelles or pods are located
(a) above the m/p (b) below the m/p
(c) at the leading edge of the m/p (d) all the above
61. An amplifying, comparative gage is an instrument that amplifies the variation in the size of two similar parts by
(a) 2 times (b) 5 times (c) 10 times (d) 20 times
62. Johansson precision gage blocks, the second series of gage blocks contains
(a) 19 blocks (b) 49 blocks (c) 81 blocks (d) none of these
63. The entire cone shaped surface at the cutting end of the drill is
(a) dead centre (b) point (c) margin (d) lip
64. The angle between a lip and axis of a drill bit is known as ___________ and mostly 59˚.
(a) heel angle (b) lip angle (c) lip clearance (d) none of these
65. Part of the point drill that actually cuts away the material when a hole is drilled is known as
(a) point (b) cutting lips (c) margin (d) flutes
66. A capacitor consists of two
(a) conductors separated by an insulator called the di-electric.
(b) insulators separated by a conductor.
(c) insulators separated by air medium.
(d) conductors separated by air medium.
67. In a capacitor electric charge is stored in
(a) metal plates (b) di-electric (c) both (a) & (b) (d) none of these
68. Unit of m.m.f. is
(a) weber (b) gilbert (c) maxwell (d) henry
69. Joule/coloumb is the unit of
(a) electric field potential (b) potential (c) charge (d) none of these
70. In a lead-acid battery, excessive formation of lead sulphate occurs due to
(a) idleness of battery for a long time (b) low level of electrolyte
(c) persistent under charging (d) all of them
71. Common impurity in a battery electrolyte is
(a) dust particle (b) iron (c) lead crystals (d) sodium chloride
72. Overcharging of lead-acid battery will cause
(a) excessive gassing (b) loss of active material
(c) increase in temperature resulting in buckling (d) all of them
73. Total horse power developed by piston engine is
(a) IHP (b) BHP (c) FHP (d) Actual horse power
74. Factor affecting volumetric efficiency is
(a) improper fuel injection (b) cylinder bore
(c) low engine power (d) improper valve timing
75. In the formula indicated
HP= PLANK , where N stands for
(a) number of power stroke per minute (b) number of cylinder per engine
(c) number of RDM per power stroke (d) none of these
76. White arc on ASI dial indicates airspeed range
(a) normal operating range (b) maximum & minimum limits
(c) aircraft landing flaps may be extended (d) none of these
77. Mark the correct statement about
A field effect LCD
(a) It incorporates additional plates called polarizers on the front & back glass plates of the assembly.
(b) It contains a specially prepared inside glass surface which causes liquid crystal.
(c) The molecular configuration causes the plane of polarization to be reflected by 90˚ as it passes through LCD.
(d) All the above.
78. A quality of precision gage have the accuracy of
(a) 0.000008 inch (b) 0.000004 inch (c) 0.000002 inch (d) 0.000004 inch
79. The convenient gages which are designed to inspect the thickness of paper, plastic, steel metal, leather and so on with great accuracy are
(a) indicating depth gage (b) indicating thickness gage
(c) amplifying comparative gage (d) indicating gage
80. For flight equilibrium adequate restoring moment can be achieved by fixing C of G (Centre of Gravity)
(a) end C of P (Pressure) together (b) rear of C of P
( c) front of C of P (d) along aerodynamic C of P
1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A
6. D 7. B 8. B 9.A 10. C
11. A 12. B 13. C 14. A 15. B
16. B 17. A 18. B 19. D 20. C
21. C 22. C 23. D 24. B 25. B
26. C 27. C 28. B 29. D 30.A
31. D 32. D 33. D 34. B 35. B
36. C 37. D 38. D 39. C 40. A
41. A 42. A 43. C 44. D 45. A
46. A 47. B 48. B 49. D 50. C
51. A 52. B 53. C 54. C 55. C
56. C 57. D 58. D 59. C 60. D
61. C 62. B 63. B 64. B 65. B
66. A 67. B 68. B 69. A 70. D
71. A 72. D 73. A 74. D 75. A
76. C 77. D 78. B 79. B 80. C