6 Feb 2014


1. Duckbill plier

a) Is a flat nose plier b) Is used for twisting safety wires
c) Have serrations on their jaws d) All are correct
2. Needle nose pliers are used for
a) Extracting thin/sharp components b) Extracting nails
c) Gripping small electronic components d) All are correct
3. i) A chisel can never cut the material all by itself
ii) A die is a cutting tool
a) Only i) is correct b) Only ii) is correct
c) Both i) and ii) are correct d) Neither i) nor ii) is correct
4. Cutting edge of a chisel is generally ground to an angle of
a) 30 degrees b) 70 degrees
c) 90 degrees d) 110 degrees
5. Various types of cut of a file are
a) Single cut b) Smooth cut
c) Rasp d) Both a) & b) are correct
6. Bearing strength of a material refers to
a) Direct tensile load it can bear
b) Resistance to tear at the point of applied load
c) Resistance to fracture at the point of applied load
d) Resistance to shear
7. Characteristics of metals relating to drawing it into wire is
a) Tensile strength b) Malleability c) Ductility d) Brittleness
8. Fusibility of a metal refer to its property that permits
a) Welding b) Drawing into thin sheets
c) Drawing into wires d) Good thermal conductivity
9. Aluminium alloy 1100 implies
a) Pure aluminium b) It contains 11% copper
c) It contains 111% zinc d) Heat treated alloy
10. Clad aluminium alloys are used in aircraft. They are
a) Lighter than other aluminium alloys
b) Stronger than unclad aluminium alloys
c) Easily heat treatable
d) Less susceptible to corrosion
11. Medium carbon steels have a carbon percentage of
a) 0.1 – 0.3 b) 0.3 – 0.5
c) 0.5 – 1.0 d) 1.0 – 2.0
12. Which of the statement is correct?
a) Both heat treatable & non heat treatable aluminium alloys can be strain hardened
b) Strain hardening is same as cold working
c) Strength & hardness increases during cold working
d) All are correct
13. Find out the wrong statement regarding titanium
a) It is highly corrosion resistant b) It maintain strength at elevated temperatures
c) It has good resistance to creep d) It is magnetic
14. Pitot static system have heating elements to
a) Remove moisture from the air b) Prevent ice formation
c) To permit flying at high altitude d) All are correct
15. Pressure heads of pitot static system should not be painted, because it
a) Impairs their thermal efficiency b) May cause obstruction of orifices
c) None of the above d) Both a) and b) are correct
16. i. In cross filing, the file is moved length wise across the work
ii. In draw filing, the file is moved side wise across the work
a) Only i) is correct b) Only ii) is correct
c) Both i) and ii) are correct d) Neither i) nor ii) is correct
17. A cross cut saw has
a) 4-6 teeth per inch b) 6-12 teeth per inch
c) 10-15 teeth per inch d) 12-18 teeth per inch
18. i) For a good cut on a hard material, a blade with more teeth should be used
ii) While cutting a tube, a blade should be so chosen that at least five teeth are there on each side of the tube as it is cut
a) Only i) is correct b) Only ii) is correct
c) Both i) and ii) are correct d) Neither i) nor ii) is correct
19. Spiral anger bit for drilling holes in wood are
a) Generally 7-10 inches long b) ¼ - one inch in diameter
c) Used only with a bow type hand brace d) All are correct
20. Screw driver used when there is no clearance for normal screw driver is called
a) Closed area screw driver b) Stubby screw driver
c) Off set slot screw driver d) Any one of the above
21. Air driven power screw driver should be used
a) For large diameter screw
b) For removing screw that are jammed
c) Where large number of screws are to be removed and fitted back
d) When removing screws from harder material
22. With regard to wrenches, find out the incorrect statement
a) These are made from chrome vanadium steel
b) These are generally die cast
c) Wrenches are made in various shapes & sizes
d) These are plated to improve their appearance
23. Box end wrenches are used
a) To loosen nuts that are exceptionally light
b) Where there is restricted space
c) For nuts that are bigger than one inch size
d) When open end wrench is not available
24. Crowfoot socket wrench is used where the following cannot be used
a) Open end wrench b) Box end wrench
c) Standard socket wrench d) All are correct
25. SAE 2340 is
a) Chromium steel with 3% chromium
b) Nickel chromium steel with 0.3% carbon
c) Nickel steel with 3% Nickel & 0.4% carbon
d) Carbon (0.4%) steel
26. During nitric acid test, if the material shows strongly magnetic nature, then it is
a) Monel metal b) Carbon steel
c) Nickel steel d) 18-8 steel
27. Weldability is poorest in case of
a) Plain carbon steel b) Low carbon steel
c) High carbon steel d) Wrought iron
28. Stainless steel is corrosion resistance due to presence of
a) Silicon b) Cobalt
c) Chromium d) Manganese
29. L shaped channels are produced by
a) Forging b) Extrusion
c) Machining d) Casting
30. Creep in metals is
a) Elongation due to temperature
b) Temporary elongation due to temperature and stresses
c) Permanent set due to stresses and high temperature operation
d) All are correct
31. Angular momentum is
a) Moment of inertia b) Angular velocity
c) Product of a) & b) d) Sum of a) & b)
32. Mark the incorrect statement
a) Precession is inversely proportional to the strength & direction of applied force.
b) Precession is inversely proportional to the moment of inertia of the rotor.
c) Precession is inversely proportional to the angular velocity of the rotor.
d) None of the above
33. Control of drift, relating to horizontal gyroscopes can be achieved by:
a) Calculating corrections using earth rate formula and applying them as appropriate
b) Applying fixed torques & cause gyro to process at a rate equal & opposite to the earth rate.
c) As in b) but which can be varied according to latitude
d) All of these
34. When gimbal orientation is such that the spin axis becomes coincident with one or the other of the axes of freedom which serves as attitude displacement reference is termed as
a) Gimbal lock b) Gimbal Error c) Apparent drift
35. Grip length of the bolt is
a) Total length of the bolt b) Plain shank length of the bolt
c) Length under the head to the end of the bolt d) None of these
36. In close tolerance bolt, force applied to drive in is
a) 10 ounce hammer b) 20 ounce hammer
c) 12 to 14 ounce hammer d) Sledge hammer
37. Special washer AC 950 and AC 955 are used where
a) Bolt is installed at angle to surface b) Bolt is installed head down
c) It can be used any where d) None of these
38. Rasp file is used for
a) Hard material b) Lead, wood or leather
c) Both a) & b) d) Other materials except lead, wood & leather
39. Philips screwdrivers are tapered to an angle of
a) 730 b) 530 c) 600 d) 930
40. Snaps are used to
a) Support the markers head of rivets b) To make the shop head during riveting
c) Both a) & b) d) None of these
41. Soft solder is the combination of tin and lead in proportion of
a) 2 : 3 b) 3 : 2 c) 1 : 4 d) 4 : 1
42. Bending stress is the combination of
a) Compression and shear b) Shear and tension
c) Compression and tension d) Tension and shear
43. In true monocoque construction primary stresses is taken by
a) Skin b) Frames c) Bulkhead d) Longerons
44. The skin of semi monocoque fuselage carries
a) No load b) Full load c) Part of the load d) Half of the load
45. The longitudinal stability of aeroplane is dependent on
a) Position of C of G b) Movement of C of P on the main plane and fuselage
c) Area of the tale plane, its aspect ratio, distance from C of G d) All of these
46. Direction of rotation of external gears are
a) Opposite b) Same c) Either a) or b) d) None of the above
47. Al clad is generally of
a) 17 S & 24 S b) 24 S & 52 S c) 52 S & 53 S d) 53 S & 62 S
48. Natural rubber is a polymer of
a) Isoprene b) Neoprene c) Diprene d) None of these
49. Which is the basic colour of commercial BUNA-S
a) White b) Black c) Red d) Green
50. Which type of corrosion is occurred in stainless steel after electric arc welding?
a) Pitting b) Galvanic c) Inter crystalline d) Fretting
51. SAE 13XX represents
a) Magnesium Steel b) Manganese Steel
c) Silicon Steel d) Chromium Steel
52. Hot piece of metal is increased in thickness and decreased in length
a) Upsetting b) Down setting c) Swaging d) Rolling
53. The factors limiting the aspect ratio are
a) Structural consideration b) Drag consideration
c) Lift consideration d) Both a) & b)
54. The disadvantage of vacuum operated Gyro is
a) At high altitude, stability is reduced due to decrease in atmospheric pressure.
b) Weight due to pipelines
c) Possibility of contamination by corrosion and dirt particles.
d) All of these
55. Gyro of AC operated instruments utilize the principle of squirrel cage induction motor and because of high frequency of power supply, greater rotor speeds are possible of approximate.
a) 23000rpm b) 24000rpm c) 24500rpm d) None
56. During routine check, the fuselage should be inspected for
a) Corrosion b) Fretting c) Spilage d) All of these
57. The truss type fuselage is covered by
a) Steel sheet b) Al alloy sheet c) Fabric d) All of these
58. Two quantities are said to be in phase with each other when
a) The phase difference between two quantities is zero degrees
b) Each of them pass through zero values at the same time and rise in the same direction
c) Both a) & b)
d) None of these
59. If six cells are connected in series of each E volts, the total voltage of the battery will be
a) 6E b) 3E c) 4E d) 12E
60. Which one of the following rivet is ready for use as received and need no further heat treatment
a) 2117 b) 2017-T c) 2024 d) 1100
61. When calculating power in a reactive or inductive ac circuit, the true power is
a) More than the apparent power b) Less than the apparent power
c) As in b) in reactive circuit and as in a) in inductive circuit d) None of these
62. The correct way to connect a test voltmeter in a circuit is
a) In series with the unit b) Between the source voltage and the load
c) In parallel with the unit
63. Transfer of electrical energy from one conductor to another without the add of electrical connections
a) is called induction b) is called air gap transfer
c) Will cause excessive arching and heat, and as a result is impractical
64. Diodes are used in electrical power circuit primarily as
a) Switches b) Rectifiers c) Relays d) Contactors
65. If three resistors of 3, 5 and 22 ohms are connected in series in a 28V circuit, how much current will flow through the 3 ohms resistor?
a) 9.3 amps b) 1.05 amps c) 0.93 amps d) 10.05 amps
66. What is the value of a resistance if given colour codes as brown, black, brown, black and brown.
a) 1010 ohms b) 1000 ohms c) 101 ohms d) 10.1 K ohms
67. What is the value of a capacitor if given colour codes are orange, orange, blue and white.
a) 33nF b) 33μF c) 33pF d) 3300μF
68. The output of a astable multi-vibrator is
a) Triangular wave b) Saw tooth wave c) Sinusoidal wave d) Square wave
69. In an oscilloscope by varying intensity control, what actually varied internally?
a) Cathode voltage b) Anode voltage c) Grid voltage d) Cathode current
70. The output of NOT gate is always
a) High b) Low c) Same as input
d) Complementary of input
71. Oxy acetylene welding process is suitable for joining metal sheets and plates having thickness of
a) 1 to 30mm b) 2 to 50 mm c) 2 to 40mm d) All of these
72. In oxyacetylene welding, welding rod is required as a filter metal when welding is carried out above
a) 15mm b) 10mm c) 40mm d) 5mm
73. In oxyacetylene welding, neutral flame produces a maximum temperature of
a) 30000F b) 32000F c) 32000C d) 30000C
74. Standard colour for oxygen hose is
a) Black b) Red c) Green d) None of these
75. In magnet steel, the alloying elements are
a) Nickel, Cobalt b) Silicon, Nickel
c) Molybdenum, Copper d) Tungsten, Cobalt
76. Maximum distance between support for fluid tubing of 1/8” size of steel is
a) 12” b) 14” c) 9.5” d) 11.5”
77. MS 20004 is a
a) Internal wrenching bolt b) Close tolerance bolt
c) Clevis bolt d) None of these
78. Mark the incorrect statement, regarding K monel metal
a) It is ferrous alloy b) It is used for gears and chain
c) It is non ferrous alloy d) It is corrosion resistant
79. The symbol is for
a) Wood b) Cast iron
c) Steel d) Rubber
80. Ballast is used on a/c
a) To attain the desired c.g. b) To increase the weightc) For making nose heavy d) None of these
1. D 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A
6. B 7. C 8. A 9. A 10. D
11. B 12. D 13. D 14. B 15. D
16. C 17. B 18. A 19. D 20. C
21. C 22. B 23. A 24. D 25. C
26. B 27. C 28. C 29. B 30. C
31. C 32. A 33. D 34. A 35. B
36. C 37. A 38. B 39. B 40. B
41. B 42. C 43. A 44. C 45. D
46. A 47. A 48. A 49. B 50. C
51. B 52. A 53. D 54. D 55. B
56. D 57. C 58. C 59. A 60. A
61. B 62. C 63. A 64. B 65. C
66. C 67. B 68. D 69. C 70. D
71. B 72. A 73. C 74. C 75. D
76. D 77. A 78. A 79. B 80. A