1. there is only non ferous metal can be caseharden
a. Al
b. Mg
c. Ti
d. a&b
2. chain elongation not more than
a. 2%
b. 3%
c. 1%
d. 6%
3. shock mount use for instrument pannel depends upon
a. wt. of unit
2. gyro instrument
3. total instruments
4. all
4. if AOA of lest wing increases then
a. liftt inc. drag dec.
b.lift inc. drag inc.
c. lift dec. drag dec.
5. efficiency is measured in terma of
a. LD/
b. W/L
c. S/D
d. D/L
6. Control gearing
7. a/c requires longer runway on
a. damp day
b. dry day
c. rainly day
d. all
8. tab which takes aerodynamic load
a. servo tab
bb. trim tab
c. spring tab.
d. balance tab.
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