6 Feb 2014


1. Choose the correct sets of angles of set square of one piece

a) 450 x 300 b) 300 x 900 c) 450 x 600
d) 600 x 600
2. Phantom line is used for indicating the _________ position of part
a) Actual b) Hidden c) Relative d) None of these
3. Mark the correct statement
a) The arrow head length is equal to double of its width
b) The arrow head length is equal to triple of its width
c) The arrow head length is equal to its width
d) None of these
4. Top view false on the
a) Horizontal plane b) Vertical plane
c) Half in horizontal and half in Vertical plane d) All above cases may be possible
5. Direction of rotation of external gears are
a) Opposite b) Same c) Either a) or b) d) None of the above
6. “S” in Al-alloy designation indicates
a) Cast alloy b) Wrought alloy c) As in b) and used for a/c structure d) None
7. Which Al-alloy is more corrosion resistant?
a) 2 S b) 3 S c) 17 S d) 52 S
8. Al clad is generally of
a) 17 S & 24 S b) 24 S & 52 S c) 52 S & 53 S d) 53 S & 62 S
9. Inter-crystalline corrosion is generally occurred in
a) Al-alloy containing copper composition b) 17 S c) 24 S d) All of these
10. Which of the following material is used for spot welding?
a) Clad alloys b) 52 S Al-alloy c) Both a) & b) d) None of these
11. Natural rubber is a polymer of
a) Isoprene b) Neoprene c) Diprene d) None of these
12. Which material is used for increasing the hardness of natural rubber?
a) Sulpher b) Phosphorus c) Sodium d) Carbon
13. Which is the basic colour of commercial BUNA-S
a) White b) Black c) Red d) Green
14. GR-A is a known as BUNA-N, in which A stands for
a) Butadiene b) Acrylonitrile c) Monovinyl d) Nitrile
15. Neoprene is designated as GR-M, in which M is stands
a) Monovinyl b) Chloroprene c) Acrylonitrile d) Styrene
16. GR-I designated for which type of rubber
a) Neoprene b) BUNA-S c) BUNA-N d) Butyl
17. Which type of properties is introduced in rubber after vulcanising process?
a) Elasticity b) Strong ness c) Reduce the tackiness d) All of these
18. A/C rivets are identified by
a) Head Style b) Alloy c) Length & Diameter d) All of these
19. For accurate location of particular area on an a/c, which of the following is necessary?
a) Water line b) Butt line c) As in a) & b) in conjunction with station line d) None
20. Which type of corrosion is occurred in stainless steel after electric arc welding?
a) Pitting b) Galvanic c) Inter crystalline d) Fretting
21. Which is most suitable for spot welding, in stainless steel?
a) Low-voltage b) High-amperage
c) Low-voltage and High-amperage d) High-voltage and Low-amperage
22. Which of the following is the Non-Magnetic?
a) Inconel b) K-Monel c) Monel d) All of these
23. SAE 13XX represents
a) Magnesium Steel b) Manganese Steel c) Silicon Steel d) Chromium Steel
24. Hot piece of metal is increased in thickness and decreased in length
a) Upsetting b) Down setting c) Swaging d) Rolling
25. Which of the following have greatest tensile strength?
a) Fibreglass b) Aramid c) Carbon d) Ceramic
26. For flight equilibrium, designer tries to fix the CG
a) and C of P together b) At rear of C of P
c) In front of most forward position of CP d) Along aerodynamic C of P
27. Flight calculations are based on the magnitude and direction of
a) Lift & drag b) Weight & thrust c) Lift & thrust d) Both a) & b)
28. The factors limiting the aspect ratio are
a) Structural consideration b) Drag consideration
c) Lift consideration d) Both a) & b)
29. What is required to reduce the landing speed?
a) A low minimum drag coefficient b) A small movement of C of P
c) A high max CL d) A high value of CL3/2/CD
30. With increase in altitude pressure & temperature
a) Drops b) Will rise
c) Pressure drops, temperature increases d) Temperature drops, pressure increases
31. The disadvantage of vacuum operated Gyro is
a) At high altitude, stability is reduced due to decrease in atmospheric pressure.
b) Weight due to pipelines
c) Possibility of contamination by corrosion and dirt particles.
d) All of these
32. Gyro of AC operated instruments utilize the principle of squirrel cage induction motor and because of high frequency of power supply, greater rotor speeds are possible of approximate.
a) 23000rpm b) 24000rpm c) 24500rpm d) None
33. Indication of pitch & Bank attitude are presented by the relative position of
a) Aircraft symbol b) Gyro stabilised bar (Horizon symbol)
c) Both a) & b) d) None of these
34. Freedom of gimbal system movement about the roll & pitch axes in gyro horizon is ______ respectively
a) 3600 and 900 b) 3600 and 800 c) 3600 and 850 d) None
35. The reason for restricting pitch movement of gyro horizon is to prevent
a) Gimbal error b) Gimbal lock c) Transport wander d) None
36. In single disk break, break linings are known as
a) Pucks b) Three are fix c) Three are movable d) All above
37. When break pressure is released piston moves back to position with the
a) Return spring force b) Hydraulic pressure c) Adjusting pin d) None
38. To check the angle of the main structural component in relation to the longitudinal and lateral axis is known as
a) Incidence check b) Dihedral check c) Structural alignment check d) Verticality check
39. On copper and copper alloy corrosion forms on the surface as
a) White powder b) Greenish film c) Blue d) Black
40. Corrosion on the metal is due to
a) Chemical attack b) Electro chemical attack c) Both a) & b) d) None
41. During routine check, the fuselage should be inspected for
a) Corrosion b) Fretting c) Spilage d) All of these
42. The truss type fuselage is covered by
a) Steel sheet b) Al alloy sheet c) Fabric d) All of these
43. Thermoplastic material is originally
a) Hard b) Soft and pliable when exposed to heat
c) It retains the moulded shape when cooled d) All of these
44. Remoulding and reshaping cannot be done on
a) Thermosetting plastic b) Thermoplastic c) Both a) & b) d) None of these
45. Plastic should be stored in bins which are tilted at
a) 200 b) 100 c) 150 d) 250
46. The operating frequency of ADF is
a) 90Hz b) 90KHz c) 150Hz d) 90KHz to 1800KHz
47. The ADF operates on
a) LF Band b) MF Band c) LF & MF Band d) VHF Band
48. In ADF antenna system at a point signal fades out this is called
a) Null position b) Figure of eight c) Cardiod d) None of these
49. ADF receiver essentially is
a) TRF receiver b) Superhetrodyne receiver c) Double superhetrodyne receiver
d) Suppressed carrier receiver
50. Types of antenna / antennas used for ADF receiver
a) Half wave b) Full wave c) Sense aerial
d) As in c) and loop aerial
51. If a D flip-flop is to switch from 0 to 1, then input is to be kept high for at least time T where
a) T= t setup + t hold b) T= t setup + t hold + t propagation delay
c) T= t setup + t hold - t propagation delay d) T= clock period
52. JK Flip flop is dividing the input frequency by 2, then its condition is
a) J=0, K=0 b) J=0, K=1 c) J=1, K=0 d) J=1, K=1
53. In decimal to BCD decoder
a) 1 input, 10 output b) 10 input, 4 output
c) 4 input, 10 output d) 10 input, 1 output
54. If SUB pin is high in a Adder-subtractor circuit, then circuit is;
a) Adding Two bytes b) Subtracting input byte from output
c) Subtracting output byte from input d) Adding 2‟s complement byte to the other byte
55. One of the effect of negative feed back in amplifiers is to
a) Increase the noise b) Increase the harmonic distortion
c) Decrease the bandwidth d) Decrease the harmonic distortion
56. The relationship between back emf and applied voltage in case of a dc motor is given by
a) Eb = V + Ia Ra b) Eb = V – Ia Ra c) Eb = V d) None of these
57. The direction of rotation of dc motor can be determined by
a) Fleming‟s right hand rule b) Fleming‟s left hand rule
c) Lenz‟s law d) Ampere‟s law
58. An engine driven 50 Hz alternator has a speed of 750 rpm. How many poles it has?
a) 6 poles b) 4 poles c) 2 poles d) 8 poles
59. The frequency of emf generated by a generator depends upon its
a) Speed b) No. of ploles c) Machine rating d) Both a) & b)
60. Two quantities are said to be in phase with each other when
a) The phase difference between two quantities is zero degrees
b) Each of them pass through zero values at the same time and rise in the same direction
c) Both a) & b)
d) None of these
61. Capacity of a capacitor depends upon
a) Separation between the plates b) Area of plates
c) Di-electric material d) All of these
62. The device used to measure very high insulation resistance of electric cable is
a) High resistance voltmeter b) Megger / Insulation resistance tester
c) Iron vane meter d) Ammeter of high range
63. If six cells are connected in series of each E volts, the total voltage of the battery will be
a) 6E b) 3E c) 4E d) 12E
64. Special test equipment comprising a meter and two cables each of specific length, is required for checking the resistance of bonding. A meter widely used , consists of an ohm-meter operating on
a) Principle of current ratio b) Principle of voltage ratio c) None of these
65. Cell phone is used to protect the Ni-Cad battery from
a) Shorting between plates b) Thermal runaway
c) Avoid leakage of electrolyte d) All of these
66. Which material you select for riveting Ni-steel sheet
a) Monel b) 2017-T c) 2024-T6 d) Mild steel
67. Which one of the following rivet is ready for use as received and need no further heat treatment
a) 2117 b) 2017-T c) 2024 d) 1100
68. „Ice-Box‟ rivets are
a) 2017-T b) 2117-T c) 2024-T d) Both a) & c)
69. The specification for universal head rivet
a) AN-470 b) MS-20613 c) MS-20615 d) All of these
70. Part No – AN 470 B 3-8, indicates
a) Shank dia is 3/16” b) Rivet length is 8/32”
c) Material is 5056-Al alloy d) All of the above
71. Fluid used in the Aircraft hydraulic systems are
a) Vegetable b) Mineral c) Synthetic d) All of these
72. With pure rubber seals and hose oil used in the system is
a) Mineral b) Vegetable c) Synthetic d) All of these
73. In open centre system, the number of services can be operated at one time is
a) One only b) Two only c) Any number d) All of these
74. In closed system where fixed volume pump is fitted, the system is fitted with
a) Automatic cut out value to divert pump output to reservoir
b) To maintain the normal built up pressure
c) Both a) & b)
d) None of these
75. Pressure maintaining value fitted in the system is for
a) To maintain the normal system pressure
b) To safe guard the operation of the important services
c) To maintain the pressure in primary services at a value suitable for operation of services
d) Both b) & c)
76. Packing is made of
a) Asbestos b) Cork c) Synthetic or natural rubber d) Felt
77. Aviation gasoline is having relative density of
a) 0.70 b) 0.72 c) 0.80 d) 0.5
78. Re-fuller delivery line should have filter of
a) 5 microns b) 8 microns c) 4 microns d) 10 microns
79. Component fitted in pressurization system to limit any possible negative differentiate pressure to a sage value is
a) Safety value b) Outflow value c) Inward relief value d) pressure controller.
80. Roots type blower pressurized and send air to cabin duct by taking
a) Ram air b) Air from exhaust c) Bleed air d)None of these
1. B 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. A
6. C 7. A 8. A 9. D 10. C
11. A 12. A 13. B 14. B 15. A
16. D 17. D 18. D 19. C 20. C
21. C 22. B 23. B 24. A 25. B
26. C 27. D 28. D 29. C 30. A
31. D 32. B 33. C 34. C 35. B
36. D 37. A 38. C 39. B 40. C
41. D 42. C 43. D 44. A 45. B
46. D 47. C 48. A 49. B 50. D
51. A 52. D 53. B 54. D 55. D
56. B 57. B 58. D 59. D 60. C
61. D 62. B 63. A 64. A 65. B
66. A 67. A 68. D 69. D 70. C
71. D 72. B 73. A 74. C 75. D
76. C 77. B 78. A 79. C 80. A