6 Feb 2014


1. In electromagnetic method of fast erection, the output of secondary winding of transformer is:

a. 115V AC b. 20 V AC c. 28V DC d. 185V AC
2. For compensation of pendulosity error, the amount of inclination is governed by value of:
a. 0.50 b. 1.750 c. Either a) or b) d. None
3. In turn & ship indicator, the precession of gyro is equal to
a) Angular momentum of gyro b) Rate or turn
c) Product of a) & b) d) None
4. In TSI, in practice, the gimbal ring deflection is generally not more than
a) 50 b) 120 c) 80 d) 60
5. Under banked turn in TSI means
a) Skid out of turn b) Slip into turn c) None
6. Crank case of a piston engine is made up of:
a) One piece construction b) Two piece construction
c) Multiple piece construction d) All of the above
7. Crank case provides
a) Attachment of the cylinder b) Attachment of propeller
c) Tight enclosure for lubricating oil & a) d) All of the above
8. In radial engine, impeller & blower are found in
a) Power section b) Nose section
c) Super charger section d)Accessory section
9. Crank shaft
a) Converts heat energy in propulsive force
b) Converts heat energy in mechanical work
c) Transform reciprocating motion of piston in to rotary motion
d) As in c) & to rotating propeller shaft
10. Double throw crankshaft, also known as
a) 3600 crank shaft b) 600 crank shaft
c) 800 crank shaft d) 1800 crank shaft
11. Maximum strength of fibres is in which direction of bi-directional fabric
a) Warp b) Weft c) Biased d) Fill
12. Which of the following is the unidirectional fabric style?
a) Mats b) Tapes c) Kevlar c)Fiber glass
13. Which of the following can use as leak tester
a) Ultrasound method (Water immersion method b) Dye-penetrant method
c) Magnetic particle inspection d) None of these
14. Elliptical motion of wave on the upper surface of material known as
a) Shear wave b) Compression wave
c) Surface wave d) Tension wave
15. Thin sheet metals weld defect can be inspected by
a) X-Ray b) Ultrasonic method
c) Eddy current d) None of these
16. By which method we cannot detect the inter-granular corrosion easily
a) Ultrasonic method b) Eddy current
c) Magnetic particle d) X-Ray
17. Grinding cracks on small radius bends is appeared as __________ in magnetic particle inspection
a) Irregular lines over affected area b) Short parallel lines
c) Dotted patch d) Scattered small lines
18. Permeability of material is the function of
a) Magnetising force b) Flux density
c) Both a) and b) are correct d) None of these
19. Which instrument is used for checking the surface roughness?
a) Spectrometer b) Prosfetrometer
c) Profilometer d) Hilsegmetometer
20. The content of CO2 fire extinguisher or N2 pressurized extinguisher is checked by
a) Weight and pressure gauge b) Marking on neck
c) By operating the extinguisher d) All of these
21. Which is incorrect statement?
a) If corrosion is present in control cable should be replaced
b) Cable used in seaplane must be coated with paral-ketone
c) For detection of corrosion, cable twist in same way of lay
d) Carbon steel cable must be used with protective coating
22. After welding aluminium parts flux should be removed by
a) Immersing them in Luke warm water for 30 minutes
b) Mechanical means, i.e. Wire brushing as the flux is not soluble in water
c) Washing the parts in boiling water containing 5% HNO3
d) Vacuum blasting
23. A gusset is
a) A bracing between longerons b) A type of connecting bracket
c) Used for fail safe construction d) Like a butt plate
24. Which cross point screwdriver has a taper cross & the sides are not parallel
a) Phillips screwdriver b) Reed & prince screwdriver
c) Both are correct d) None
25. The hallow magnetized shafts of interchangeable screwdrivers hold hex bits of
a) 1/2 inch size b) 3/4 inch size
c) 3/8 inch size d) 1/4 inch size
26. The shape of which screwdriver permits the use of a wrench to assist in tightening?
a) Stubby screwdriver b) Phillips screwdriver
c) Heavy duty screwdriver c) Double ended screwdriver
27. Prick punch has an included angle of
a) 150 b) 450 c)650 d) 900
28. While installing a taper pin with a pin punch, the size of the punch should be
a) Larger than the size of the pin b) Smaller than the size of pin
c) Same size of the pin d) Can be of any size
29. Which hammers are used for riveting & stretching of metals
a) Ball peen hammer b) Straight peen hammer
c) Soft faced hammer d) Both „a‟ and „b‟ are correct
30. Soft hammers are made of
1) Babbitt 2) Brass 3) Carbon steel 4) Wood 5) Tool steel
a) 1,2 & 3 are correct b) Only „1‟ is correct
c) 1,2 & 4 are correct d) 1,2,3 & 4 are correct
31. In N-type semiconductors, the concentration of minority carriers mainly depends upon
a) Doping technique b) Number of donor atoms
c) Temperature of material d) quality of intrinsic material
32. Peak Inverse Voltage (PIV) across the non-conducting diode (Reverse biased) in center tape full wave rectifier is equal to
a) Vm b) 2/Vm c) Vm/2 d) 2Vm
33. Zinor Breakdown in a diode is due to
a) High electric field causes covalent bonds to break
b) Due to the increased velocities of minority carriers
c) Due to heating of junction due to heavy current
d) None of the above
34. Two switches are connected ___________ to obtain AND gate function
a) In series b) In parallel c) Either parallel or series d) None of above
35. Which gate is known as universal gate
a) OR gate b) NOR gate c) AND gate d) XOR gate
36. To identify Ferrous metal
a) hardness test is used b) Spark test is used
c) Heat treatment is carried out d) Grinding stone is used
37. Solution heat treatment & artificially eged is indicated by
a) T5 b) T7 c) T6 d)T8
38. The most widely used alloys in aircraft construction are hardened by
a) Cold work b) Hot rolling c) Heat treatment d) All the above
39. The heat range for salt bath Furnaces are
a) Depending upon composition of bath
b) As in a) & normally 6500 F to 17000F
c) As in a) & normally 3250F to 24500F
d) None of these
40. In semimonocoque fuselage primary bending load is taken by
a) Frame b) Stringer c) Longerons d) Bulk head
41. In external bracing wing the landing and aerodynamic loads is carried by
a) Spar b) Rib c) Wing joints d) Bracing struts
42. The entire cone shaped surface at the cutting end of the drill is
a) Dead centre b) Point c) Margin d) Lip
43. The angle between a lip and axis of the drill bit is known as ______ and mostly 590
a) Heel angle b) Lip angle c) Lip clearance d) None of these
44. Part of the point drill that actually cuts away the material when a hole is drilled is known as
a) Point b) cutting lips c) Margin d) Flutes
45. For flight equilibrium adequate restoring moment can be achieved by fixing C of G (Centre of Gravity)
a) And C of P (Pressure) together b) Rear of C of P
c) Front of C of P d) Along Aerodynamic C of P
46. The point on the chord line at which the total lift of a section at an aerofoil is considered to act is known as
a) Centre of Gravity b) Centre of Pressure
c) Lift d) None of the above
47. The difference between the angles of incidence between the main plane and tailplane is known as
a) Diheddral b) Anhedral c) Longitudinal Dihedral d) None of above
48. The type of drag which is produced by non lifting surfaces is known as
a) Parasite drag b) Wing drag c) Skin friction d) Induced drag
49. The stability which is due to features incorporated in the design of the aircraft is called
a) Inherent stability b) Neutral stability c) Static stability d) Dynamic stability
50. The angle of attack of an aerofoil such as wing is the angle between the
a) Chord of the wing and the longitudinal axis
b) Chord of the wing and the relative airflow
c) Chord of the wing and horizontal axis
d) Angle of incidence and stall angle
51. Crazing appears on the plastic surface in forms of
a) Straight line crack b) Zigzag crack
c) A network of crack running in all direction d) Not visible
52. If plastic is stored horizontally, the height should not be more than
a) 6” b) 24” c) 12” d) 18”
53. In a fail safe spar, the top section consist of
a) Cap and upper web plate riveted together b) Single extrusion
c) Splice plates and cap d) All of these
54. Hydraulic fluid leak is avoided in between the body and the piston of the break assembly by means of
a) Gasket b) O-ring packing c) Seal d) All above
55. In cantilever wing design
a) No external support is required b) Bracing is required
c) Drag wire is fitted d) None of these
56. The principal structured member of the wing is
a) Rib b) Spar c) Stringer d) Formers
57. In multiple disk break assembly stators are
a) Key to the bearing career b) Not key to the bearing career
c) It rotates d) None above
58. Pressure identification or false brinnelling appears in which type of corrosion
a) Fatigue corrosion b) Fretting corrosion c) Inter granular corrosion d) Stress corrosion
59. Al and its alloys are covered with pure aluminium to corrosion resistance is called
a) Sherardizing b) Anodizing c) Cladding d) Chromating
60. Magnesium parts are protected for temporary storage with
a) Cladding b) Anodizing c) Plating d) Chrome pickle treatment
61. The multiple disk break assembly consist of
a) 3 stators b) 4 rotators c) 1 bearing career d) All above
62. In anodizing of Al alloys a thin layer of film on the surface is formed of
a) Al oxide b) Sodium oxide c) Potassium oxide d) Calcium oxide
63. Dichromate treatment is given to
a) Al parts b) Steel parts c) Magnesium parts d) Copper parts
64. Al. Alloy bell cranks employing pressed in taper pins are suspected to
a) Fatigue corrosion b) Fretting corrosion c) Stress corrosion d) None of these
65. Rigid fuel tanks are tested for leak with the air pressure of
a) 2.5 PSI b) 1.5 PSI c) 2 PSI d) 3 PSI
66. Flexible fuel tanks are tested for fuel leak with the air pressure of
a) 0.25 PSI b) 1.5 PSI c) 2.5 PSI d) 0.5 PSI
67. Fuel leak of the tank is checked for the seepage for the period of
a) 15 min c) 30 min c) 45 min d) 60 min
68. The bladder type of fuel cell is made to size in the cavity when it sit
a) Larger b) Smaller c) Equal d) All of these
69. During symmetry checks of Aircraft a spring scale is used with the steel tape. Generally a pull of force is applied to obtain equal tension during reading it.
a) 8 lbs b) 15 lbs c) 5 lbs d) 10 lbs
70. To check the rudder hinge alignment the instrument used is
a) Scale b) Plum bob c) straight edge d) Steel tape
71. Taper on a shaft is indicated along the
a) Centre line b) Base line c) Dimension line
72. Set squares can be used for drawing
a) Vertical line b) Inclined line c) Parallel line d) All of the above
73. Splined shafts are used to
a) Transmit larger power than keyed shaft b) Obtain axial movement
c) Obtain rotary movement d) All of these
74. Flange couplings are
a) Flexible coupling b). Rigid coupling
c) Compression coupling d) Clamp coupling
75. The type of key used in muff coupling is
a) Wood roof key b) Gib-head key c) Round key d) Any of these
76. Gear sector gives
a) Continuous motion b) Intermittent motion
c) Reciprocating motion d) None of these
77. Helical gears are
a) More quiet than spur gear b) Having more number of teeth in contact
c) Smooth in operation d) All of these
78. Addendum + Duodenum =
a) Working depth b) Whole depth c) Tooth space d) Backlash
79. The basic difference in datum line and phantom line is
a) Thickness of lines b) Length of lines
c) No. of lines d) None of these
80. A straight line parallel to a vertical plane has
a) A line of same length in front view and point in top view
b) A line of same length in both views
c) A line of same length in top view and point in front view
d) None of these
1. D 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. A
6. D 7.C 8. C 9. D 10. D
11. A 12. B 13. B 14. C 15. A
16. D 17. B 18. C 19. C 20.A
21. C 22. C 23. B 24. A 25. D
26. C 27.B 28.A 29. A 30. C
31. C 32. D 33. A 34.A 35.B
36. B 37. C 38. C 39. C 40. C
41. D 42. B 43. B 44. B 45 C
46. B 47. C 48 A 49. B 50. B
51.C 52. D 53. A 54. B 55 A
56. B 57. A 58.B 59.C 60. D
61. D 62. A 63. C 64. C 65. B
66. A 67. C 68. A 69. C 70. B
71. A 72. D 73. A 74. B 75. D
76. B 77. D 78. B 79. A 80. A